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Children of Dune: is there an SE coming? (1 Viewer)

Yohan Pamudji

Supporting Actor
Apr 3, 2001
Did a search for "children of dune" but to my surprise turned up no results. The 2-disc DVD set is coming out May 20th. Is there an SE in the works? I looked at the feature set of this release and it looks very barebone. Anybody have any info on this?


Jun 3, 2001
Even if there hasn't been an official announcement about an SE of this disc, I would bet a good amount that there will be a double dip sometime in the future. Maybe even the near future. This is Artisan we're talking about here.

David Lambert

Senior HTF Member
Aug 3, 2001
My bad...the info wasn't in the old HTF thread.

It was in the TVShowsOnDVD news item I wrote up:

Video Store Magazine's March 30-April 5 edition gives us the answer. Next to a positive review of the upcoming bare-bones DVD release, a "Talent Talk" sidebar discusses the feature with the Director of the mini-series, Greg Yaitanes. He talks about how this is a family-driven story set against a science fiction background, and then the article goes on to say this:

"Given the family story line, it is perhaps fitting that the first disc set from Artisan Home Entertainment arrives May 20, just after Mother's Day. Fans who missed the Sci Fi Channel broadcast or just can't wait to have it will be pleased; for those who want a bundle of extras, a special edition is in the works for a subsequent release. 'The special edition that's in the works will have some great extras,' Yaitanes said. 'This is a quick fix for the fans and those who missed the broadcast. It's exactly what aired. I have so much to say in regards to Children of Dune. I'm dying to do a commentary, and hopefully [composer] Brian Tyler will do one in regards to the music.'
Read the entire article for some other info about the covers on the first release.


Senior HTF Member
Jan 6, 1999
Real Name
A "quick fix" for fans?

Sounds more like "a screwing" for fans who
are ignorant of the forthcoming SE.

David Boulet was right (in that other thread)!


Jeff Kleist

Senior HTF Member
Dec 4, 1999
Well, to be blunt- It's their fault if they're ignorant of the SE. Do your research and be rewarded. Don't pay attention and it's your own fault you're out $20

Yohan was being a responsible consumer here.
Jan 17, 2001
Well Jeff to be even more blunt, its that attitude that ends up screwing the average consumer. We aren't talking about reviewing a product before buying it. Having to root around the internet to find the rumors (since even this hasn't been officially announced by Artisan) regarding upcoming S.E's about every DVD you are considering to buy is outrageous! While the home theater aficionados might have the time and tenacity (or the know-how) to locate this information, the average consumer probably doesn't, and I especially don't feel that it is fair to say that they should be subjected to having to do this to protect themselves from double dipping studios! People who aren't enthusiasts shouldn't have to become one just to figure out whether to buy a DVD now or wait for an SE that is coming out later.

Note: Just to clarify, my rant is about studios that do fail to announce a S.E. that they have in production any time prior to the street of the non-S.E. New Line at least gave the consumer the information that a S.E. was coming down the pipe.

Edited for clarification.

Dave Molinarolo

Stunt Coordinator
Dec 25, 2002
Well, not to sound too simplistic, I'm passing on the 2-disc version and waiting for the 3-disc SE. I didn't buy the 2-disc DUNE for the same reason (albeit it wasn't anamorphic) because I got word of the SE.

Now with that being said, I can see the thinking on this one from both sides. Artisan releasing a quick 2-disc version to those who missed the broadcast and to those who just want the movie just to have it now. While some consumers may say, why force a double-dip? Well, consider it something akin to the known double-dip for the LOTR films. A 2-disc theatrical version, and then a 4-disc SE.

Yohan Pamudji

Supporting Actor
Apr 3, 2001
I guess it pays to know your stuff. I'm not claiming to be a DVD expert--far from it. However, any DVD enthusiast worth his/her salt would be suspicious of such a barebones release of a somewhat highly anticipated release, especially comparing this version to the extras-packed release of Dune: The Miniseries, Director's Cut. I didn't know for sure so I asked here. My guess was that there would be an SE released later, and I see that I'm not alone in my speculation.

On the other hand, I have more respect for studios that release information regarding an upcoming SE at the time of the press announcement for the barebones "quick fix" version, a la LOTR and Black Hawk Down.

It's a two way street. Consumers need to be aware, and studios should be more forthcoming with their information.

Jeff Kohn

Supporting Actor
Dec 29, 2001
The real question for me is, will the second SE release be the same cut of the movie, or an extended cut. I don't really care about extras or commentaries for this particular miniseries, I just want the best cut possible of the movie itself.

It might be easy to assume the SE will be a director's cut based on the way the first mini-series was released, but the director makes no mention of an extended cut in the above quote so now I'm wondering.

DaViD Boulet

Senior HTF Member
Feb 24, 1999
So...has there now been verifiable evidence that there *will* be a future SE for Children of Dune?

Heck...I've been *trying* to find out if there would be for weeks and still haven't heard anything definitive.

I think that's what we're complaining about and I think that's reasonable. I ought to be able to pre-order the regular version *knowing* that there is no SE on the way or else hold off on purchasing (and getting the pre-order discount) *knowing* that there WILL be an SE.

No one is complianing about being offered a choice or that a regular version is coming out first...we're complaining about the lack of clarity on the part of the stuido to announce the status of a future SE in a reasonable time-frame given the months that we've all been asking the question...


Stunt Coordinator
May 23, 2000
Well, here it is over seven months since the question was asked.....

Any word yet on this SE?


Stunt Coordinator
Oct 23, 2002
I'm not sure we will ever see one... There was never really a "directors cut" of the first Dune mini-series - just the European version that was slightly longer. That was used for the special edition. But there was no such longer version made for COD.

I'd still like to see an SE, but without making a new cut, I doubt they will release one. (As it probably won't sell that well)

Bill Williams

May 28, 2003
I'm thinking there will be an updated 3-disc SE of Children of Dune. A 2-disc version with just the miniseries and a couple of extas just won't cut it in my book. They need to do it and do it right. I wisely held off in getting the 2-disc release of the first Dune miniseries in favor of the 3-disc extended version, and it's for the better. So I'm thinking that we will see a 3-disc SE update of CoD in the future. What may be on it is anyone's guess.

Brian Kidd

Senior HTF Member
Nov 14, 2000
It would be a shame if a new version didn't come out as COD was some damned fine television. The set that is already out is decent in the picture and sound department, though.

Eric F

Sep 5, 1999
I'd say it was more than decent. It's quite excellent. The surround mix is really good. Other than adding DTS, I don't see how they could improve on it.

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