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*** OFFICIAL NYC Area HTF personal/personnel WTC tragedy thread **STAY ON-TOPIC PLEASE!!** (1 Viewer)

Tom Meyer

Second Unit
Feb 11, 1999
A good friend of mine normally works down on Wall Street but stayed home this AM to take care of some household chores. I also have a 2nd cousin who works for Goldman Sachs, whose offices are on Broad Street, several blocks from the WTC. I have no idea of his status.


Taken For Ballast
Senior HTF Member
Apr 19, 1999
Metro NYC
Real Name
I was just about to post asking if anyone had heard from you. Glad to see you're OK. :)
What a nightmare this is.
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus.

Michael Reuben

Senior HTF Member
Feb 12, 1998
Real Name
Michael Reuben
Appreciate the concern, Tino. At first I was busy persuading my wife to leave her office in Times Square (I didn't want to take any chance on other attacks). Since we got home, I've been dealing with family. Phone service is still erratic, so it's been mostly email.

Peter Apruzzese

Senior HTF Member
Dec 20, 1999
Real Name
Peter Apruzzese
I'm sitting here shaking right now. I have two good friends - one who lives uptown and works in Lower Manhattan (her subway stop for work is the World Trade Center) and another who lives in Jersey but who travels into various parts of the city (he's in sales) - I haven't been able to reach them all day. I know phones, cellular, email, everything in that area is down and swamped, but I want to hear from them that they are o.k. This is so frightening.
UPDATE: One of my friends has been tracked down. She hadn't made it all the way to the office - her subway was stopped at 34th street. It took her over 2 hours by bus and walking to get back home to 140th street. No word on my saleman buddy. Phone service is still spotty.

Kenneth Cummings

Supporting Actor
Aug 7, 2001
A friend of my from the message board EoFF named Majken lives in the New Jersry area and tends to leave all the time on a plane there. I feared that she might been on that plane today, but she is on AIM right now and safe and sound. A friend at school named Kate, was planning on moving to New York at the end of the year, but I think Kate plan is going to be changed. I pray for everyone who is still out there and all the fallen.

Support the DVD release of the Disney Afternoon for her.

Steven Simon

Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 1998
Real Name
Steven Simon
My brother works on the floor of the NY stock exchange. He was walking out of the path train in the WTC when the first plane hit.... He was near the foot of the trading floor building when the second one hit... He ran for his dear life as the smoke and ruble was comming down... He managed to escape ..... With 2 of his firends.... He said he could only see around 1 foot in front of him... he escaped to the ferry and managed to cross over into Staten Island.....
Sorry for rambling... I almost lost my brother today......
Thank You God....
Also I pray for all the victims of this senseless act.....
God Bless....
Steven R. Simon
HTF Administrator
Theater Pics Updated 9-11-2001
Send Email: [email protected]

Richard Cooper

Stunt Coordinator
Mar 21, 2001
No apologies needed. I'm glad your brother is ok, and that many people have reported their friends and relatives are safe. Our thoughts are with those still waiting to hear, and I'm sure good news will be forthcoming.

John Morris

Can anyone help with locating our cousin, John Paul Halupa, 43, who works for IBM in the WTC area. We have not been able to locate him nor contact him since the initial explosion this morning.
Thanks for your help!
Take Care,
John and Gail Morris

John Morris

Steve: Thank God your brother is OK!
As for our family, we are currently missing our aunt Marie and a cousin John Paul, both of which worked for seperate companies in the WTC. No one has been able to contact either since the initial blasts this morning. A local police officer said that it is unlikely, according to co-workers that my aunt survived since she was last seen at her desk in the WTC building that took the last hit and colapsed first.
Regardless, I'm gonna smoke a nice CAO for your brother and for my missing relatives and for all the missing and dead tonight!!!
From the latest news reports... it seems like Afghanastan is smoking too???
God Bless America!!!
Take Care,

Grant B

Senior HTF Member
Mar 29, 2000
A friend of mine took the red eye from SF to NY for a afternoon meeting at the WTC. He was planning on dropping off his lugage at the office in the morning and seeing NY but instead had too much to drink on the plane and slept it off in the hotel
I'm so glad so many people had forces keeping them away from the targeted areas for some reason
Everything sounds corny in the face of trajedy but I have a feeling an era is over and I'm not looking forward to the future
Best wishes of health and safety to all your loved ones

