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  1. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    This is generally not true. I liked watching some films which were produced on small to moderate budgets, which were complete total "atrocities". One big case I'm familiar with in the recent past, are the small/moderate budget films produced by bottom feeder movie studios like The Asylum...
  2. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    I'm somewhat bafffled too. Perhaps this might be due to my ignorance of film history. When I was young, the purported "stars" were guys like Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sylvester Stallone, etc ... Though I would not consider them to be great "actors", unless one considers crazy stunts and blowing...
  3. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    One niche which I found that movies has largely been deficient, is science fiction. Take away all the spaceships, future tech, ray guns, etc .... what you have left over is mostly a lousy police/military procedural action movie. This is completely independent of whether there are any...
  4. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    (On a tangent). The same can be said of extremely talented virtuoso musicians, which hardly anybody is attending their concerts, buying their cds, etc ....
  5. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Wonder if any of these zillion dollar franchises can continue on with computer generated visual "stars", when the day comes where computer generated images/video are indistinguishable from images/video of the real thing.
  6. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    (On an offtopic tangent). The funniest cases of folks who "don't learn the rules" in the hard sciences, is stuff like crackpots writing rambling manifestos that "Einstein is wrong" and coming up with "alternative theories" which are completely inconsistent with already existing precise emprical...
  7. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    (On a tangent on the other side of the coin). There are some giant niches where indeed "you have to learn the rules to break them!", are in the hard sciences, medicine, and engineering. Especially medicine !!! (Without getting heavily into politics). The primary reason for this is that...
  8. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    (On a real world tangent). Even in our world's own history, there existed female viking warriors verified by dna analysis. For example, grave "bj581" from Birka in modern day Sweden. (Birka was purportedly a viking town more than a thousand years ago)...
  9. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Epitomized by Beavis and Butthead
  10. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Heh. This sounds almost like the same criticism about kids/teenagers who spent too much watching MTV back in the 1980s and early 1990s. No attention span for anything longer than a typical rock video. ;)
  11. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    I have to wonder, what type of stuff a modern day equivalent of a "young coppola" or "young scorsese" would be working on. If I had to guess, likely some 10-episode tv shows on HBO, AMC or a streaming service.
  12. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Wonder how soon the day will come, when movie producers don't even have to hire actors anymore.
  13. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    (More generally). This seems to describe younger actors too, especially in superhero movies. Producers can always find another actor to portray Superman, Spiderman, Batman, etc ....
  14. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Most of the B-movies I watch these days, is mostly on basic cable channels playing in the background when I'm at home. I'll pay closer attention to the sci-fi movies, but not as much for non-scifi action movies. I'm always looking for the diamond in the rough in vast sea of forgettable movies...
  15. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Heh. Sounds like the "ninjas breaking through the walls" type of thing, to continue an adrenaline rush treadmill in lousy action movies.
  16. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Now that you mention this, what exactly is the "stopwatch effect" ? Are you thinking of how the 2011 movie "Source Code" was written?
  17. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    I liked the Donner re-cut of the second Superman movie, even though the standard Lester cut is what I remember the most clearly from watching it so many times over the decades.
  18. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    More generally in niches which do not have hardcore "continuity lawyer" dorks as a prime audience, do such non-dork sequels have issues with continuity breakage?
  19. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Downey's most "perfect role" turns out to be Julian in "Less Than Zero" in 1987. It turned out Downey's real life in the 1990's became very similar to Julian's life. A case of life imitating art.
  20. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    Besides inertia, the big reason I still end up watching a lot of lousy sci-fi movies is that I got sick and tired of reading lousy sci-fi novels. In practice, it takes me a week (or longer) to finish reading a novel during evenings. It is really disappointing to spend a week reading...
  21. jcroy

    For the love of movies: The Past, Present, and Future of Cinema and what makes us fans

    As I got older, I've found that these just about ALL of these listed a priori factors are largely irrelevant when it comes to (re)watching a movie. The only way I can know whether I will like a particular movie, is to actually watch it. I learned this the hard way, with my nominal preference...