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*** Official "THE MATRIX RELOADED" Review Thread (1 Viewer)


Dec 19, 2002
My Matrix Reloaded Review (SPOILERS AHEAD!):

Well...I just got back from the Employee Showing...and well...how do I put this...it wasnt as bad has I was thinking it would be...in fact some parts I downright dug...but first the parts that irk me:

Zion...it looks just stupid...plain and simple...and theres a 4 minute rave sequence like something out of STOMP that is just stupid and pointless and could have easily been cut...and how the hell did people make this city...I realize that over 100 years...but still...this place is just HUGE...and looks like a big matte painting...I thought it looked silly and was sooo glad when the story went past Zion and onto the story...

Niobe is a pointless character and just takes up space pretty much...

The Action: Man o man do the fights suck! I know your thinkin "what?" But they do...they get in the way of the story and are rather pointless and lack any kind of energy and are full of absolutely some of the most horrendous CGI characters I have ever seen...the Burly Brawl especially is one of the lowpoints of the film...sure its kinda neat...but it doesnt make sense...if Neo can stop Agents and destroy them...and fly...and all this stuff...why does he even bother fighting them...when after the fight he just flies off...and all the Agents just casually walk away...pointless scene...basically any scene with Neo kung-fu fighting is useless...because he doesnt need to...when he resurrects Trinity at the end...ya gotta wonder..."Damn this dude is seriously powerful...he can bring people back from the dead...and kill Agents...but yet he still sees some need to kung-fu fight" Pointless...The Car Chase is pretty neat...but again...I was distracted by the horrid computer FX and it just didnt have any energy...I mean with this kinda film we have limitless possiblilties almost and the best we get is more shitty Wire-Fu and a car chase...pretty dull...I mean...at one point The Orace says that there are programs or something that can produce anything...like Werewolves...Vampires...Zombies...and the film never delivers once on that...whats the point of mentioning it if your not gonna show it later...maybe they will in Revolutions...but I doubt it...more wasted screentime on something were not gonna see...but there is a small hint at it when Monica Belluci kills two men with Silver Bullets...guess that was it...pretty dull though...

Slow-Mo: They go WAAAAY overboard on Slow-Mo...the 4min Rave scene in Zion...its 4min of slow-mo nothing but slow-mo...and its the most boring piece of film I have ever seen...

The Kid: Useless character...not needed at all...

The First 30min or so of the film are very very very slow...I'm talkin DEAD! The Zion scenes are just so boring...

The Twins: Just cheesey all around...and I just couldnt stop thinking..."White Milli Vinilli" And they just look real cheesey when they transport...

Agent Smith: I like the idea that he has become more than the Matrix and that he is actually a real person...which is very cool...but it seems that they have turned Mr. Smith into a one-liner character...but that is a minor gripe because he owns so much ass...but again whats the point of Neo even fighting him when he can simply destroy them...

The Ending: Feels like this is a TV series and gives the previous 2 hours a very cheesey feel...

Morpheus's Speeches: God-awlful...we get the point that you believe in The One...get over it...stop telling everyone every 5min that Neo is the One...

The Music: Pure and utter shite! Whatever happened to a score...I liked the traditional score from the first and its hardly even heard here...all we get is "Hmph! Hmph! Hmph!"

What I liked:

Anything that has to deal with the Origin of the Matrix...The Oracle...The Architect...I loved that shit...the Architect scene is just damned cool and I really dug it...the scene with the Oracle is very well presented...but its a shame...cause thats when I started to really get into the movie and then all of a sudden the film goes into the Neo VS. 100 Smith's scene and I was like "Crap that sucks...I wanted more Oracle."
I just dug the whole History of The Matrix and the philosophy thing about Choices and such...I dug that so much...its just a shame that there had to be so much pointless action...action without a story...is a pretty boring thing...

Trinity: I thought she just kicked ass in this flick...from beginning to end shes just cool...

