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  1. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Thank you so much Robert. I must keep contact with you. You've been an incredible resource. Do you have any online contact points beyond this forum? And yes, firearms are awesome, however I'm still student learning my trade. I've been out shooting on many occasions with my father...
  2. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Any last minute changes you might recommend before I commit to this? Any others with expertise that you might recommend showing this too? Can i have 250 bucks? LOOOL
  3. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    While i work on some other stuff related to this project, Here's a screenshot of the sub / box stats:
  4. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Nevermind Robert, Forget the file, i've noticed that i missed a whole bunch of stuff that screwed up a bunch of the stats on the other tabs on the excel sheet. I didnt notice those on the first pass. Silly me.
  5. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Robert, I've uploaded the specs of the driver and some box/vent settings. Although i'm not sure what is actually exported in these DDB files. You can download it here:
  6. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Robert, Ill give Unibox a try. Ill report back with the results.
  7. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    If you have BassBox 6 Pro, I've uploaded my design file to my webspace. If you'd like to take a look at it, here you go:
  8. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Thank you Robert, I've pretty much come up with a design that i like. A couple more things: - The plate amplifier's backside will be sticking into the box as much as 10" x 10" x 4.5". I've adjusted the size of the box to make up for the inner volume lost due to braces & amplifier. The...
  9. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Thx Robert, Those box designs REALLY help. With those sizes, i find it quite hard to screw up the dimensions, its great! Ive got some questions about ports though. What if i wanted to go with a rectangular port near the bottom of the box?
  10. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    I'd like to apologize in advance for all spelling errors and all that jazz. MOMENTS after I posted this, my computer crashed. Though I don't thing that would have mattered since I'm a new user, and I can't edit yet :P
  11. deadly4u

    Constructing a new home subwoofer enclosure

    Hey there HTForum! I'm looking for build a subwoofer enclosure, here are the components: - Dayton TIT280C-4 10" Titanic Mk III Subwoofer 4 Ohm T/S Parameters here: DUMAX report here: -...