"The notoriously tumultuous making-of story behind Steven Spielberg‘s hit Jaws and the writing of its best-selling source material by Peter Benchley are getting the documentary treatment.
Timed to the 50th anniversary of the 1975 film, Nat Geo has greenlit Jaws @ 50 (working title), a doc feature that will focus on both the Spielberg film and the writing of the horror best-seller by Benchley. A summer 2025 release is planned on National Geographic and for streaming on Disney+ and Hulu.
Laurent Bouzereau is set to direct."
‘Jaws’ Documentary in the Works From Nat Geo, Amblin
Laurent Bouzereau, who recently did docs on Faye Dunaway and Natalie Wood, will direct the feature timed to the Steven Spielberg film's 50th anniversary.