Picture-wise, I think they all look fine (though I'm not a color or compression expert). But the audio errors are disappointing.
If you don't mind the remix for the first movie, there's nothing technically wrong with its disc. It's just that the track labeled "Original Theatrical English" isn't...
The actors' voices sound lower throughout, but the quickest way to tell is with the music. On the UHD, it's practically in a different key; compare the opening fanfare, and it's immediately noticeable.
ANNNDD.... the audio on the second film is at the wrong pitch. :rolleyes:
Sounds like they took a pitch-corrected PAL master, slowed it down, and re-pitch-corrected it, dropping it the whole track down a half-step or so. This affects both the English 5.1 and 2.0 tracks, which were correct on...
Heads up on the UHD disc of the first film: the track labeled "Original Theatrical English" is actually one of those dreaded downmixes. The original track should be mono, and it's been correctly included on most previous DVD and Blu-ray releases, but on the UHD, there's a stereo downmix of the...