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  1. lowdefref

    Best setup for the kids room: LCD or Projector?

    My daughters birthday is right around the corner and she has been asking for her own TV. I have been shopping for flatscreens for her but the cost is pretty substantial. Even the westinghouse's I have found,, range between $700-1000 for the smaller ones...
  2. lowdefref

    Spartcus: Blood and Sand

    I had no idea so many people disliked this show. I love it! I describe it to people as 300 meets Gladiator meets, well, porn. It's definitely a guys show. And they throw a lot of things at you that you totally don't expect. Since I fell behind on LOST this has been my favorite show this year...
  3. lowdefref

    A Few Words About A few words about...™ Avatar -- in Blu-ray

    I am actually hesitant to buy it on BR or DVD. Watching Avatar in Imax 3D was literally one of the best experiences of my life. I don't know if watching it in 2D not Imax will change my feelings about that experience. Oh and btw I just heard Cameron is re-releasing Avatar this summer with 6...