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  1. RexFish

    What is your favorite YouTube video?

    I'm too much of a newbie to be able to post URL's...but search at Youtube for "Monkey Balls". It's a little perverted, but in a silly harmless way. I swear if I'm ever in a bad mood that can make me smile instantly!
  2. RexFish

    What guilty pleasures are on your iPod?

    Theme song from the Muppet show.
  3. RexFish

    Girlfriend Broke up with Me. Monday.

    There's this book for chicks called "He's Just Not That Into You" which actually has a pretty good overall message. Bottom line the message is this (aimed at girls but works for guys too) are an amazing person who deserves a partner that gives you the same love and attention you give them...
  4. RexFish

    Just Pulled a Tick Off My Leg

    My Grandma did the match thing too on her dogs and it works well for future reference.
  5. RexFish

    A question about my denim jacket...

    I think that it's a pretty popular movie that people find really funny. So when they see buttons, they think "flair". I agree people are just making conversation. Tell them "At least I'm not making my "O" face".