I agree with the above post. A double wall is a good way to go. But the seperation can be as little as 1/2". Just enough to keep the two walls from touching. Filling the wall with rock wool will also add extra soundproffing. (well not filling it, just a layer in the new wall. You can...
I probably go to 2-4 movies a year. Mainly with my dad. I like to buy him passes for his birthday and father's-day and then we use them together. The next delimma is which movies to buy versus renting, netflix etc. I really wanted Tropic Thunder on blu-ray. But now I have seen it 3...
The home theater is also great for entertaining kids. Our godson will be 10 next month. He has requested having his birthday party here. We know it will be no problem. Once we fire up the PS3 on the big screen we won't hear another peep out of those kids.
Just found another use for the dedicated HT room. A friend gave us massages for Christmas. We just now were able to schedule a time. The masseuse came by with his table and we were trying to figure out where to set up. We finally decided on the HT. So we set up the table and put on his...
Ah summer time. The days are really long here. One of the side benefits of having a dedicated home theater without windows and with soundproofing, is that it makes a great place for a mid day nap. I can even sleep under the stars.
But you can never watch a movie again for the first time. So for some movies there are surprises that make the movie. Sometimes in the home theater sharing a movie with someone who hasn't seen it recaptures some of that fun. More complete Equipment list: Equipment List: Projector...
So here is the classic Home Theater dilemma. When a good movie is at the regular theater do you go. Or do you save it to watch in your HT. After you have created the perfect HT you quickly find the limiting factor is content. So right now Iron Man is romping through theaters. From all...
I am so excited that I have completely redone cheap dave's home theater. I added comments. So I am hoping to get some good discussions going. this week in the home theater I am wrapped up in Uncharted: Drake's Fortune on PS3. It is like being Indiana Jones. Very cool. I could do...
I am aving a good time trying out the PS3 games on my HT. So far I have had Lair and Rachet and Clank. It is really cool to see how the surround sound works real time. If you have a steam vent in front of you and you move left the sound moves right or you pass it and the sound moves to behind...
Thanks, I framed that in myself. The basic plan had a half of a cathedral ceiling. So it would have been like a shed roof. So I split it and made it have a peak in the center. We also did stars on the ceiling. When the projector is on you can;t really see them. But when you have a dark scene...
So I use a RF/IR repeater to make my regulare remotes control the components in the projection room. It wokrs OK for everything but the projector. So to set up the movie aspect ratio and zoom I have to go back there. But usually you only do that whne you start the movie. I also have a...
There are paintable conduits for wire that you can run on the wall to your surround speakers. There is also flat paintable speaker wire. I used the first kind in my first HT. It works fine.
I finally got PS3. I was waiting for the hd-dvd vs blu-ray battle to be over. I had picked the winner early but was still waiting for blue prices. It looks awesome. The only movie I have watched so far is Spiderman 3 (came with the PS3). My one word review "yuck". I already bought Fifth...
I really need to do a better post of the pictures. But here are some pictures, again mainly as links. Cheap Dave's Home Theater: My HT Contruction picture dump
I just got a Logitech 720 universal remote for Christmas. I really like it. It was a snap to program and the codes get downloaded from the internet. I posted a longer review on my blog. Cheap Dave's Home Theater: Review: Logitech Universal Remote
I just got the Logitech 720. Progamming was a snap. I am very happy and posted a more detailed review here: Cheap Dave's Home Theater: Review: Logitech Universal Remote
My pictures are here: http://cheapdaveshometheater.com/art...cture_dump.php We built the whole house so I have a lot of pictures when it was just studs.
You just made the list, buddy. Also, I don't like no one touching my stuff. So just keep your meat-hooks off. If I catch any of you guys in my stuff, I'll kill you. And I don't like nobody touching me. Any of you homos touch me, and I'll kill you. Sergeant Hulka: Lighten up, Francis. But...
I want my sub to combine really tight bass with a ride at Unversal Studios. Move along folks nothing to see here and then WHAM!! Out of the blue you get hit by a mack truck. I want the really deep, deep bass to rock your world. So as opposed to a really dead enclosure I might want a little more...
After tonight's movie (Heat) I really want a little more ohmph in my system. I want sneaky bass. The kind that isn't there all the time. But when something blows up you almost jump. I did have that kind of reaction watching King Kong. The is one seen with Kong where he slams his fist down so...
My next project in my home theater will be a rear platform/subwoofer. I will be doing research here for ideas. I may make it a low riser to put a couch on. Or I may make it the seat so I have that whole volume for the sub. Probably 2x15" drivers. There are lots of things to think about...
WHo said anything about drywall. You can get a mount. Then you just need some lag bolts or something anchored into a joist. Or you can build a shelf. I have done it both ways. To mount from the ceiling you need the projector upside down. Of course I am one to talk, I haven't put in my...
One of the cool things about having the separate room is that I can have a light on in there and see what I am doing. I can have the components on a simple shelf (sitting sideways so I can get to the back). So I can load a DVD or make an adjustment without my guests being bothered.
I know that many on this forum are not my "target" audience. I like the screen that you made. Oviously you didn't spend $2000+ as you would have on a high end screen. I assume you saved money on the screen to buy more BHS (Big Honkin' Speakers). My thing is just that you should decide where...
A friend of mine set up my web page. He is a real wiz*. He hosts it for me too. It is very easy to update and add articles. I need to add more pictures. My next big project is a rear riser/subwoofer. You can see more of his stuff at http://gwally.com
I would try the white wall apporach to start. If nothing else it lets you figure out the right size for your room, seating position, projector etc. You might be surprised how good a picture you get on a white wall. I am glad to see you are going the projector route. There are some good...
All of the electronics for my system were less than $2,000 total (including $1,200 for the projector). I never figured the cost of the room. I needed to finish that anyway ;-) the carpet was about $800 and the seats were $1500.So less than $5000. The room is 16' x 17' with a 5' wide...