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  1. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    It seems that she *has* to be slotted-in between Troughton and Pertwee. That would explain both why she doesn’t recognize sonic screwdrivers and why her Tardis already has the broken chameleon circuit. Besides, we never did see Troughton regenerate into the Pertwee Doctor. And he was already...
  2. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    The new season will not be as short as you think. The announced fifty minute episodes are actually about 6 minutes longer than the length of most of the “traditional” 13 episodes. Combined with the expected feature length episodes (and there *will* be a Christmas special) the actual amount of...
  3. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    I’m glad they wrapped-up River Song’s arc before this event ... !! This could go either way: It might end up being the coolest thing that’s ever happened to this series ... or a complete catastrophe. I don’t think there will be any middle ground.
  4. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    Yeah ... and "Jellie Babies"!! This was probably the best series finale of NuWho, and that's saying a lot!
  5. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    At this point It seems apropos that the most recent Christmas Special was a "superhero" episode, as they seem to now be doing a Gallifrey iteration of Daredevil! :) Seriously, these last two episodes have been four star plus. Looks like Moffet and Capaldi want to go out with a bang!!
  6. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    In regards to Capaldi's regeneration: He stated in an interview recently that he had already filmed his "death scene" -- as he put it -- but *will* return for the Christmas special. This led the interviewer to ask him if he was going to regenerate back into himself?! He just laughed and said...
  7. Joseph Bolus

    Doctor Who

    Doctor Who *has* left Netflix -- as anybody with the service can attest. Supposedly, the BBC is setting up their own streaming service at some point this summer and it will feature, exclusively, both Classic and Modern Who. I own the majority of "Modern Who" on DVD due to the slowdown issues...