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Marantz SR5200 Problems Update. To Keep Or Not To Keep... (1 Viewer)

Sep 30, 2001

I just wanted to update you with the feedback I got from Marantz regarding the audio drop-out and the S-Video sync problems.

Here's part of an email I received with translation in red. My questions were sent in english (blue).

Monsieur Senez,

Pour faire suite à vos questions et interrogations touchant votre récepteur SR-5200 voici l'information que nous avons pu obtenir. J'ai obtenu ces informations soit de la part de Marantz ou notre bureau technique de Toronto.

To answer some of your questions regarding your SR-5200, here are some information that I've got. They come either from Marantz or our technical office in Toronto.

Problem 1: I have audio drop-outs on the digital input

(optical and coax). This happens between tracks on a audio

CD and sometime when I look at special features on DVDs. I

told my dealer and he told me that Marantz was aware of the

problem but he didn't know if Marantz will fix it. I'm still waiting for feedback on this issue.

Le circuit numérique qui passe en mode sourdine n'est pas nécessairement unique aux produits Marantz. Voici un aperçu de ce qui se passe dans ce type de circuit :

Le circuit numérique reçoit un signal soit par liaison optique ou câble coaxial. Ce signal est dirigé vers la puce décodeur numérique, cette puce doit voir le signal et par la suite déterminer de quel type de signal il s'agit : Dolby Digital, DTS, PCM... une fois que la puce a identifié le type d'encodage il procède au décodage du dit signal. A chaque fois qu'il y a une perte de continuité dans le signal numérique le circuit doit recommencer son travail d'où la mise en sourdine du décodeur numérique. Nous avons constaté qu'au fur et à mesure que les circuits numériques deviennent de plus en plus sophistiqués le délai devient de plus en plus grand. Nous avons vu ce même problème sur d'autres marques de récepteurs.

Nous avons reçu, de la part de Matantz, un avis nous faisant part d'un problème sur certains récepteurs. Lorsqu'il y a un silence entre deux sources audio, soit numérique ou analogique il y a un bruit de ''POP'' dans les haut-parleurs. Marantz nous a aussi avisé de la solution à ce petit problème. Soyez assuré que nous nous excusons des contretemps que cela puisse causer à notre clientèle.

The digital circuit that goes in mute is not necesserely unique to Marantz products. Here's what's happening in these type of circuit:

The digital circuit receives a signal from either the coax or optical input. The signal is sent to the digital decoding chip, it has to detect what kind of signal it is: Dolby Digital, DTS, PCM... Once identified, the chip starts to decode it. Each time there is a loss of continuity in the signal, the chip has to start the identification process and puts the output in mute. We have noticed that digital circuits are more and more complex and the delay becomes longer. We have seen the same problems on other brands of receiver.

We have receive from Marantz, a note about a problem on certain receivers. When there is silence between 2 audio sources, either digital or analog, there's is a POP in the speakers. Marantz has adviced us with a solution to this small problem. Be assured that we're sorry for the delays caused to the clients.

Problem 2: My DVD player (Pioneer DV333) is hooked up with the S-Video connection. If there is a bright edit in the DVD movie that I watch (ie. a white frame), the video sync is lost for a couple of frames and comes back.

Nous avons appris que le bureau technique de Marantz et nos techniciens sont présentement dans le processus d'effectuer quelques essais afin de cerner la cause du problème. Il me semble qu'ils sont très proche d'une solution. Par ce fait nous aurons certainement de bonnes nouvelles dans un avenir pas trop lointain.

We have learned that the Marantz technical office and our technicians are presently into the process of reproducing the and finding the cause of the problem. I appears to me that they almost have a solution. With that, we should have good news in a near future.

Robert Rudin

Lenbrook Industries Ltd

Boucherville, Qc

I'm very thankful for the feedback but that does not solves my problems.

I have 1 week left to decide if I keep my Marantz and live with it or if I go for a Yamaha. For the same price, I can get the RX-V800 which I think is very comparable to the SR5200 (except for the DPL2 which I can probably live without) I can also put 600 $ CDN more and go for the RX-V1200 with DPL2 and with the latest and greatest Yamaha technology. And just now, I notice in another thread some new models (RX-V730, 630 ??). Just to confuse me more...

If you have any reasons why I should go for any of these Yamaha receivers or stay with the Marantz, let me know !

