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LAND OF THE DEAD dvd (1 Viewer)


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 26, 2002

Land of the Dead on DVD
Romero promises more character development and effects on DVD.

June 27, 2005 - George Romero's Land of the Dead opened this week to a respectable $10 million in box office receipts, so it comes as little surprise that the director is already discussing opportunities not only for the forthcoming DVD, but potential sequels. Describing the inevitable unrated version that will appear on DVD, he confesses that much of the material will be character-building content rather than simply extra gore. "There's a few things," he says. "There is one scene in particular where [John Leguizamo's] Cholo, before he meets [Dennis Hopper's] Kaufman, he goes into a neighboring penthouse and finds a human that hung himself and has to kill him. That was a scene that we felt didn't turn out as effectively as it could have and we didn't think it was necessary so that's really the only major scene from the original script that's gone."

"The DVD version, we are working on it now," he reveals. "I think it's about six minutes longer, but it's all just adding back or putting in some effects that were excised and putting in some little things like little bits of dialogue in existing scenes that we cut out just to tighten the pace. It's mostly that, and that penthouse scene."

Romero says that he employed a few CGI tricks to bypass some of the MPAA's objections to the film's gore for the theatrical cut, but did not indicate whether the shots would be restored for the DVD. "Universal was more willing to pony up a little more dough, [so] we got an extra few days to try and improve on some of the gore things and dance around the MPAA a little bit by doing the shadow thing and smoke thing to indicate what was going on without actually having it in your face."

"I used Kubrick's trick on green screen," he explains. "I shot figures walking by so if there was a particular gory shot I could composite it and walk someone in front of it." He marvels at the MPAA's vigilance when it comes to excising or editing questionable footage. "It's amazing sometimes that the MPAA will do a frame count."

"Like nobody knows what's going on here? If it's eight frames shorter it's okay? But I guess they have to be diligent and that's the only way that they measure it. 'Make that a little shorter so it will be alright'," he says, imitating their response.

Beyond the DVD and its many iterations, Romero says he has a few projects on deck, including the Showtime series Masters of Horror and a potential Dead sequel. "Masters of Horror is something I am hoping to do," he says. "It's going to depend, I guess; it's sort of related to what happens with this. If this opens strong, I might be in a situation where I might have to do another one of these or would be asked to do another one of these right away, in which case I've sort of left the [story open-ended]."

"I'd almost want to make chapter two of the same movie if that happens," he continues. "Just sort of finish the story and I have an idea of where to go with and in my mind just think of them both as one movie. So if that happens I may not be able to do the Masters of Horror."

Although Masters enlisted other horror greats such as John Carpenter, he says that simple timing may prohibit Romero's involvement. "I've been so tied up on this thing that I haven't been able to write a script for [the show], he confesses. "Mick sent me a couple of scripts and a couple of them are pretty nice. I'm still hoping that I can get a couple of weeks and still be able to do that." At the same time, the independent-minded moviemaker reveals he has a few other ideas up his sleeve, even if neither of his immediate interests play out.

"I have a couple of other things that we are working on, but everything would get trumped if they want to do a sequel to this."


Supporting Actor
Dec 4, 2001
I'm surprised there's only going to be 6 more minutes of footage in the DVD cut. The 93 minute theatrical version felt rushed and seemed to lack a lot of exposition/character development that made the previous Dead films so great. I was really hoping for a lot more extra scenes on the DVD to fulfill that loss and I doubt 6 extra minutes will make much of a difference. This film needed to be 2 hours long. :frowning:

Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
I don't know, Haden, 6 minutes is a lot when you spread a few seconds here and a few seconds there throughout the entire film.