Agent Smith is a Real Person: I was hoping that this would be true and my hopes were answered...Smith is such a great character...and the ending is pretty cool...but the To Be Concluded bit is just too cheesey...they could have learned a thing or two from Peter Jackson or Lucas on how to close a chapter of a bigger story...

The preview for Revolutions is pretty cool and looks more promising than Reloaded...

Overall...it was a decent film...I might go so far as to call it good maybe...but theres a lot that I didnt care for and found to be just illogical and boring...

See my new thoughts on page 3! This movie owns! :D

Robert Crawford

Senior HTF Member
Dec 9, 1998
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This thread is now the Official Review Thread for "The Matrix Reloaded". Please post all HTF member reviews in this thread.

Any other comments, links to other reviews, or discussion items will be deleted from this thread without warning!

If you need to discuss those type of issues then I have designated an Official Discussion Thread.



Supporting Actor
Apr 5, 2002
Well. I just got back from seeing the film. I thought it was as good as the first, or better. Those who enjoy, will enjoy. Those who don't, will echo Scott Kurtz's comments, or those of Joshua_Y.

I will not write an extensive review, simply because I have neither the time, nor feel the need. Those who enjoy, shall do so regardless. Those who do not, are free to feel so. All should see to decide for themselves.

Much like Star Wars.
Dec 14, 2000
I absolutely loved the movie as a whole. I found the beginning to be slow and at times, pointless. (e.g., the Zion rave scene) However, they showed enough classic special effects like bullet time, and news one like freeway fight scenes, that you come out enjoying it just as much as the first one. I especially like the philosophical underpinnings presented in the end, not necessarily new, but additions to what we already know. The possibility of several levels of reality, severals Matrixs, is quite cool. And that is quite a cliff hanger in the end.

I think Zion, is just another level of the Matrix, Neo stopped Sentinels by will. I think this revelation, the power of it, is what put him into a coma. Maybe the Architect is another form of control, like the prophecy? In any event, there is more then one Matrix I believe.

Peter Apruzzese

Senior HTF Member
Dec 20, 1999
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Peter Apruzzese
Short & sweet:

Can't say I enjoyed it very much. I liked the first one (well, the first two-thirds, until it degenerated into simple action & rescue mode), but this one is just too much. Too much action, too much dialogue, too much humanity, too much kung-fu, too much dancing (really!), too much setup-for-the-next-film, too much really phony-looking CGI, too little actual Matrix. And the ending will annoy many people - it's the worst ending since Back to the Future 2.

It reminded me of the review I gave Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom all those years ago - "It's the most boring, action-packed film I've ever seen." That fits THE MATRIX RELOADED perfectly.

Probably worth seeing if you're a fan, others should stay far away...

Lou Sytsma

Senior HTF Member
Nov 1, 1998
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Lou Sytsma
Marking my spot. It's 1:00 am and I'm beat. Overall impressions - I really enjoyed it. The whole Matrix concept is really expanded upon. This is really only half a film though. One of the poorest endings ever.

----Updated 2003/05/15 - 11:00 am-----------------------

The Matrix Reloaded - 4/5 - might bump another half point based on repeat viewings and seeing Matrix:Revolutions.


That one word sums it up. The W. brothers have taken the original Matrix and used it as a springboard to a much larger world. From a technical standpoint and storytelling one they have really pushed the envelope.

What a treat to see someone push a franchise beyond it's beginnings to explore new territory. They could have taken the safe road and merely given us a rehash of the first one ie like another in the endless James Bond series.

As is evident from the other threads here Reloaded leaves us with more questions than answers. It is deliberately constructed with an open structure to allow the audience to come up with their own individual interpretations.

Every new character introduced is interesting. Returning characters are expanded upon with the exception of Neo. He is still persuing his original quest.

Does the picture stumble? Yes, sometimes. Some of the fight sequences lack motivation or go on to long. Some of the digital double work is apparent. Overall though, the effects are amazing and the Neo flying sequences are a sight to behold.

The philosophy sequences are fine by me with the exception of the Architect. There is so much exposition there that it is difficult to truly assimilate evertything in one sitting. At least for me. For those that feel they got everything the first time I applaud you. There are nuances that I'm sure escaped me in that sequence.

