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  1. mattCR

    Steve Yegge's Google Platform Rant (Brilliant)

    I don't think that's quite the point he's getting at. Look at facebook. You have a property where they have a common platform for other people to sell their things.. in turn, those companies give Facebook money. Not just for ads, but for placement. From Mob Wars to FarmVille to...
  2. mattCR

    Steve Yegge's Google Platform Rant (Brilliant)

    He is right. Google itself estimates there are a total of 3.2 Million Android tablets shipped. That's total. Amazon now has pre-orders of MILLIONS, and they have bumped their order to ship through to customers 5M+ units in the fourth quarter...
  3. mattCR

    Steve Yegge's Google Platform Rant (Brilliant)

    This rant was originally posted, and supposed to be private for Google employees. However, it was made public (accidentally) and removed.. but someone copied it.. and thus, it spreads. Since then, he has come forward and said it's fine to republish...