Uh, no. Zak Penn wrote one of the early scripts for X2, and has a story credit on that film. As for the film, it doesn't surprise me that it feels like it is rushed. From Moriarty's script review, it looked like a lot of plot for a movie. It really didn't help when I heard what the runtime...
A couple more reviews are up on AICN from Quint and Massawyrm. Massawyrm's is actually more of a rant than anything. I pretty much stopped reading after a few paragraphs. I have a feeling that Quint's is probably the closest to reality: some cool moments, but for the most part a mixed bag...
Reading the Talkbacks clarifies Moriarty's review. He still stands by his comments about the script and Tom Rothman. Basically, it sounds like he has accepted the flaws in the script and was looking at the execution, which seems to work for him. Meanwhile, Jeff Wells made some comments about...