I enjoyed the whole Zion sequence. The Smith character was amazing and I'm sure will play a big part in Revolutions.

An amazing piece of work.

Patrick Sun

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1999
For fans of the first film, the next installment, The Matrix Reloaded, continues in the same vein as the first film, but ramps up the action and the incredible special effects that enhance the story being told.

I didn't have a problem with the "Rave" scene of Zion in the first act of the film, because I took it for what it was: a celebration of life, and what they are fighting for, the scene itself serves to energize the humans for their war against the machines of the Matrix. The rave is the macro-level of that celebration of what it is to be in the community of man, while there is a micro-level story interweaved into the whole of that scene. But some of the rest of the scenes in Zion could have been trimmed without much impact to the setup in the film.

As in the film film, there are bits of dialogue that get a bit too wordy when the conversation veers into existentialism and metaphysical aspects of life in and out of the Matrix. It's just part of the lexicon of the Matrix films. Some will find it daunting, but I had a good time with it because it does give pause to churn over the ideas being explored in this film, including choices made from that most irrational of human emotion: love.

Plotwise, it's actually pretty straight forward, but it's in the details and in the manner in which the main trio (Neo, Morpheus, and Trinity) get from point A to point B to point C that make for some really incredible visual effects that accompany the storytelling. Literally, there are some absolutely jaw-dropping shots and scenes in this film. It's really fun stuff to watch. The complexity of the special effect have gone up exponentially, and the roller coaster aspect of it is just flat out amazing. Just don't expect it to be wall-to-wall special effects, but when they kick it into high gear, the ride is fast and fun and absolutely furious.

If you liked the first film (and not just chapters 32 through the end of the Matrix DVD), I'm pretty darn sure you'll enjoy this second installment of the trilogy.

I give it 3.75 stars, or a grade of A-.

Trenton McNeil

Second Unit
Apr 30, 1998
I really should watch it again before I opine. I slept through parts simply because my day was too long to start with. Another review will follow after I see it at IMAX. :)

AJ Johnson

Stunt Coordinator
Jun 30, 1997
Real Name
I'm not pulling any punches here. Anyone that wants to stay upbeat about this movie I suggest you skip what I have to say right now and go on to the next post.....

That movie took forever to end. I was bored out of my mind. This is nowhere near the first Matrix in terms of "fun". The endless talking made this movie come to a halt too many times. And I don't mind talking in movies but the characters have nothing to say that we haven't heard already. Morpheus still talking like Spock, Neo and Trinity doing nothing until the next fight scene, blah blah blah. And the action, ugh. The action didn't justify all the talking I had to sit through. It felt so forced and pointless. The fight scenes...terrible. Every fight looks the same. The characters move stiff and slow. The punches and kicks have no impact whatsoever. It's like they're playing tag out there. And Joel Silver doesn't have to worry about anyone copying the special effects and fight scenes this time simply because THERE IS NOTHING TO COPY. The Neo vs 100 Smiths fight reminded me a lot of the fight in Blade II (Blade vs Nomack) only there weren't a 100 Nomacks all over the place. The great freeway chase? It was just like any other chase you see in an action movie...except these guys use slow motion like it's going out of style. Trinity on the bike was the only part that didn't have a "been there, done that" feel. I think I've said enough. Needless to say I feel no need to go see Matrix Reloaded again and it seriously put a downer on my anticipation for Revolutions.

I forgot to mention one redeeming factor about this night. I saw the Freddy vs. Jason trailer on my print of Reloaded and the crowd went nuts for it. It actually gave me chills :)


Senior HTF Member
Apr 18, 1999
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I just got in and i thought it was a excellent film. Great 2nd parter to set up the third and final act of a trilogy. There is a lot of story there underneath all the action and double talking.



Senior HTF Member
Apr 30, 2002
I'll make this short. I was with Big fans of the matrix and with some people that thought the matrix was a fun film.

The "fun film" type hated this movie, or rather, just didn't enjoy it.

