I'm going to respectfully disagree - it's exactly that. Now, can it overcome it and become something that is the Doctor? Yes. Is it likely? Time will tell.
Adam was right - it's a quiet type of story. The first time I watched it, it seemed like nothing really happened. The second time, it...
Along with that, it will give those long-time fans who don't want to see a female Dr. Who the time to do just that while stunting the possibilities of new fans because the hype will die down.
I'll be interested to hear how the ratings go (I'm holding to my vow and not partaking. I found...
Yep. I, for one, am out. I've prided myself on always finding something to like about each choice for the Doctor, but this isn't the Doctor so I'm not participating.
When I saw the picture, I thought it was an uncanny resemblance (I remember him from Elementary) but to realize that he's the son, it makes a whole lot more sense.
I, for one, hopes he would be up to it, and that TPTB would make it happen!
I agree with Jeffery_H (not about Donna; ugh!) - a truly tragic ending would have been more powerful and would have elevated Bill in the mind of fans. I liked Bill a lot more than I thought I would and to see her turn into a Cyberman was heart wretching. Her ending, while not a cheat, does...
They've touched on that in several episodes in New Who. First in Father's Day, where the Doctor lets Rose meet her dad - and she tries to save him.
And then during Tenant's reign, they explain more - that as a Time Lord he can 'see' multiple time streams. He can tell what moments are...
Why? Are the ratings not good in the U.K.? And while I don't know what ratings it garners on BBC America, the show has a pretty strong following in the US.
But, as the sociopolitical climate stands now, I agree that there's a strong possibility that that could happen. I don't know how that...
Unfortunately, this episode didn't thrill me. Could simply be runoff from my favorite college football losing (Nebraska) to one of its long-time rivals (Miami), but I think it was the episode itself.
1) Daleks. I'm sorry, but the Daleks haven't been threatening since "The Stolen Earth" or...
As a longtime fan of Who I agree with this - I've been a fan since episodes of Tom Baker would show on PBS, so I've seen plenty of classic Who and almost every episode of New Who.
I actually appreciate the new format - too often in classic Who, episodes would drag and invaritably end on a...
I was going to say that I couldn't understand why some feel the need to completely rewrite iconic characters into something they weren't before - generally, males to females. But after pausing a second, I did understand - they...
Ugh. I didn't watch the clip, but noticed that 'Missy' will be back this season. I sincerely hope that 'Missy' is not, in fact, the Master, but rather a backup copy of the Master's mind placed in 'Missy's' body. The last thing we need is another go round of arguments that the next Doctor...
Add me as a third hoping for the Rani. Not that I'm tired of the Master or think he's played out - he's Moriarity to the Doctor's Holmes. He hasn't been seen since The End of Time, so that means he's gone a whole iteration (and 1000 years) without being seen. I just think that the Rani would fit...
And I'm not one to disparage someone for liking something I don't, or vice versa; Different strokes. Now, I will try to point out when I think someone is being inconsistent in their logic (ex: Moffitt is all that is wrong with Who) but I like hearing when someone is willing to share why they...
Thanks for sharing. I must say that I always look forward to reading your thoughts on any of the shows in this forum - you always give me stuff to think about. I'm going to have to go back and look at the list of episodes before I can formulate my list.
But I can say that I think Series 4...
I thought it was okay when I watched it, and after thinking about it some, have come to the conclusion that it was a letdown.
It tried to create a 'current' fairy tale, and it failed. I understand fairy tales are magical and outstanding, unexplainable things happen, but within a sci-fi show...
Well, as we saw in 'The Journey's End' (and 'The End of Time'), there are ways to circumvent the time lock, but they have to be extraordinary.
Well, I agree it's a gaffe, but, unfortunately, that's happened a lot throughout Who. The first episode that Daleks appeared they ran on static...
Oh, a little more to the point of the Doctor changing -
From 'The End Of Time' (emphasis underlined) -
Wilfred: Yeah but I thought... when I saw you before you said that your people could change, like your whole body.
The Doctor: I can still die. If I'm killed before regeneration then I'm...
I didn't get that impression. The Doctor left the decision up to Clara, the astronaut, and the girl. Now, if this were the 10th or 11th Doctor, I could see him making the decision with Tenant screaming 'You can't!!!!' or Smith running around spastically, coming up with a resolution that saves...
Good point; let me amend my post to reflect yours - I like episodes that deal with the Doctor's name, his timeline, etc., but like Daleks, they should be rare - gems. What I meant to say was that I want the Doctor to be the main protagonist; the leader. Clara (and possibly Danny) should be the...
I can see that, but I think it's a lot more subdued than when it was 'The Amy Pond and Rory' show, which was the end result that started with Rose. If there is one thing that I would like to be more like 'Classic Who' is having the Doctor being the center of the show.
It'd be one thing if...
What I meant by 'small and focused' was the story itself, not in its presentation. Meaning, the Tardis would land in "Smallshire, U.K." and deal with a local alien infestation. I think too many fans have gotten drugged out on stories like 'Then End of Time' and think that EVERY episode has to...
So I can understand your line of thinking, could you list out several Classic Who stories that should be the benchmark, or script components that you feel are missing and show why Moffat has no talent? This would be interesting because as we all know there are plenty of gems to pick from, but...
Finally watched the episode last night and while I figured I would be somewhat disappointed I came out enjoying it (other than the golden arrow bit; that nearly sunk the episode) I liked the bickering and the contest and especially the exploding target (although the screwdriver 'shouldn't' work...
I tend to be the opposite; if done well, it enhances a story. I liked Enterprise's explanation of human-looking Klingons.
That said, if they don't make a big story out of his face, I'm fine with that.
As for his introduction, I dunno. Wasn't overly impressed. I generally don't care for...
I'm going off of Moffat's quote - he's the one who's wrong. Either he said that just to be provocative (my guess) or he plans on creating a character that isn't Dr. Who. Dr. Who can be arrogant; Dr. Who can be headstrong; but what Dr. Who must be is likeable. If he tries to channel Capaldi's...
Forgive me for being skeptical, but unless they've hired a complete slate of new writers (and I missed Adam's post), it sounds like the EW article was about getting noticed than actual change. 'Hey! The Doctor's different now - he's edgy; like Batman!' Brief aside - does that 'it's dark...
In the screenshot he does give off a sense of 'Dr. Who' that I didn't get from the Christmas special, so that's good. And I admit I did think of Pertwee when I saw it. :)
That said, when I heard his initial episode was written by the author of "The Waters of Mars" I was disappointed -...
Uh, Rose anyone?! If he's attracted to Clara it's sure a lot more understated than his outright swooning over Rose. I'd say he showed more of an attracttion to Amy than Clara.
And I would disagree that 10 or 11 were 'colder'. While both are very good at 'going dark' they both are more...