Sounds good to me. :emoji_thumbsup:


Jan 11, 2001
I will keep an open mind about the DVD cut, but I agree with Haden. The movie felt very rushed, and poorly composed. If I didnt know ahead of time, I would never have imagined that this was a real Romero film. It did not have any of the soul of the first three Dead films. :frowning:

Jon B NY

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 21, 2004
I think it had the soul of Night, Dawn and Day, but yes the length was a problem. Those three films are all pretty much two hours each. The unrated Dawn being the longest of them all, at 142 minutes. It's also the best of the four if you ask me.

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
Real Name
Kevin Ray
NO, the 2004 remake is wayyyy better......;)

I don't know, a Romero Dead film well under two hours......just doesn't seem right to me.

Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
you must love wearing a bullseye on your back. ;)

I really don't have a problem with the film being 99 minutes after the additions, that's a solid length IMO.

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
Real Name
Kevin Ray
Anyone who seriously flames me on that is as humorless as a Zombie anyway.....well...that, plus I just don't care. :D

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
Real Name
Kevin Ray
....yeah I knew someone would bring up Night, however to be perfectly honest about it I thought Day was much longer than that....maybe it just seemed longer than that.;)

(nope, I wasn't very big on Day in the Dead pantheon....it isn't bad per-say I was just underwhelmed by it in the shadow of Dawn I suppose, but that's me.)

Inspector Hammer!

Senior HTF Member
Mar 15, 1999
Houston, Texas
Real Name
John Williamson
I hear you loud and clear. But you do realize that by saying you prefer the remake to ANY much loved classic here in the HTF, it's the equivalent of walking up to a total stranger on the street and calling their mother a whore. :D

I agree with you, though. :emoji_thumbsup:

Justin Bauer

Supporting Actor
Feb 19, 2003
Did anyone else read the script for Land? I was able to find a copy online and it has several scenes that were cut from the original movie. I am curious to see if they are the ones that are going to added back or if the script just changed alot during filming.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 13, 2003

I read two drafts of the LAND OF THE DEAD script and disagree with the above. The only full-length scenes I can remember that aren't in the final film are the Penthouse scene that Romero mentions will be in the "unrated" DVD, and a later scene where Kaufman's executives are plotting against him. Oh, there was also a scene with zombie rats, but I read that was cut before filmming, and a quick scene of the army of the dead walking across the river underwater, which I'm also going to guess was probably never filmed.

But yeah, 6-minutes of additional footage sounds about right based on the two LAND OF THE DEAD drafts I read. It was an incredibly tight script with very little in the way of throw-away material.



Senior HTF Member
Nov 15, 2004
The basement of the FBI building

That's one of the things I liked about the movie. They didn't mess around and let it run on and on (which I think Day Of The Dead did). They made a 90 minute movie and it just ran from one thing to the next to the next.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 13, 2003

Yeah, I agree, and I love DAY OF THE DEAD. Reading the LAND script and then watching the movie, it feels like Romero made a conscious choice to keep it as tight as possible, to differentiate it from the more philisophical and meandering DAY OF THE DEAD. All four films really do play like different chapters in the same book, each chapter being recognizable as a part of the whole, but having their own unique styles nontheless.


Justin Bauer

Supporting Actor
Feb 19, 2003

I will have to go and re-read it again. I have not touched it since a month before the movie released. I remember the Penthouse scene was cut to, but I also thought there was an some stuff cut out of the raid on Uniontown...

Were there any significant changes between the two scripts? The one I have varies in small ways to the final product in terms of character deaths and what not.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 13, 2003
The first draft I read was dated early July 2004, and the ending was different...


The ending of the July draft had the dead actually taking over the city and all of the humans fleeing, and Riley's line- "They're just looking for their own place"- was "It's their city now" instead. That was the major change really, plus it had even LESS exposition than the late-August 2004 draft that I read on-line later on (which itself had a similar ending to the final film, except that the dead were still enamored of the fireworks and didn't attack and kill all the people clamouring near the electrified fence). The August draft added the sickly son of the Irish militant, for example, and was 4-pages longer than the July draft, and was pretty close to the final film, save the scenes I mentioned above that got dropped.


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