The "big fans" really, really enjoyed it.

The Matrix can get by with people enjoying the movie but not really caring about the story or thinking it's silly/dumb or whatever hang ups they have. If you thought the matrix was just a mediocre film, you will probably hate this one.

Chuck Mayer

Senior HTF Member
Aug 6, 2001
Northern Virginia
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Chuck Mayer
I'm not sure I am up to a full review. This will have to do until Friday (after a second viewing). To respect that, no grade will be given now.

I imagine the Matrix story (or 2/3 of it) as the dream fable/fantasy/wish of a very bright, very dreamy 16 year old boy. And that's a very high compliment. It manages to tap into a very primal, unobserved part of our life. It's not a life-changing film. It wants to be, and I admire that. It's full of ideas, and it's full of wish-fulfillment. If Peter Pan wasn't stuck as a boy, but a young man just beginning to see the world, this would be his story.

^^Romantic claptrap, yes. But how I feel after a first viewing.

It will split many Matrix fans, just as Steve_Tk broke them down. I loved the ideas and concepts of film one more than the characters. In this, the characters (a few of them) catch up, and I actually CARED for them. Kudos to Carrie Ann Moss, and more importantly, to Keanu Reeves. His best work to date. He was exceptional in this.

The story itself works if you want it to. It's often outrageous, and I understand many of the criticisms laid at the film. I don't agree with them personally (well, SOME I do), as I think I understand a lot of the choices, and I applaud them. This was the film I wanted it to be.

Smith - he does need to be addressed in Revolutions, or this will be a weak link. I felt the Burly Brawl was too long and did not serve the story. At half the length, I wouldn't have noticed.

This wasn't a safe sequel. It went places traditional Hollywood would not go. Minus a few small complaints, it was the most exhilirating film I have seen in a while.

Not perfect. Not even close. But successful and brave? Yes.

More in a second review,


Second Unit
Sep 20, 2000

I loved the first film but this movie was just boring. I kept waiting to be taken into the film and actually care about the characters but it never happened.

Zion...what was going on there??!?! It did not feel it even belonged in the film. As a matter of fact, the entire movie up until the car chase is just boring...very boring.

Where was the drama?? Neo and Trinity....yawn. Nothing to this movie and I could care less about the third one now. Agent Smith did not even need to be in this film.

0 out of 5.

The effects do not even match the first film.

Scott Weinberg

Senior HTF Member
Oct 3, 2000
The Matrix Reloaded (:star::star::star::star::star: out of 5)

Riding a stunningly huge wave of pre-release hype, massive fan base expectations, and a heaping handful of early-buzz detractors, the 20 million ton sequel that is The Matrix Reloaded has finally settled into the multiplexes...and damn if it’s not a resoundingly good time.

“Is it better than the first?” is a question I’ve been asked several times, and my answer is invariably “Nope.” But those who ask that sort of question are precisely the sort who will probably love Part 2 anyway, partially because it’s a LOT more of the ‘same thing’ from the original film, but also because the sequel capably manages to introduce its own branching mythologies and several colorful new characters. In other words, the spectacle of The Matrix universe is alive and well and almost guaranteed to keep your brain dancing until Part 3 shows up in November.

That The Matrix is one of the craftiest and most influential (to say nothing of popular) modern sci-fi flicks is a barely debatable point. Appearing on the scene a few months before the first Star Wars prequel, The Matrix was a bona-fide sensation, earning about $170 million (in the U.S. alone) before becoming the original MUST OWN DVD on the market. By now, just about everyone in the civilized world likes, loves (or downright adores) this movie. Though it’s a kinetic and clever sci-fi action film, the real beauty of The Matrix lies within the deciphering of its many puzzles. The surface stuff is wonderful, but nothing beats the thrill of discovery. Clearly, the Brothers Wachowski have a pretty tough order to fill with these gigantic follow-ups.

