And, no surprise....I was happy.
I really enjoyed it--from start to finish. I work with a guy who is a TOS fan and who hasn't seen STID either. I told him, "if you're a fan of TOS, don't go into this thinking you're going to get much new...because its as if the plotline is cribbed from every...
Not "big." I'd say casual fan of the TOS and the original crew motion pictures and the first Abrams film. ("Casual" because I've never dressed in costume for a convention or needed Bill Shatner to tell me to "get a life!" :biggrin: )
I missed out on the Next Generation and all the other...
Did you look for any displays near the front registers?
Here's my story. I went to my local Target tonight (Cartwheel coupon and Target card in hand) and made a bee-line right to the Movie/Music section in the back of the store. And here's what was on the shelf:
Just the "regular"...
This falls into that all-too-common category of a film I was not going to allow myself to miss at the theater...but did.
So, I am anxious to pick it up.
I agree with everyone about the deplorable treatment of this release in terms of extras being split across so many retailers. I hate the...