Nobody here has mentioned what the last line in the film is -- at the pivotal moment when the "act" concludes, Gallo turns to the camera and says: "It's good to be the king!" Roll credits.
I don't know -- but as much as they've invested, I'd be absolutely stunned if they tinkered with Revolutions' release date. Seeing as how they've been shot together, it would probably be too much trouble to attempt any "studio requested" reshoots as well.
Yeah, I know Chuck. The things that worked for me in Reloaded REALLY worked, and the elements that didn't just crashed. But I'll admit, I've only seen it once -- there's enough there that it's worth a second viewing. I don't know if it will fix some of the problems for me, but it helped with...
Perhaps we should have an alternate thread for those wishing to dicuss perceived problems with Reloaded. Granted, everyone has been polite, but whenever someone has a disagreement with the quality of this film, they are immediately shot down by multiple posters. I'm NOT looking for a forum...
Well, it's probably a pretty safe bet that they won't cancel each other out for screenplay.:D Seriously though, I think New Line is going to push the hell out of Return of the King. Seeing as how both of the previous films were best picture nods, it's probably a reasonable bet that ROTK will...
Oh, I agree -- but I think we're all much more interested in the creative team behind the story. This is an announcement to confirm that this is to be a "high profile" project. "Evangelion -- featuring character animation from the folks who brought you 'Lost in Space's' Blarp!"
Honestly, who cares if WETA is involved? That's like saying, "WOW! Wild Wild West -- featuring FX by ILM!!" "Jerry Bruckheimer's Evangelion" -- that's GOLD. At least it didn't say, "A Jon Peters production."
It would be nice if they'd demonstrated the "upgrade" instead of just copping out with a one-liner. Imagine the possibilities of new agent capabilities.
How about a category for "I-loved-the-ideas-but-the-execution-was-sorely-lacking?" Reading the transcription of the Architect dialogue, I was surprised how well written it was. However, while it looks great on the page, it loses something when spoken by a character. This seems to be the...
I saw it last night with a VERY enthusiastic audience (they clapped when the lights dimmed) and watched them completely turn on this film when it was over. I've never seen such a reversal at any film screening, some people were absolutely furious at the "to be concluded" tag. I think only about...
Well, dumping Rare is beginning to look like a smart move, especially after seeing their lackluster line-up. Other than Halo 2, I haven't really seen anything on consoles that came as surprise.
It would have been a GOLDEN opportunity for a full-blown Conker adventure on the X-box. A lackluster game could ruin the chances for the character to blossom into a great franchise. I can't imagine that MS higher-ups are pleased with this. On the other hand, I'm sure that Nintendo execs had...
Does it REALLY matter how "adult" a film is? Every movie they've created has been wonderful in its own way. As long as they maintain their standard, I couldn't care less about content. However -- I must admit that out of all of the studios to push mature animation in the U.S., Pixar would...
I can envision a future with online consoles that's similar to a cable subscription -- pay a base fee, and add whatever premium channels you wish. If this were the case, perhaps MS could negotiate an extra fee for EA games. They don't seem to have a problem charging for Phantasy Star.
They had all the money they needed to "perfect" this game ($20 million, as WB bragged), so lack of resources certainly wasn't the problem. I'm guessing 3/4 of that budget was allocated toward cutscenes. I don't believe the fault lies with Shiny, either. From what I've read about development...
Seeing how much profit they take in on hardware, it's not impossible to imagine a complete "PS2 online starter kit" complete with an adapter, HD, and 1-2 months free subscription.
...and was the best Next-Gen movie by far. However, his name gets rumored for dozens of projects, so I'll believe this when I see an announcement for the WB. Not that it matters, seeing as how they've already offered a part to Justin Timberlake (Jimmy Olsen).
Smart decision to keep the pricing structure, everyone wins with those options. However, they managed to sidestep the additional game fee issue in the interview. And what would an X-box Live article be without yet another attack on Sony? It's pretty funny they didn't mention any game titles...