My biggest gripe (and it’s a small one) about Part 2 is that that ‘newness’ is inevitably absent. Movie fans have had the past several years to revisit and debate and discuss the finer points of The Matrix’s loftier concepts. (Indeed, The Matrix Reloaded may be one of those films that suffers from impossibly high expectations.) The sequel assumes we’re already up to speed and plunks us right back in step with the action:

Freedom fighters for humankind, Morpheus, Neo and Trinity are about to head back to the massive subterranean hideout known as Zion. Barring a few short bouts of kung fu smashy, the first 45 minutes or so are dedicated to new character development and somewhat extensive plot exposition. (This fact has led to many early complaints about the film’s overall pacing, though I’d recommend you take a look at the original film and count the ass-kickings that take place in its first act.) If straight-out non-stop hysteria is what you’re after, then sure: the first section of this movie may seem pretty arid. But if you’re like me, you may actually enjoy the “dialogue stuff”; the Wachowski’s screenplay is easily fascinating enough to bridge the spells in between explosions and 12-minute fistfights. The concepts here are lofty and self-important to be sure; some people see those as detriments. Based on the ideas and ideologies presented in both movies, I’d respectfully disagree.

Our heroes are off to discover the whereabouts of a ‘program’ called The Keymaker, and their search brings them to a devious Frenchie called Merovingian who has these evil ghost henchmen and a sneaky curvaceous partner named Persephone and...

Know what? Forget synopsis. Either you know the plot specifics already, or you want to go into the film blind. I won’t waste our time.

I had an absolute ball with this movie. Period. Even in the most entertaining movies, I often find myself ass-shifting and watch-checking every 23 minutes or so. Not so here. The well-documented “Burly Brawl” and a stunning chase scene that runs about fifteen minutes will be breathlessly discussed by movie fans for years to come…or at least until The Matrix Revolutions shows up and we have even slicker eye candy to devour.

That the Wachowskis have created their own unique pastiche from a massive array of cinematic and literary influences is a topic best suited to those who actually know what they’re talking about (as opposed to myself, who usually just regurgitates the 'brainy stuff’ only because I’ve read smarter people’s work). What I can admit is that the whole Matrix concept simply fascinates me. The idea that humankind lives in a false reality may not be anything new, but I don’t see many other filmmakers using the concept to such dizzyingly entertaining degrees.

The Matrix Reloaded is the best kind of sequel: it revisits the best sections of its source material; it gives beloved characters new things to do and learn; it introduces a few fresh concepts and characters that only serve to complement the story as a whole (well, Parts 1 and 2 anyway, though you can bet your house that I’m salivating over the prospect of Chapter III); it isn’t dumbed down or lazily realized (try and remember what most sequels used to look like not too long ago: chintzy hack jobs); and most important: it gives Joe Moviegoer 2 hours and 20 minutes that are easily worthy of his 9 bucks.

If The Matrix is considered one of the best sci-fi movies ever made, then The Matrix Reloaded is a pretty damn excellent sequel to one of the best sci-fi movies ever made…and that’s good enough for me.

Tim Glover

Senior HTF Member
Jan 12, 1999
Monroe, LA
Real Name
Tim Glover
Just got back myself. Saw this in group of 9 people and all but one left very disappointed. That one wasn't me.

This movie fell flat for me on every level. As some have already stated it was boring. Scenes that should have been inspiring weren't and went on too long.

It was a mess.

Thumbs down....Waaaaaaaaaaaaay down.

Marque D

Stunt Coordinator
Jul 13, 2000
I just got back in; I went to a 10PM showing here in the Dallas area. So everyone got out around 12:35. After we watched the 13 minutes worth of previews and the green WB Studios intro finished the film caught on fire. I mean it had to be planned it was timed perfectly. So that killed about 5 minutes to work that out. Did you all see the minute and half preview of The Matrix: Revolutions. I will say it was worth staying the extra 15 to 20 minutes after the movie ended to see this preview because other wise you might not see another preview like it until T3.

Right now I'm going with 3/5 and I will have to see it again to pay closer attention to some of the key dialog towards the end of the movie.(Very wordy I sugguest taking with you a dictionay and some one who got a 800 on the verbal part of the SAT) Looks like they are getting an extra $6.75 from me again on Saturday.

