Monolith by Monoprice has added two eight-channel Class D home theater amplifiers to its portfolio, the 8250X ($2,999) and 8125X ($1,999, pictured in header). The blocks are designed, engineered and assembled in the USA with globally sourced parts, and use high-end audiophile-grade Hypex NCore modules. Monoprice promises that the Class D topology ensures both models will deliver outstanding efficiency and accurately reproduce the most dynamic soundtracks while articulating the subtle sonic details found in music.
“We take great pride in our Monolith products, and these new Class-D amplifiers are no exception. Engineered for uncompromising performance and value, our new Monolith amps efficiently deliver powerful and precise audio output across the entire frequency range, regardless of output gain levels. On top of all that, we were able to provide this level of world-class performance at an incredibly competitive price point,” said Hobie Sechrest, Monolith Business Unit Manager...
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