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Happy new SVS owner (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Dec 17, 2003
. . .unfortunately it's not a subwoofer this time.

BUT, I received today my packages from SVS. The 5.0 package and an SPL meter and Avia disc.

I've done a quick calibration using the SPL meter and the receiver's test tones (Avia will have to wait for this weekend).

I don't really have much value to add to other conversations that have taken place. Due to my position as a graduate student, this is the first real setup I've had. Earlier in college I lived with some guys and we made a "hodge-podge" HT with some old EV speakers from a church, a Wharfedale center from Ubid, and some RadioShack speakers as surrounds. It was pretty terrible. So based on what I can personally compare them too, I don't have too much to offer.

I will say, however, that I think they sound wonderful. I have zero complaints thus far (I've only listened to a couple DTS tracks and a couple music tracks) and I'm really looking forward to calibrating this weekend. I will post more info if I feel that it may be useful for others.

Here's a quick picture of my setup. It includes the SVS's, a 27" tube Panasonic, Denon 3200 (thanks to posten, an extremely generous member of this fourm), a Teac DTS decoder, and a Sony NS50P DVD player.

One more quick note. Unfortunately I cannot keep all of the 5.0 system. I can only keep the front three speakers. I have put the other two up for sale or trade in the appropriate section of this forum.


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 24, 2003
May I ask why can't you keep the back speakers? Just due to missing space?
I would think an HT setup w/o the back speakers will lose a lot of its attraction.


Senior HTF Member
Dec 17, 2003
A couple reasons:

1) Lack of space. In addition to this, I will be moving in May and I don't know where I'll be yet, so I don't know if there will be space there either.

2) Money. I had to negotiate with the wife to get a front sound stage. I would not have accomplished that if it weren't for the free receiver from a member of this forum. We are both currently grad students and do not have a very high income, so these were a stretch and things will sit better for both of us if we can recoup some of the money spent on the 5.0 set.

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