Coming to PC via Steam, PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series, Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster not only gives the 2006 original a graphical upgrade, but also some Quality of Life improvements. For starters, you can now move while aiming, amongst other tweaks to how Frank controls. You also now have autosaving, rather than having to scramble to find a bathroom to save your game. There have also been tweaks made to the game’s UI.
According to the game’s director, Ryosuke Murai, the team did their best to respect the direction of the original game. “If you’ve played the original, rest assured that it’s core remains unchanged in the Deluxe Remaster.”
According to the game’s director, Ryosuke Murai, the team did their best to respect the direction of the original game. “If you’ve played the original, rest assured that it’s core remains unchanged in the Deluxe Remaster.”
‘Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster’ Coming Digitally to Consoles, PC September 19th [Trailer]
After springing the surprise on fans last week with the announcement of the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster, Capcom has dished out the details on the upcoming project during their Capcom Next event, including a September 19th release date! Coming to PC via Steam, PlayStation 5 and the Xbox Series...