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Looking for a new notebook (1 Viewer)


Supporting Actor
Jan 18, 2000
The time has come to start shopping around for a new notebook. The fact I have a new job means I'll have some $$ for one :)

Right now I'm using a Dell 700m, and have a homebuilt desktop at home (originally built for games). Both machines are around 3 years old. I would like to replace both with the new notebook, so it needs to straddle the line between portability and power.

Budget: Around $2000, though I'd also like to get a nice external monitor in the 20" range

Screen: 15" range
CPU: Core 2 Duo 2.0 - 2.4 ghz
Ram: 2 gigs
Video: Dedicated. I'm not really a gamer but would like to have the option for stuff I can't get for the PS3. I'd also like to be able to view and edit HD video with either Premier Elements or Final Cut Express.
HD: 160+ gigs
Optical: I'd like to have the option of a Blu-ray drive for viewing my BD movies while traveling.
Good external monitor support: I want to be able to use it at home with an external display, and would like to be able to use the laptop screen and the external monitor at their native resolutions at the same time.

I've been leaning towards the MacBook Pro line, but if I go this route I will probably wait until MacWorld in January to see if Apple introduces an updated line (hopefully with a Blu-ray option, and a black case). My main reason for thinking about a Mac is I'd really like to try out OS X, as I hear great things about it. I also like the look of Final Cut Express, and think the fact that its big brother is used in the post production of major hollywood films!

My only concern about the Mac line is I've heard about some quality control issues with some of the hardware, though I've also heard most of these have been resolved? This question would probably go better in the Mac forum.

I've also looked at some of the windows machines. I want something somewhat stylish, and like the looks of machines like the Sony VAIO, Sager, ASUS, HP, and Toshiba (though I certainly wouldn't get a BD drive with the later!). I also see Dell is introducing a new 15" XPS soon which actually looks good too, and meets a lot of the specs I want.


Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2001
Catfisch Cinema
Real Name
I bought a MacBook Pro in that price range earlier this year with similar specs: 15" C2D 2.2 (?) GHz, 2GB RAM, 160 GB HD for about $2500. The only item I'm uncertain about is the BD drive. Apple doesn't offer integrated BD, but there may be external drives coming out.

I've been impressed by the support for external displays. Plug in a display and it is immediately found and added to the desktop. With the Function button or Displays Preferences, you can easily set the screen resolution and whether it mirrors or extends the desktop.

For more info on the Mac line, go to the Mac sub-forum. Lots of info for "switchers".

Andrew Pratt

Senior HTF Member
Dec 8, 1998
I went the MBP route as well after trying an ASUS W3J out last year. The Asus was nicely styled but still had its quirks and frankly I was looking for an excuss to try OSX. Having using my Mac since then I've been VERY impressed as its by far the best notebook I've every used both from a hardware and software perspective. Given your authoring needs the Mac seems a logical choice but you're right you may have to wait to see if the revised MBPs get the bluray drive.


Supporting Actor
Jan 18, 2000
I'm also keeping an eye on threads in the Mac forum too, I've even posted a bit there.
Video editing is only one thing I was thinking about, and I'm sure Premier Elements would probably work fine for what I want to do. I even noticed that Dell has a Photoshop Elements 5/ Premier Elements 3 bundle you can have preinstalled for only $80 (old versions I know).

Still, those Macs are tres sexy!

What quirks did you have with the Asus?

Kimmo Jaskari

Feb 27, 2000
The Macs certainly are a good option in that you can get your feet wet with OS X. The only issue is that a Windows license will cost you extra and you may also wind up paying for VMWare Fusion or Parallels and whatever extra software you want to buy for OS X.

You'll also get less hardware for the money (ie, you can probably buy a beefier laptop if you buy another brand - but of course it won't be a Mac or be able to legally or easily run OS X.)


Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2001
Catfisch Cinema
Real Name
Not so much with the higher-end hardware. MacBook Pros seem to be quite-price competitive with Windows hardware.

The real issue for pricing, IMO, is that there's no mid-range Mac notebook to match a $1500 Dell Inspironitude.


Sep 7, 2003
I have a windows xp machine at home but when the time came to buy a laptop I ended up buying a macbook 17' pro.

I was so impressed with the way it all just seams to work so well I decided to sell the Xp home computer and go mac all the way. :)

Just though you might like to know.


Oct 28, 2007
Real Name
Susan Smith
Hey I do you like the Apple MacBook Pro 2.2GHz 2GB 120GB 15.4 laptop ,it is now on sale for $1844 in dealstudio.com .
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, 120 GB Hard Drive, DVD/CD SuperDrive.
It got very good reviews in amazon.com and provantage.com.


Oct 28, 2007
Real Name
Susan Smith
Hey I do you like the Apple (MA895LL/A ) MacBook Pro 2.2GHz 2GB 120GB 15.4 laptop ,it is now on sale for $1844 in dealstudio.com .
2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo, 2 GB RAM, 120 GB Hard Drive, DVD/CD SuperDrive.
It got very good reviews in amazon.com and provantage.com.

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