Malcolm made the right call in engineering Carter's ouster. We're coming to the end game and once Malcolm reaches the final four, he'll have a huge target on his back. At that point, strong Survivor players can rarely depend on alliances and must 'run the table' on immunity challenges to earn...
If you ask why people don't present themselves well on Survivor despite viewing previous seasons, remember the incredible stress they are under. These people are cold, tired, bug-bit, sleep-deprived, hungry and thirsty most of the time and are involuntarily surrounded by abrasive, unlikable...
Chris read my comments completely. I gave Russell props for being good at forging alliances, using intimidation as well as finding and using idols. He is a great game player, but his destructive personal interactions GUARANTEE that juries will hate him and not give him the million. He has...
Some folks still don't seem to understand the game. I might find Russell a bully, obnoxious, delusionally self-important, but I'd happily use him if it would advance me in the game. In the same token, if I landed in the jury I'd not vote for him because he's a bully, obnoxious, delusionally...
Russell is also not easy to get rid of. He has a habit of finding idols which offer him a great deal of protection from votes. Truthfully, if you make idols harder to find, or put fewer in play, Russell does not last as long.
Great list Anthony. I think the only addition I'd make is Terry Deitz (not sure I spelled it right) from Survivor: Panama. He found an immunity idol when it was really hard to find them. He was awesome in challenges. He made it to the final three and lost in what I felt was a lame challenge...
Carl, I never said Russell was Randy (i.e. crappy social skills without bringing much else to the table); he is a formidable game player. He tries to finagle alliances with everyone, he's a master idol finder, he uses intimidation which works on the weak (like Jerri). He's not someone you can...
Most of the Russell apologists still don't get it. It's not the betrayals or duplicity that turns off juries. Plenty of "snakes" have taken home the million. Russells blind spot is not that he's dishonest, its that he revels in dumping on everyone else in the game. He pretends that he is...
Anthony, I agree with you 100%. If it doesn't matter how you interact with your tribemates, if the game is only a competition of challenges, alliances and betrayals, then just keep playing the game until you eliminate everyone but one player. That is the game Russell plays. The whole purpose...
Well, I'm sad to see Tom, my all time favorite survivor get voted out. I've been trying to figure out if JT is smart or foolish to switch back to the Amanda-James-Rupert alliance. If he and Candace had linked up with Tom and Colby, they would have formed a tough alliance to beat, but do you...
What an outstanding episode! It's so refreshing to see Survivor filled with smart, savvy players. Though I'm a big Cerie fan, I loved seeing the blindside take her out. JT knew that as a strong challenge performer he would fall under Cerie's sights sooner or later. He also correctly assumed...
The vote for Randy was like the vote for Sugar a completely uncontroversial choice. Early in the game you may not want to play your hand too soon and reveal your alliances. Voting for Randy eliminated a universally disliked player who was weak in challenges. It offends no one, and it tells no...
Cerie's flaw is her complete inability to win physical challenges. When you get down to the final four, you usually need to win your way to the final 2/3. I was trying to imagine who Cerie would best take toward the final four. It's probably a crazy thought but if she could link up with...
JT would be wise to keep Tom around; Tom's million dollar argument is a sound one. If either of the million dollar winners faces a jury with a non-winner it's gonna be a tough sell to give a second million to either Tom or JT. But to choose between two million dollar winners gives each a...
The only hope for Tom and Colby now is to start winning immunity challenges. That would give them the time to work on alliances again. I was really disappointed in James; he's been a favorite of mine in both China and Fans vs. Faves. He was never smart or sneaky enough to win, but he was a...
Russell played Survivor beautifully to survive to the jury, not win a million. Others correctly commented that it is hard enough to convince folks you've bested to vote for you, but if you arrogantly rub their noses in it then it becomes impossible. Still Russell made several fundamental...
I would argue that Cerie from Exile Island and Fans vs. Favs was a greater "evil genius" than Russell. She basically ran her tribe like Russell. Check the voting breakdown in the Exile Island season; essentially every person she voted for got voted out. She had no protective idols. Most...
Having faulted Russell for his own demise, I must admit that the jury was the biggest bunch of self-righteous cry-babies I've ever seen. They seemed more interested in venting their hurt feelings than picking a winner. Jaison was one of the worst offenders.
The final jury vote ended as I expected it to. Russell played a brilliant game and deserved to win, but deserved just doesn't matter. If Survivor were just a single elimination contest to the last man standing, then Russell wins it in a walk. But the genius and frustration of the show, is...
I don't agree that physical ability to win challenges is underrated. It is not sufficient by itself to win the million but some skill I think is essential. Look at Cerie, one of my favorite Survivor contestants. She was brilliant at the social game, practically running the game like Russell...
Another flaw in Russell's game is his ability to win challenges. (He is okay in challenges, but I'm not sure he can beat Brett, Jaison, or Mick) Once you get to the final five or four, generally you need to win immunity to survive to the finals. By that point the strongest player is...
Russell played the idol perfectly: bluff once at Tribal (Everyone fears you'll use it, but no one has time to talk about it or contemplate a bluff strategy), then play it at the next tribal. The flaw in Russells game is a weakness in the interpersonal game. Everyone knows he's a 'snake', no...
Absolutely wonderful episode. I've gone from a Russell hater to Russell fan. He seems to be the only player thinking and hustling out there. And he has lost the hubris that usually takes out the 'masterminds' in this game. Now the former tribes are 5 to 5 with Shambo switching allegiance to...
So long Spenser, aka "Invisi-boy" in our household. Just last week my family was watching the show and Spenser walked by in a non-descript shot, and none of us knew who he was. You knew he was toast this week because he got so much air-time for no good reason: he was lousy at the challenges and...
Took my nine-year old stepdaughter to see the film; it held her interest fairly well but she didn't seem crazy about it afterward. I was really disappointed with the film. It had so much going for it: beautiful computer visuals (lovely muted color palate, the characters had vibrant arresting...
I join Jeff Probst in liking the three person final; it creates a better chance for two strong players to face the jury. In this case both Bob and Sugar had claim to the million. Imagine the 'drama' of one of them against Suzie. In Palau it would have meant Ian, a great competitor would have...
I thoroughly enjoyed the final episodes and was delighted with Bob as champion. Though I was rooting for Bob for most of the game, I found myself rooting for Sugar to take the million. It was so refreshing in the jury interrogation to see someone not butt-kiss jury members for votes. Sugar could...
I wouldn't want to see the teams abandoned for an all individual game. One of the pleasures of this game is the contrast of team strategy vs. individual strategy. As a member of a team, it pays to be strong, perform well in challenges, get along well with your team, contribute. That helps your...
YESSSSSS (awkward middle aged white guy fist pump) One of the most satisfying tribal councils ever. I was a big fan of Kenny, who used resourcefulness to keep himself in charge, but became so cocky he couldn't imagine anyone turning on him or his alliance. Sugar played the game superbly...
While I'm enjoying the show, I've been also frustrated by the endless tribal reshuffles this season. Kenny and Fang didn't dismantle Kota, the producers did. By all appearances Kota was set to obliterate Fang, but was twice broken apart so the individuals could be picked off. It means that there...