I am still using mine and have had no thoughts of going back to buying premade soda. It is just too easy and I keep getting deals on the syrups so it is cheap. I have not done any experimenting except to try less and more syrup - their recomendations have always turned out to be the best in my...
Ooops. Lot of changes over the years that I have not kept up with.
And thanks for the info. Crestron is one company I have made contact with directly (not through a contractor yet). It is tough to make a decision on what I want through a system such as that. Taking everything they offer...
A few questions.
1. Who is Kevin? I think I need the reference to understand.
2. What system do you have? Is it low voltage to the switches and romex to a switching box?
I post here and Reddit takes some of my time these days (and it certainly has its share of issues). The news sites are so bogged down with trolls, it is not even worth my time to scroll down to read anymore. Just a bunch of people saying anything to get people to react. Unfortunately, a lot...
I hope you find something that works. If you do, please post your results. I was never really able to find anything past simple x-10 type switches that leave a lot to be desired imo. They do have 3 way switches if that is what you are looking for.
One of their one day solutions may have something to do with this if you have not seen them. I have always thought they needed a central hub of sorts in prime areas for people to pick up their orders.
6 months ago, I thought Netflix did really well and with me in the same city as a DC, turnaround was great. And I timed my movies to return on Tuesdays and I always got new releases first day.
Currently, I am trying 3 months for free at Blockbuster online and it is just horrible. I mean...
My first reaction was the same as above - a host of setting changes. If the suggestions above do not work, we need some more inforamation. Does it play video ok? Do you get your normal BIOS screen when booting up? The reason I ask is because the scrolling to make things finally appear on screen...
OH I certainly need something that is WYSIWYG. While I imagine almost anyone can write some HTML these days, I would not have a clue as to how to create a table or anything like that. FrontPage basically allowed me to do stuff in Word, copy it over and then view the HTML. Easy enough. I would...
I have been using FrontPage for years because it was simple to use - Created a few personal web pages with it and also ebay auctions. I just need something easy to convert stuff into simple HTML. Any recomendations? As a side question, what are the most popular paid tools these days for real web...
I would just call a local shop. I have a feeling calling safelite will get you nowhere. "not a foodgrade product" etc... I don't know much about glass but I am not sure the current safelite process (vaccum and adhesive) will work on something like that. It might just shatter under the pressure...
Heh. Yea, I worked there for a year in college. Certainly the most physically demanding job I have ever had. I don't think people in general really know what a UPS hub is like in the summer. You only work 4 hours for a reason. Anyway, very very true regarding the handling of packages. If you...
Hmmm. Thanks for the ideas. I deffinitely want a complete and total backup of everything - The idea and going back to source in case of a crash makes me want to vomit. I have the hard drives to do it already so I am not worried about that side of things. Getting a Drobo that matches the size of...
I am considering going Raid 5 for my next server setup but have a question regarding backing it up. If you have a Raid setup with a total of 10TB of data, how do you go about backup it up? Obviously, you would have to back it up to multiple drives and I would prefer it to be somewhat automated...
First of all, I did not even realize there were still Sam Goody stores - I assume the loyalty card is for FYE? Anyway, I don't believe it is common. At least it has never happened to me that I know of. But I am so used to saying no to everything at the counter these days, I never sign up for...
Taste is certainly subjective. I know someone who uses this to carbonate their own mineral water. I personally find it disgusting, but thats all he drinks. That said, I tried carbonating tea and quickly poured it down the sink.
I completely forgot about an incident I had with the SodaStream a...
I haven't taken the time to make my own syrup yet - Mostly because the recipes generally have sugar. But I keep meaning to do it. Have any links for sugar-free recipes?
And everyone I know who has tried this thing has loved it. I think the main hurdle for people is they believe it will be...
They are one liter bottles which is nice because I use them before going flat. And yea, just keep them in the fridge. I like the idea of the ice crusher. I swear I want a nugget ice machine in my next house.
Yes, it is manual. The savings comes when you factor in that you have to buy 12 packs at full price on occasion which for me is $4.99. I went through all of that when deciding to buy. I think I figured in buying at full price 1 in 5 twelve packs.
But in reality, I use it now because of...
You fill a cap with syrup, screw in a water bottle to the system, push a button 12 times, unscrew the bottle and pour in the syrup. It takes about 45 seconds and that includes getting the syrup out. I can be half asleep, realize I don't have any available and not get irritated that I have to...
If you haven't already, take a look at the EGR system or valve. It should be a fairly easy DIY fix if it is blocked with carbon.and stuck open. I don't know anything about that truck specifically but I do know that is one of the first easy things you should check if it has a rough idle. It did...
About a year ago, I decided the only show I watched on cable (and all of TV for that matter) was Mythbusters (don't judge me). Actually the Discovery Channel in general is all I would ever actually turn on. Otherwise it was some random movie I owned or didn't like. So I did a little research and...
I always thought he was very entertaining. It is my understanding that he uses a distortion pedal for some of it, but that fact doesn't really take away from how amazing it is. Thanks.
Give it a shot. Just be prepared for it. And it depends of course on the size. If its for a single bed then its less likely to have a problem then for a king obviously. This kind of project tends to loose its shape in time. So depending on what you cover it with, how tight you cover it, and how...
Rigid foam would likely work if you took the time to prevent some issues. The biggest being warping and curling at the corners when you pull the fabric tight. Even if you used plywood (easier to attach fabric), you would need bracing (framing) to prevent the corners from curling. Unless you can...
Pretty cool product. For those that don't know, its basically a small kitchen appliance that makes carbonated bevarages on demand. Cheaper than buying coke (or whatever) on sale at the store and much easier (imo).
I got the thing because I can be a gadget freak (fits this hobby), but have used...