Thanks !

John Garcia

Senior HTF Member
Jun 24, 1999
Real Name
Personally, I wouldn't be happy with the sound of Yamaha vs Marantz. Even the lower models have better sound to me than all but the most expensive Yamaha receivers I've heard. This may also not solve the audio drop out issue.

I don't use my 6200 for video switching, so that is not an issue for me.

I can tollerate the audio dropouts.

I have not yet experienced the "POP", so I don't know about that one.

Overall, I am quite pleased with the 6200.

Chris PC

Senior HTF Member
May 12, 2001
SR 6200.

Well, even though I use S-video for my Laserdisc and my SVHS vcr, I rarely notice the "loss-of-sync", but I did see it a few times vaguely while watching "The Crow". I'll look for it again. I will likely do more and viewing on my DVD player, which is hooked up via component cables.

I won't be experiencing the audio dropouts because I don't use my DVD player to listen to CD's now. I've decided to use my older "analog" output CD player and I'm happy with the sound for now.

My receiver sounds very nice and I'm happy for now. If Marantz finds a solution to the problems, then thats great, when the time comes, I will take my receiver in and have them fix the problems under the warranty.

Pete Jennings

Second Unit
Sep 13, 1999
The absolute biggest problem with the x200 line of Marantz receivers is that the sound quality is habit forming. I had a 7200 with ALL the associated problems, but the damn thing sounded so good that I went on a quest to hear all and find an alternate replacement brand. Wellllll, I ended back up with a Marantz product again. I went with a 8200 this time, and am happy with it. The most frustrating thing about the whole experience is that they are soooo close to having a knockout line with fantastic price points. Think about it, pick the feature/performance ratio for ANY of x200 products, and then try to find something else with that sound and feature range for the $. It isn't easy!!

When/IF they get the associated problems corrected, if they haven't killed their reputation they are gonna kick butt. I think they just missed a great shot at gobbling up a big chunk 'o market share.

My $.02

Dec 2, 2001
I'll have to agree with some of the previous comments. I have a 5200 and experienced the "popping" sound that some people have complained of. I was really impressed with the sound and when I started looking for a replacement, I couldn't find anything in the same price range with the same features and performance. Luckily I did send mine to get the popping sound fixed - and it worked. Customer service was great for me. My receiver was only out of my hands for about 1 week (over the Christmas holiday). They sent it 2nd day air UPS both ways on their dime.

I wish I hadn't had to go through all the gyrations I did, but now I am happy. The sound is great. What more can I say.

John Sturge

Stunt Coordinator
Aug 18, 2001
After getting the Home Theater sickness, I have had lots of problems with equipment, and have had expensive equipment crap out on me. My Denon DVD 1500 would never work with my first receiver Denon AVR1801, repair after repair, try after try, it would never work. Luckily, it was all under warranty, and I'm in tip-top shape now. With new elctronics.

My new policy is, find the center of the problem and eliminate it no matter what. If there is conflict in the period of time I have to return it, I find a new model.

Get something different Patrick.
Sep 30, 2001
Well, I finally switch for the Yamaha RX-V1200 yesterday.
It wasn't easy and I tried to find alternative solutions. In one thread, somebody mentions that drop-outs were gone by using the Marantz CC4000 (CD Changer). I didn't want a CD changer but a DVD changer would have been nice so I tried the Marantz VC5200 (5 disc DVD changer). It did not resolve any problem... :frowning:
So I decided once and for all to make the jump and put extra cash on the RX-V1200. I got it yesterday evening and I only got the chance to watch 1 movie with the default settings (Tomb Raider). There are way more parameters to set on the Yamaha compared to the Marantz and it's going to take me a couple of days before I tweak the receiver. At first glance, I do notice a difference in the sound but I'm not as good as some of you to describe it. I cannot say that it is "better" or "worst" than the Marantz but different. I'll continue to set it up and once it's done I'll try to give my thoughts on the receiver. I know that others already have done this but if my review can help other HT newbies decide, it would be great.
Of course, the good news is that I don't get any drop-outs of any kind and no video sync problem either. That really makes me happy ! :)
To Marantz owners, my dealer confirmed to me yesterday that there is a fix for the s-video sync issue. I think that you should contact your local dealer and get that fixed !
Have a nice weekend !

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