I'm thinking of upgrading my Technics pro logic"SA-AX620" receiver and was looking at the 5560. And was wondering if it does HD component switching?And if this is a good receiver to upgrade to.Thanks
Panasonic 47WX51
Technics SA-AX620
120L 12"DVC Sono Sub
PE 250watt plate amp...
I was wondering If someone could tell me what 120L sono sub
with an old svs driver in it with a 4" flared port at each end 18" total length would be tuned at?Thanks alot.
I will be going with the sealed because i built an E center
around my widescreen and have opening's in it for my mains that are only 30" high.The reason I did this was because I only had a 6' wall to work with.All my gear is above the TV.
Drew i'm also starting to build the 281 sealed version.I have a 120L sub with an old svs driver.I'v heard nothing but things about the 281's.I'm looking forward to them.I'm also going to be using a 281 for a center. I was wondering what difference there will be if i put the 281 sealed on it's...
There's 3, 1 1/4" dowels centered evenly 2 1/4" long.Just a
2 1/2" screw through the double mdf and 1 1/2" screw from the bottom up.It's good and steady.
I'm powering it with a mcm 250 plate amp.The grille I picked up at a surplus store. I routered out a 1/2" buy 1/4' deep slot around so the grille would sit almost flush with the top. There's 4 black drywall screws that go through the grill and through the port flare to secure it good.It's...
WinISD tells me to use a 4" X 17" port to tune my 130L sono
to 19hz.Is that a straight port or flared in the program? I have a 4" flared port coming from PE so if thats not calculated in WinISD how do i find out the correct length with flared port?.thanks alot
Do any of you guys know the name of the fabric that svs uses
on there subs and where to get some.I'm looking for something like it.It doesn't have to be exact.thanks
This is my first sono sub i'v built.I'm very new to all this.
It's a 12"Dayton
I have the tube cut at 16" X 40.5 = 128L. I'm putting a 4" X 16" port in which will give me around 19hz, I think.Now my ? is I picked up some flared pvc ends for a 4" pipe at a flea market.If I put
these on...
With the end caps of my sono sub. I'm having 3/4" inside the tube at each end. I was wondering if you guys just glue them or do you also nail or screw them also?Thanks