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Has a TV Show Ever Gone where you Did'nt Want to Go ? (1 Viewer)

Dave Scarpa

Senior HTF Member
Apr 8, 1999
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David Scarpa
I find myself in this situation right now with NYPD Blue. Looking at the Spoiler filled Descriptions my Tivo gives for upcoming new episodes I find they are going to Do something to the Sipowicz character that I feared and Really don't want to experience. This guy has been Shot, Has lost almost every partner he's Had, Lost his first Wife, His son, and has had Prostate Cancer and Now will have to endure yet another tragedy (Although I doubt they'll follow thru with it) I say enough is enough, let the poor guy retire in peace. I have'nt decided if it's enough for me to give up the show but I'm debating it.

Lee L

Supporting Actor
Oct 26, 2000
I thought I had read somewhere that they were not going to do anything real bad to him for the final year. I'm like you, they poor guy has had enough.

todd s

Senior HTF Member
Jul 8, 1999
I am a little disappointed with Blue this year. It is very depressing. First we have Zack acting like a jerk. The new Boss is an ass. And someone is trying to go after Andy. I wouldn't mind one of these things going on. But, it is too much all at once.

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
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Kevin Ray
I was never a dedicated fan but when Buffy turned Willow into a latent lesbian I though it was not at all about advancing the character but purely sensationalist and a pathetic pandering attempt to draw in the (popular media conception at the time) "Zena" crowd.

Tony Whalen

Senior HTF Member
Jan 29, 2002
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Tony Whalen
Hmm.. that never even crossed my mind Kevin, and I'm very late to the whole Buffy thing. (Just got into it this year, and devoured the DVDs.)

My biggest TV upset? Millennium. The first season, I really enjoyed it. Then, in the next season, it went off on a weird psuedo-relegious angle, and I just lost interest. I liked Frank Black, but...

Actually, come to think of it, X-Files got pretty darned old at the end. I know some won't agree, but frankly I just got tired of it. I didn't catch the majority of the last season or two. I did tune in for the big final episode, which was pretty disappointing, as it resolved nothing.

Lew Crippen

Senior HTF Member
May 19, 2002
I don’t know if I can identify my biggest, but I agree with Tony in that Chris carter lost the plot after the first season.

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
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Kevin Ray
It was also just after Ellen came out on her show and got Huge ratings, I always felt when Buffy followed suit soon after it was a sensationalist ratings based move rather than any respectful wish to create a gay character, the only reason she created a good character out of the move was IMO because Hannigan is a good actress.

Wayne Bundrick

Senior HTF Member
May 17, 1999
Has a TV show ever gone where you didn't want it to go?

Yeah. On Moonlighting when Dave and Maddie did the hibbidy dibbidy.

Rob Gardiner

Senior HTF Member
Feb 15, 2002
Turning The Simpsons into a melodrama (the "fake" Seymour Skinner, the death of Maude Flanders, the divorce of Milhouse's parents, etc.)

The crew of Deep Space Nine spending a little too much time in a Las Vegas nightclub. (And the cute but annoying "pixie" counselor didn't help much either.)

MASH after too many original cast members left.

Law & Order was all about "just the facts, ma'am" in its first 5 seasons. When Benjamin Bratt joined the cast, the producers started to exploit the sexual attraction of its cast member for the first time. I don't remember Chris Noth ever walking around in his undershirt.

Michael Martin

Nov 26, 2000

Not so much that they did it, but that the producers and writers had NO idea what to do with them, then.

Shephard's pregnancy in season 3 didn't help; the show went from bad to worse when they wrote it in.

I just refuse to acknowledge that the show continued after the second season. Went from great to intestinally painful.

Nick Graham

Oct 16, 2001
The X-Files, past the sixth season. And the Willow lesbian thing just seemed like a stupid publicity stunt...they could have killed it gracefully after season 6, but alas, they didn't.

Bill Williams

May 28, 2003
One of my favorites, Twin Peaks, just kept dragging everything out way too long after the Laura Palmer murder mystery had been solved and ended. It was like David Lynch was asking, "Well, what do we do with them now?" Then they went into the whole Windham Earle mystery that went nowhere.


Supporting Actor
Mar 31, 2000
The replacement Duke boys on The Dukes of Hazzard.

The replacement Becky on Roseanne [though Sarah Chalke has redeemed herself quite well on Scrubs].

