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anyone else *never* get sick ? (1 Viewer)


Senior HTF Member
Jul 17, 2000
Upstate NY
Real Name
I can't remember the last time I got sick with something other than a cold or the last time I threw up. I do occasionally get a cold, usually 1 a year, or 2 AT MOST. I just got over a cold a couple weeks ago, actually - so I should be fine for another 6-12 months. :)

Eric Scott

Second Unit
Oct 4, 2000
I've been a very sick SOB my whole life, and there is no cure. All of my friends (including you know who else) are also very sick SOBs and we have no desire to get well, ever!

[Edited last by Eric Scott on October 29, 2001 at 06:47 PM]


Sep 18, 2001
quote: I puke all the time[/quote]
LOL! That was soooo funny when I first read it!
anyway, I always get sick. I get serious Bronchitis 2-3 times a year. I guess as an Asthmatic, I should quit smoking 2 packs a day. The worst is buying an inhaler and a carton of smokes. No wonder I'm SICK!!!!!!
-Brad "dumbass" W.
"I was born to murder the world." -Nix (Lord of Illusions)
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Link Removed
[Edited last by Brad_W on October 29, 2001 at 07:33 PM]

Steve Christou

Long Member
Senior HTF Member
Apr 25, 2000
Manchester, England
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Steve Christou
Eric, there is no cure for our illness, look on the bright side, at least we don't get physically ill like all the normals, heh heh, oh shit I can hear ringing, can anyone else hear it? hang on my jackets smokin'....

Brian W. Ralston

Supporting Actor
Apr 4, 1999
Los Angeles, CA
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Brian W. Ralston
Have you discovered that you can lift extremely heavy weights? Can you see things that will happen to people just by touching them? Who knows......you may turn out to be a super hero. Know anyone with fragile bones?
Spoiler: For those who are confused by my reply...watch the movie UNBREAKABLE.
Brian W. Ralston
"Success is a journey, not a destination." - Unknown

Andrew 'Ange Hamm' Hamm

Supporting Actor
Apr 7, 1999
All you guys can go to hell. I get sick all the time. When I don't have a cold or flu I'm having allergies or knee tendinitis or arthritis (yes, I know I'm only 29) or a migraine.
I guess I'll just have to stay home and watch laserdiscs.
Andrew Hamm's new album Link Removed is available now!

Wayne Murphy

Stunt Coordinator
Jan 13, 2001
I'm another unbreakable. As a kid I wanted to be a stuntman. Remember 'The fall guy'. I have flipped a car off the highway at 150kph completely totaled the car. Had to kick the door open to get out. There were no seatbelts in the car. The roof had dents in it where my head hit each time we rolled. According to eyewitnesses the car went 3 end over ends before rolling back down the embankment.
What did I have.... a sore neck for a couple of days.
When I was younger I jumped off a 1.5 story house to show it could be done....
I have been in more accidents than I can remember mtb biking, motorcrossing, skiing, rollerblading, jumping from tree to tree.. flips wipeouts crashes and falls.
I have never broken any bones or got any stitches.
I have however dislocated most of the joints in my body. But that never slowed me down we'd pop it (whatever it was that time around) back into place and keep going.
Sickness? No colds or flues since I stopped taking antibiotics 5 years ago.
My wife gets colds, flues, cold sores and I never seem to catch anything from her.
Guess I can't complain if I get a little hay fever in the fall eh?

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