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Does a longer version of Event Horizon exist? (1 Viewer)


Supporting Actor
Dec 3, 2000
Paul Anderson is a terrible director who got lucky with this film, but showed us his hackness by hacking out most of the back story. The film would have been so much effective if he had kept in some very important scenes.
The end credit music IS laughable. So out of place. One wonders... WHY?! Great VFX though.
SOLDIER proved just how terrible a director Anderson is.
Anyone that read the various drafts of the script knows that Anderson turned it from a moving and interesting A film to a pathetic B grade action film that is as stupid as anything to come out in decades.

Kevin H. Martin

Feb 21, 2001
I did an article for Cinefex on EH's fx a few years back, and in talking with the concept art guy, Pete Rubin, found out that an entire setup scene (maybe a pretitle sequence) showing how the crew of LEWIS & CLARK functioned in a normal crisis was dropped prior to shooting due to budget concerns. There was a mining asteroid that was caving in, and they had to fly in, rescue folks, then fly out before it all collapsed. He had done a 3D animatic previsualizing this action, and I sincerely hope that is included in any SE, as it sounded like a cool scene, and showed that the crew was capable of doing a beter job than you can tell in the final cut.
[email protected]

Matthew Chmiel

Senior HTF Member
Apr 26, 2000
Paul Anderson is a no-talented hack and he ruined this film (big time). What could've been a scary and great sci-fi film, ended up being a cheesy sci-fi film. Hopefully, when (or if) Paramount ever re-releases the title, they could insert most of the scenes Anderson cut out back into the film.
Oh yes, and I fear for Resident Evil cause somehow, Paul Anderson will find a good way to fuck it up. Wait, I take that back. He has already fucked it up by saying he wants the film to be a psychological thriller (like say The Sixth Sense) instead of a balls to the wall horror/action film. Capcom should've stuck with George A. Romero.

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"I'm a firm believer in the philosophy of a ruling class. Especially since I rule."

Mark Cappelletty

Senior HTF Member
Jun 6, 1999
The script for "Resident Evil" -- written by Anderson -- is pretty lousy. Some good FX sequences, but the whole thing plays like, well, a video game. Go in with low expectations.


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 14, 2000
This has got to be one of the cheesiest movies of all time. My friends and I joke to this day how we wasted our money on this movie. I would not include it in the same sentence as the Exorcist. Dang, I just did.

/resume lurking

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