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BB to get into the ISF business (1 Viewer)


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 24, 2001
Was talking to a General manager and a executive at BB in relation to some none video matters and somehow we did get a conversation into HDTV and PJ and they are thinking about getting into the ISF program and getting some locations through out the country as a test and see if they add a certified tech to install the Video display for a minimal fee if the sale of these video display will soar.

The way that I look at it is that they just would jack the price on the display within a reasonable amount to offset the ISF minimal charges.

Gregg Loewen

Founder, Professional Video Alliance
Senior HTF Member
Nov 9, 1999
New England
Real Name
Gregg Loewen

This is hardly new news. Best Buy has now been offering calibration services for more then 1 and a half years (perhaps 2 years now).

They offer 2 types of calibration, 1 being ISF and the 2nd being "calibration". The later is with a SpyderTVPro device.

Pricing is $300 for the ISF which is often discounted down to $200 if you buy the display at the same time. The STV offering is $149 ?



Nelson Au

Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 1999
Interesting, I happen to be at a Best Buy yesterday and I was talking to the salesperson about the differrences between this model and that as one had more adjustablility then the other for contrast, brightness and so one. She went on to say that at a certain point beyond what the calibration DVD's can do, you have to then delve into the menus and the areas a tech has access to and then you better have an ISF person do it. She said exactly what Gregg said. $300 to do the calibration and $100 off the price of the TV at the time of the TV purchase.

It doesn't sound like too bad a deal for a large screen at 50" and over, it could be a real benefit I would think. I'd have to think about it. I also wonder if the ISF person is a properly certified person to do it. Maybe Best Buy has deals set-up with local calibration people.


Stunt Coordinator
Dec 24, 2001

Was at BB today looking for a BL Disk and decided to talk to the Magnolia employees and asked what was the Cost of a ISF Calibration and they responded $300 and showed me a 50" or so LCD that they had in display and then proceeded to show me the difference on 1 movie mode and how bluish it was at a night seen then changed to a different movie mode and show me a ISF calibrated movie mode could see more details in the black scenes then I asked where is the sharpness or the detail in the scene and he stated that was it.

With my Avia disk or DVE disk could have done a better 3d affect, which their display lacked but again the screen size was 50" or so when compared to my 100" Carada screen?

The movie was the Pirates of the Caribbean a BL disk playing on a Bl player on a 1080P LCD set.

Michael TLV

THX Video Instructor/Calibrator
Senior HTF Member
Mar 16, 2000
Calgary, Alberta
Real Name
Michael Chen

When one considers that since 1994, over 5000+ people have been through the program and a very large number of these same people still have not acquired test equipment, (and a bunch more with equipment didn't even know that the test gear needed to be rechecked every so often for accuracy.) it's probably not a good idea to place just the "idea" of an ISF calibrator on a pedestal. A BB/Magnolia calibrator would have an advantage over the many "real" ISF guys that don't have gear or have outdated gear that simply doesn't work anymore. You'd really want to think twice and three times before going with such a person.

An ISF via Magnolia is still an ISF, but it is up to the individual to determine if the guy coming over to do the work was actually trained to do this. BB uses the ISF train the trainer program. As long as the ISF has sanctioned this, it is just as legit as anyone else flying the banner.


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