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  1. Todd Erwin

    Podcast Home Theater United Episode 37 - New and returning hobbyists with Todd Rice and Dave Hahn

    We use the Amazon Fire Recast DVR, so that won't be an issue for us. The built-in Roku could be confusing for my wife, since we use a stand-alone Roku already (and prefer to use that, since I have not had much success with ARC), but I also hate the Android/Google TV OS - my Sony that died last...
  2. Todd Erwin

    Podcast Home Theater United Episode 37 - New and returning hobbyists with Todd Rice and Dave Hahn

    I just wish the Apple Music app on Roku supported Dolby Atmos.
  3. Todd Erwin

    Podcast Home Theater United Episode 37 - New and returning hobbyists with Todd Rice and Dave Hahn

    I'm seriously considering replacing my 7-year old 65" LG 4K non-HDR 3D in the living room with a TCL 6-series when it goes caput, but this is the longest-running flat panel I have owned to date, so it could be awhile. I thought of replacing it with an OLED, but the way my wife watches TV, often...