Does the fact that I actually saw the first one in theaters make you a Matrix nerd? I run into a lot of people who only saw it on video or DVD. The Matrix was the first DVD I bought and is still in heavy rotation when it come time to demo the HT system.

Brian Ford

Stunt Coordinator
Jun 16, 1999
What is the Matrix Reloaded?

A faithful installment to the series, and an all around satisfying ride.

Pros: Nearly everything. The humor, the music, the images, the underlying themes and all around plot are top grade.

Cons: Odd dialogue. Lazy and/or Odd Editing.

I would say cut down on the dialogue repeating itself, and add some stops to the action scenes. This could have made it a classic. For now, I think it's one of the best movies I have seen in a long time.

X2 is instant gratification. It alerts you and satisfies your senses right off the bat.

The Matrix Reloaded is subdued gratification. It digs into your brain deeper and deeper, until it drills out the other side.

Two very different animals, one very great feeling.


Senior HTF Member
Jul 4, 1997
Matrix Reloaded :star: out of :star::star::star::star:.:star:

I saw the Matrix last night, in a preview showing.. and I think in another thread I hinted what I felt.. "the perk - it isn't Highlander II" I was coaxed tonight to go back, watch again - pay my ticket - and see it with a group of friends.

I think the problem I was having on my initial viewing were expanded upon with the second viewing, and now I can definitively say: this IS the Highlander II of sequels.

I am a huge fan of the first film, and so I went into this more then a little bit "upbeat" about my hopes for the film originally. I figured tonight I would have lowered expectations and maybe would enjoy it more. Instead, I found myself having the same problems I did previously, and coming to realize exactly what went wrong with this film.

In Highlander II, a sequel to Highlander, an interesting, unique film, the filmmakers chose to "justify" most of the happenings of the first film. This set of justification set the mythos of "Highlander" on it's ear and caused a lot of problems for fans, who could not equate "Xiest" with the concept of "it just is". In a sense, "Matrix Reloaded" creates it's own "Xiest" when it transforms pregiven constructs in such a way that it contradicts the mythos of the first film.

This is not to say that you cannot change the concept, or that you cannot expand on the concept. But too much of "Matrix Reloaded" was seemingly spent denying the concept altogether, or in fact, seemingly padding in order to give the impression that "things are different because they just are"

Within the first ten minutes, we see scores of fight scenes and good action. We are then greeted with signs of what really is Zion, which turns into a "Rave" party scene which lasts a mindboggling 8 minutes+ which seems to have as it's sole point "show some women's boobs" and "dance to awkward techno". Dialogue delivered here is so forced that it goes beyond inane, the delivery of the lines themselves comes across as though someone is reading the Ten Commandments to potential converts.

There will be major spoilers ahead, so do not unseal unless you REALLY want to know.

In a rash moment, somewhat understandably, Neo goes to meet the Oracle; at which he is confronted by another "member" program; this program is able to provide a solid match for Neo's fighting skill which results in a draw.. he then guides Neo to the Oracle.. which left me wondering: why can the matrix not create more of this program?
This scene contradicts all potential mythos. In fact, in light of this scene, you wonder: if Neo is set to be able to undermine the programming, as he does elsewhere.. in fact, in the fight scene with the Agent Smith characters later in this same seen - then how can this scene exist, without showing the Matrix as a flawed concept? this becomes exceptionally puzzling at the end.. so much so that it becomes nonsensical.. I'll address that later...

it is then pointed out that the Oracle is, in fact, a computer program running to hand out information.. this is something I had assumed earlier.. but it becomes something of a sore thumb at the end

We then procede through some laborious dialogue between the senator and Neo, dialogue that would make George Lucas TPM dialogue look sparkling. The dialogue is both tiresome and lacks any real point, it seems to act as another 5-10 minutes of padding for a film that already drags. This is then followed by several strange "Neo Worshipping" scenes, which create a strange assumption of a compressed timeline I'm definitely not aware of..

But the finale is where the wheels really fall off...

