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Apple Watch 6 Owners Thread (1 Viewer)

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
I searched thoroughly and did not find an existing thread, so I made one.

My series 4 stopped taking a charge and rather then jumping thru all the apple hoops I decided I needed a new one. It only took 20’ to rationalize it. ;) I decided it no longer made sense to buy top of the line. I bought the red aluminum jobby do with no cellular. Got a trade in of $115 from Apple for my $1000 stainless steel series 4. I noticed else where in this forum praise for sellmymack, I think. They offered $117 so I went with apple.

I did the sync and restore and noticed several of my watch faces weren’t there, called apple, and they said it can take up to 24 hours for everything to show up.

I had expected the pulse ox meter to be a continuous process, just like the ones you put on your finger. It’s an app that has to be run, I guess continuous running would use too much energy. So far, I can’t get it to work. Will try after the 24 hours is up.

Who else has the 6? What do you like and dislike?

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
This morning I tried the PulseOx app again and it worked. I also discovered it took readings during the night. I don’t see a setting to turn that on.

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
This morning I tried the PulseOx app again and it worked. I also discovered it took readings during the night. I don’t see a setting to turn that on.
I found the setting. It can’t be scheduled, just turned on. What mystifies me is how it could take measurements during my sleep, when once again, I can’t get it to work manually by running the app.

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
The PulseOx app still not working, though it’s apple to take ar ending or 2 when I’m sleeping. How can it work when I’m not paying attention and it won’t work when I am? I’ll be talking to Apple tomorrow.

I’m thinking this happened to me with my series 4 and I don’t remember if it just went away or I got a replacement. Whenever I get a momentarily black screen I see clouds in it.

Ronald Epstein

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Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
I have the series 6 stainless steel. I don't know what is going on with your PulseOX app. I have only used mine a few times with no issues.

I think the huge upgrade between the 4 and the 6 is the "always-on" which I love. People look at my watch while my arm is resting and comment on its face. Prior to that, it was just a black screen until you raised your arm to look at it.

Ted Todorov

Senior HTF Member
Aug 17, 2000
I have the series 6 stainless steel. I don't know what is going on with your PulseOX app. I have only used mine a few times with no issues.

I think the huge upgrade between the 4 and the 6 is the "always-on" which I love. People look at my watch while my arm is resting and comment on its face. Prior to that, it was just a black screen until you raised your arm to look at it.
I have the original "always-on", the series 5, and yes, that by itself is a huge upgrade. Especially more so because I wear my watch on the inside of the wrist, so on the older models I usually had to tap the screen to see the display.

The one downside is the battery life on the 40" series 5 is much shorter than the 38" series 3 it replaced. (Were I to ware it on the conventional side of the wrist the battery life goes up on the series 5). Hoping that battery improves for the 7. (So far I have gone from Apple Watch Series 0 to 3 to 5)

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
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Johnny Angell
There seem to be several apps on the watch I’m not allowed to remove. Mail, Maps, Photos, Contacts, Podcasts. I don’t use any of these on the watch and they clutter up the app screen. Anyway to remove them? Then there’s that media player that shows up an app is playing something, even when the app is not on the watch. How do I stop that?


Ronald Epstein

Senior HTF Member
Jul 3, 1997
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Ronald Epstein
There seem to be several apps on the watch I’m not allowed to remove. Mail, Maps, Photos, Contacts, Podcasts. I don’t use any of these on the watch and they clutter up the app screen. Anyway to remove them? Then there’s that media player that shows up an app is playing something, even when the app is not on the watch. How do I stop that?


I have a feeling you might not be able to remove those apps. I did a Google search and couldn’t come up with anything.

I don’t use the dock view. There is an easier way to find the apps you want. You may or may not have discovered it.


1. Press the Digital Crown to open the apps gallery screen
2. Choose SETTINGS
3. Scroll down and use the APP VIEW option
4. Switch to LIST VIEW

This may make it a lot easier to find the app you want to open


Senior HTF Member
Mar 4, 2001
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There seem to be several apps on the watch I’m not allowed to remove. Mail, Maps, Photos, Contacts, Podcasts. I don’t use any of these on the watch and they clutter up the app screen. Anyway to remove them? Then there’s that media player that shows up an app is playing something, even when the app is not on the watch. How do I stop that?

Try uninstalling Podcasts from your iPhone.

I don’t have Podcasts on my Watch. It’s not even listed as an app in the Watch app on my iPhone. But I also don’t have the Podcasts on my phone.

Clinton McClure

Rocket Science Department
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Jun 28, 1999
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There seem to be several apps on the watch I’m not allowed to remove. Mail, Maps, Photos, Contacts, Podcasts. I don’t use any of these on the watch and they clutter up the app screen. Anyway to remove them? Then there’s that media player that shows up an app is playing something, even when the app is not on the watch. How do I stop that?

Hey Johnny - If you haven’t figured this out yet, on your iPhone, open the Watch app and navigate to General —> Wake Screen and turn off Auto-launch Audio Apps.


It can also be done of the watch itself by pressing the Digital Crown and tapping settings —> general —> wake screen and turn off Auto-launch Audio Apps.

Johnny Angell

Played With Dinosaurs Member
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Dec 13, 1998
Central Arkansas
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Johnny Angell
@Clinton McClure I had discovered that for another problem. I play Amazon Music via my iphone into my Denon receiver. Music sounded great than about 3 weeks ago songs started to be skipped, almost always in the last 30 seconds. I got this escalated up to a higher tech level support at Amazon.

Then Thursday night I’m looking at my watch with the now playing app going, which could be used to skip songs. So I power off the watch and music plays for an hour till there’s a skip. A big improvement. Turn on the phone and a skip right away. Then I search for how to get rid of the player and find your solution. That turns out to be as good as powering off the watch.

It’s not a 100% solution but clearly the watch is involved. I’ve passed that on to Amazon.

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