Max Knight

Supporting Actor
May 8, 2000
A close friend of mine works for Merrill Lynch, and thus was pretty much at ground zero. Thankfully he made it out OK, along with everyone (I think) from his group. If anyone has any loved ones who work for the Merrill Lynch Bonds group stationed in the WT plaza, it sounds like they all were evacuated to NJ very quickly.
I myself work near Penn Station, and had a view of the entire event. Seeing the towers crumble was one of the most numbing things I've experienced in my relatively short life.
Love and luck to all affected by this tragedy.

Tom Meyer

Second Unit
Feb 11, 1999
the sister of a good friend of mine lives about 3 blocks from the WTC but had not been at home last night due to her being the head designer for Betsey Johnson (it's Fashion Week and they had their show). Her husband was, however, at home, and was trapped in their place until about 3pm when the power went out. She made it back by walking down the West Side Highway (I think) and are now walking back uptown to find friends to stay with.
Also, the sister of my friend in CT is a flight attendant for United and they did not know her whereabouts until several hours after the events as she currently acts as a fill-in attendant.
Whew and whew.

Brian Bunge

Senior HTF Member
Sep 11, 2000
While I don't have any friends in the NYC or DC area, I thought I'd let you guys know that all this has even affected business here in the Atlanta area. I work for BellSouth and just about every major tall building in the Downtown/Midtown area was evacuated. BellSouth Center, Coca-Cola, Bank Of America, CNN Center, the Marriott etc. all closed. Most of the malls closed early as well.
On my 40 mile commute home I saw and very thin, old man (probably 60-70) with a large American Flag in his hand. He didn't appear strong enough to wave it back and forth, but as each car passed he raised it in the air slightly. As I passed him I waved...and then burst into tears.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you that have loved ones in NYC and the DC areas.

Jack Gilvey

Senior HTF Member
Mar 13, 1999
My best friend works across the street from the WTC, and my sister-in-law only four blocks away, and I just found out each was ok within the hour. Despite how much today has sucked, I allowed myself a bit of relief.
I was born in Hoboken, and grew up with those towers always in the background.
"Imagine there's no countries,
it isn't hard to do,
Nothing to kill or die for,
and no religion, too."
-John Lennon

Troy Thomas

Mar 24, 1999
I burst into tears just reading your message. Amazing how a tragedy like this brings out emotions we never knew we had. God be with all those with missing loved ones. My prayers are with you.

Chris S

Senior HTF Member
Apr 9, 2000
Real Name
Chris S
I second Troy's comments.
Star Wars: http://www.ig88-.net

Travis D

Second Unit
Feb 15, 2001
I have a feeling that the only reason we haven't heard from a person with a close death is because they have more things to worry about other than HTF. Oh, how I hope I'm wrong though.

Michael Lee

Supporting Actor
Jan 7, 1998
This was a close one for me. My wife had an appointment at the WTC today at 10:00AM. She was aiming to get there a little early to help set up. Thankfully, she forgot the power cord for the printer she was bringing. She left the train platform here on LI to come back home to get it, thus taking the later train. I managed to catch her by cell phone at 9:10 before she got too close to the city.
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Bill Slack

Supporting Actor
Mar 16, 1999
One of my friends works for American Express-- which is directly next to the WTC (can be seen in most of the shots on TV...)
I have not been able to get a hold of her... I just want to make sure she's OK.

Seth Paxton

Senior HTF Member
Nov 5, 1998
I've heard no other mention of this, but I'm disgusted by the though of it
Actually I heard another person who escaped mention the same "you are safe here, don't evacuate" message. That person also left anyway and was on floor 6 when plane #2 hit.
On our personal front, my girlfriend's (live-in for 4 years) sister-in-law's boss was on one of the planes. We are rather close with her brother and sister-in-law and she is pretty upset (sister-in-law).
Ron is a New Yorker, right?
Ric Perrot is also a NYer (or Jersey maybe). Any word from either of them?

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