In the end, the Oracle sends Neo to find the Keymaker. The Keymaker is a program that is about to be terminated but it holds all of the keys to the Matrix so that it can access the backdoors to all areas.. after a long series of action, we finally get to go through the door to the mainframe, seemingly a floating observation space platform containing "The Architect" this character informs Neo this is not the first time, but the sixth. On the TV screens, we see previous itterations of "Neo" going through the same program. We are then informed the Oracle is in fact, his partner, and she knew of these problems.. thus, every so often, all of Zion is killed off, the "One" or the "One" who sees the problem is then allowed to choose some for breeding stock, and it all starts over; some percentage will escape, etc.. this creates a lot of conundrums which simply cannot be answered.. IF Neo, in this form, and in previous forms, chooses the breeding stock, then he himself cannot be the same logical outcome in every itteration.. and more then that, it contradicts the concepts of the machines breeding humans - something we were shown earlier.. they would have no need for breeding stock - and more then that, it creates another strange paradox: the architect offers two solutions: one the utter death of everyone; the other choose who gets bred.. only one problem with that.. as a computer program bent on perfection, as it pointed out earlier, the determination could not be held to Neo.. or "Choice" and more then that, if it needs Zion for breeding stock, then.. ugh, what's the point.. it was just bad. All around, stink out loud bad. The dialogue was bad, the concept was bad, the acting in this whole labored scene was bad.

The last scene completely sells fans down the river, and seemingly throws up the red flag of "we've lost every good idea, so we'll steal a few" by basically lifting the core concept of "The Thirteenth Floor" and applying it here.. what no one seems to think about, I'm not going to get into a long rant on how this greatly inerts the concept of neo "seeing the source code" (which at this point becomes a fallacy) .. but I will say that everyone I was with immediately said: "Damnit"

From a huge fan of the first, and a science fiction fan, this movie betrayed most of the common concepts of good scifi.. if you have a good mythos, build on it. Don't try to jiggle it or change it, or rework core concepts.. because you'll find making it work with the groundwork you've laid out is more then difficult.. it's basically impossible.

The Matrix Reloaded drags, runs about 20-30 minutes longer then it should have, lacks any through action, has a plot that greatly destroys key concepts of the first film, and manages end in a third movie setup which may be not only a great rip off, but one with absolutely no emotional investment in any character.

I said to someone two weeks ago: Xmen2 will do well, I think better then "The Matrix Reloaded" but "The Matrix Reloaded" will be where the good stuff happens.

Whoa was I wrong. If you have a choice to see X2 or The Matrix Reloaded.. and you have not seen either.. do yourself a favor.. catch "X2" and at least see acting and a plot worth watching.

Travis D

Second Unit
Feb 15, 2001
Quick Review:


Longer Quick Review:

Sometimes you just can't satisfy all the people all the time. Other times you can satisfy most people with mediocre writing and low expectations. But why would you want to do that when you can do something good like you know you can? This is the choice (ironically enough) that the W's had to face. Sure, they could've written the story that most geeks could think up of how this seemingly cleancut story was supposed to continue and eventually end and everyone would have been mildly satisfied. Or they could write an epic mindfuck of Biblical proportions which turns all you thought you knew on its head. A story which expands on ideas as well as introducing more than its share of new ones.

I'm glad they did the second.

As a fan of such films as Donnie Darko, I am used to weird ass films. Not only am I used to them, I love them. I, as a filmgoer, am prepared to go wherever a filmmaker is willing to take me. I don't punish a film if it goes somewhere I wasn't expecting, I applaude it. I like seeing a story I haven't seen done a million times before.

Reloaded is going to dissplease watchers who felt its duty was to go somewhere it did not. I take Harry Knowles's review for example because his was the first I could think of. In his review he chastizes the film for not expanding on the idea of vampires and werewolves in a certain area of the film. He was unhappy the film did not take his route.

However, if you have no predetermined idea of what these films should be and have access to a dictionary during the Architect scene (I have a mild problem that he might talk a little TOO elevated) then you should love the shit out of it.


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