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  1. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    A potential novel is a great idea. I'm going to work up a book proposal, shoot it over to my agent, and have her run it up the Lucasfilm ladder. If I post nothing about this in the future, that is good news. It means I signed an NDA. If my proposal gets canned, which is likely, I'll let you...
  2. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    This is better advice than maybe you even know. Right now she'll read a letter based on our acquaintance. But if I send something stupid, she won't read the next one. I have to make sure this is a battle I want to fight, and I'm not sure it is, since I don't think I can win it. I didn't have...
  3. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Sadly it's not Star Wars. I'm working on a book about the production history of the three greatest movies ever made. I can tell you one of them, but not the other two. THE BEST YEARS OF OUR LIVES is the first, and best movie, I cover for this book. But I can't give you anymore information than...
  4. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I never resented Johnson for not doing that. But ten or fifteen minutes would have been doable. I cut the film down by that much myself. Problems doing a flashback can be floated all day. There are just as many solutions to the problems once the will to do it is there. The will was never there...
  5. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    There are many ways Johnson could have drawn Luke to start VIII. Luke could have snapped out of it via Rey's inspiration. Even Hamill said he could imagine that Luke would have snapped out of it. Johnson has admitted the idea to radically flip Luke was his own. He didn't have to go radical. But...
  6. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Post deleted due to discretion being the better part of making a living :-)
  7. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    "The Last Jedi is the new all-time champion of sequel collapses." Word. That's what I have been saying in virtually every post in this thread since December 14th. China: "He's not our Luke, either." Luke Skwalker spends both movies on an island, never leaves, and dies there--alone. I'm not...
  8. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I am a Star Wars nerd. I hang out with Star Wars nerds. Many of them dress up, etc. As far as I go is owning a master replica of Luke's episode IV saber, but each to his own. My point is, most of the people I hang out with despise TLJ. They think I'm nuts for not hating it. Sure box office...
  9. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I don't disagree that the movie did well. Lots of people like it. But if the audience score on Rotten Tomatoes was 90%, no one would be questioning its veracity. 50% tells me that a lot more people could have liked it more than they did. Now, my guess is subjective of course, but if the Star...
  10. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    So you're saying if more people liked it, it wouldn't have made more money?
  11. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I respect Wickett. But that's it!
  12. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    You don't have to make that argument to me. It's definitely third. But expunge The Ewoks and it slips to fourth. :-)
  13. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Maybe someday TLJ will be the best regarded. But that day ain't today.
  14. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    If the movie was truly loved, it would have made much more than it has so far. It was likely going to make a billion regardless.
  15. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    But that doesn't make the result any less valid. That the score continues to drop suggests to me it's more than a few disgruntled fans.
  16. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    This board doesn't reflect the vast majority of Star Wars fans views, is what I am saying. Like it or not, I think Rotten Tomatoes is a better reflection about how Star Wars fans as a whole felt about this movie...and the audience score isn't going up as time passes. It's going down. Episode...
  17. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Maybe a few people on this thread would have hated it, but the film wouldn't have an audience score of 50% on Rotten Tomatoes right now, and it would have almost certainly made more money, not to mention a lot of Star Wars fans a lot happier. Look, Luke doesn't have to die at the end. He could...
  18. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    An argument can be made that this movie was going to make a billion dollars no matter how good or bad it was. That said, I think it would have made even more money if this was the ending: Luke lifts his X-wing out of the water and bravely flies to help his friends. He shows up, has the touching...
  19. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I agree. I think had Fisher lived, you were gonna see a whole heapin' helpin' of her Force powers in episode IX.
  20. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    If I hated them as much as you, I'd simply stop supporting them with money and mental energy. TLJ is making a lot of money. A lot of people like it. Because Ben was asleep in bed, minding his own business, without demonstrating evil insofar as we know. Vader had repeatedly demonstrated evil...
  21. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Just saw TLJ again today with a true hater and had lunch with him afterwards. So many of the things he hates about it seem so inconsequential to me. He hated Finn walking around leaking water for the sake of a gag. I assumed that instead of a bacta tank, tech had improved since EMPIRE and Finn...
  22. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Mark Hamill disagrees. "He's not my Luke." My answer is, because that's exactly when JJ wanted him to wake up. It was contrived like many other things in TFA. I have never understood the whole timing thing with Artoo having the map and waking up just then. Ben said it was in the archives and...
  23. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I can easily see why someone might love THE LAST JEDI. And I can just as easily see why someone might loathe it. With every ounce of their being. I've seen it five times and I go back and forth. It's so well-crafted--and yet it's so not true to who I think Luke Skywalker is. Yet when I take it...
  24. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I was pissed about the Ewoks. I probably still am... :-)
  25. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I can see how some fans would be very upset. They spent decades dreaming of episodes 7-9, imagining Luke assuming the Obi-Wan role, leading an effort to restore the Republic and rebuild the Jedi Order. And even if it didn't go exactly that way, after all this time to see Luke Skywalker not only...
  26. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    The video was removed, but Hamill did say, "He's not my Luke." He even went so far as to call him another Luke. You can still find the quote in print, if not video.
  27. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I don't think they care whose fault it is or about the arc or whatever. They just care about Luke. That Hamill agrees with them was probably the nail in the coffin. Han may have died, but he never stopped being Han, so ultimately it was forgiven. Maybe they feel like Luke stopped being Luke.
  28. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    Yes, of course it's a change. What I am saying is that these shattered fans would accept almost any change, except for the one they got. Their hero turned out to be a quitter. And that's not why they loved Star Wars, to discover after 37 years that Luke Skywalker, hero of the universe, is a...
  29. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    The point I'm trying to make is specifically that painting Luke as a quitter is what the problem is here, not change, not things going differently. I think they could have gone a lot of different ways and people wouldn't be pissed. But it's freaking Luke Skywalker. And he quit. And if they feel...
  30. Carabimero

    Star Wars: The Last Jedi discussion thread(Warning: Spoilers!)

    I agree, but my point is, it looks like there are a lot of people who might have that issue. I'm not sure it's an isolated gripe. Who knows. Some angry fans will forgive it by this summer and eagerly go to the next movie. But some may not. Something appears to have hit a nerve. That's the point...