The year by year degradation of Happy Days. Fonzie becoming a shop teacher, dating that chick with a kid, getting McGinley-ized, switching over to Joanie/Chachi central.

The Practice went off the rails somewhere around the time Lyndsay was on trial for murder.

Six Feet Under moving away from the stories being tied to the dead brought into their funeral home, and towards more standard soap opera fare [still good show, just not as good as when the dead talked to them, or their deaths tied in to things going on in their own lives].

Karen Sisco and Wonderfalls prematurely moving in the direction of cancellation.

Kevin Porter

Supporting Actor
Jan 10, 2002

(To any potential Buffy fans, don't read this paragraph. Spoilery goodness follows)

I'm gonna have to disagree with you there. Willow's relationship with Tara seemed like a natural progression to me. When in college, you tend to experiment with new things plus the fact that they're both witches makes it seem all the more logical. She found something in Tara that she couldn't in anyone else. The accusation that it was pandering is absolutely not what Joss and intended and, in my opinion, the way it didn't turn out. They didn't even have an onscreen kiss until a total 28 episodes after they met (From Hush to The Body) and even then, the way in which the kiss was placed in the episode was the most classy I've ever seen on television. This wasn't a "On an all new Ally Mcbeal: HOT GIRL ON GIRL ACTION!!" thing. Joss has even stated that he put the kiss in the least expected place he could because he didn't want to make it that kind of sensationalistic event. It wasn't even promoted from what I recall as the "HOT GIRL ON GIRL KISSING ACTION" episode.

Mike Graham

Supporting Actor
Aug 31, 2001
I enjoyed the turn Millennium took in its season season, only because it was much more interesting then the standard killer-of-the-week formula. However, the third season where the Millennium group were the out and out bad guys responsible for everything wrong in the world just didn't work at all.

The conspiracy arc of the X-Files should've been dropped in season 5 or 6. By drawing it out further, it only made it more inconsequential.

Kevin M

Senior HTF Member
Feb 23, 2000
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Kevin Ray
You're certainly entitled to your opinion Kevin but I see it quite differently considering the time line...
Seth Green tells the shows producers he is leaving the show as his star rises, Xena's high ratings and high profile lesbian fan base are the darling of hollywood gossip shows such as E.T. and Access Hollywood, then Ellen comes out of the closet on her show and the ratings hit the roof, not two or three months later Buffy producers discloses that Willow is becoming a Lesbian next season...kind of odd to announce such a major character change in what would normally be left secret until they spring it on you in the season.
Also Willow showed no signs of this behavior before Green left the show at just the right time.

IMO the decision to change her to a lesbian was not based on an honest desire to present a likable gay character into the show, no matter how delicately they finally pulled it off, IMO they did this to boost rating in light of the other shows success & because it was the hot media topic of the time.

Perhaps I am a bit of a cynic but the coincidence of the timing was just a little too convenient for me to respect it as a legitimate character arc they had planned all along.

Dan Rudolph

Senior HTF Member
Dec 30, 2002
Xena gradually went off the rails, but it became really clear in season 5.

The largely Sorbo-free season of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys was pretty bad (Porkules, for instance), btu then the show got back on track.

Proably the best (worst?) example I can come up with is Sliders, which somehow changed from an alternate history sci-fi show to a monster/movie-rip-off of the week show, then changed premises again and lost most of its original cast along the way.

David Williams

Senior HTF Member
Mar 6, 2001
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David Williams

Farscape: When they killed Pa'u Zotoh Zhaan off and the show went in other directions. I stopped watching

Ally McBeal: Billy has a brain tumor and starts acting uncharacteristically like a bastard and then dies. The show went off the rails and I stopped watching.

The Simpsons: When we find out that Principal Skinner isn't who he think is was the turning point (I hate that episode so much I like to pretend it doesn't exist) and I stopped watching about 2 seasons later when they killed Maude Flanders.

I'm sure there are others but I'm starting to sense a theme here... :D


Senior HTF Member
Jan 16, 2001
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Oh brother. I can't believe people are actually making comments like that. Yeah a ratings ploy. Right.
If it had been for one episode like on some series that would be a ratings ploy but like many gay people, they date the opposite sex and then realize, or rather admit it to themselves that they are gay.

I agree with Kevin's post.


Supporting Actor
Apr 15, 2004

Yes! ALIAS did when it got Vaughn and Sidney together after the whole bringing down SD-6 episode. I still to this day want her with Will.

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