can someone please tell me what happened? after only four hours of sleep the night before, I sat down in front of the TV with a good beer in hand and fell asleep.:b
i did see enough to know the two storylines, Chas the meth head and the wife's boyfriend killing the husband.
At first they tried to get Chas for Murder but they couldn't try the case because the eyewitness had poor credibility. They were able to prove the explosion as a back door approach to get him off the street. There was also a connection between Horatio's brother and Chas.
The second stroy line, they thought the wife was behind it, but couldn't prove that she intentionally gave eye drops to her huband to cloud his vision for the boyfriend to easily shot the husband.
Overalll, I didn't think it was that great of an episode or that suspenseful.
Personally, I was impressed by the drama of this episode. It was definitely atypical, but it had some very strong performances from the female members of the cast.