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  1. David Ortiz

    Subscriptions Are Back!

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  2. David Ortiz

    Subscriptions Are Back!

    Email notifications are coming from [email protected] instead of [email protected].
  3. David Ortiz

    The "Out of Order" Thread

    IIRC, one of the scenes was about advertising the movie of Mark's life. It's very similar to how they did the real show. David
  4. David Ortiz

    4802 Owners

    Thomas, You might check if you had the s-video cable connected to Monitor-2. O.S.D. is only output through Monitor-1. David
  5. David Ortiz

    24: Season 2 - Hour 2 - 11/05/02

    Patrick, Perhaps the thread should be named 9:00am-10:00am. Once the day gets going, it will be harder to remember that hour 8 is 3:00pm-4:00pm. David
  6. David Ortiz

    24: Season 2 - Hour 1 - 10/29/02

    If the date is during Daylight Savings Time, then it is 12:00AM in Seoul when it is 8:00AM in Los Angeles. David
  7. David Ortiz

    jpeg from photoshop7 wont show up on internet explorer

    Was your jpeg a CMYK file? I think Internet Explorer will only read an RGB jpeg. David
  8. David Ortiz

    Crummiest INITIAL sequels?

    Short Circuit 2
  9. David Ortiz

    Best Simpsons qoute ever!!!

    "Marge, I'd like to be alone with the sandwich." --Homer