The general consensus for the Blus is no music replacements at all, the only screw ups are Lee Harvey Oswald split into two syndicated episodes (and the only missing footage is a chunk at the end of episode 1 that you really won't miss), and the S2 episode A Portrait For Troian's final 8 minutes...
Speaking of Fox controlled shows and flipperless rereleases, the new Green Acres complete series set just announced from Shout Factory will almost certainly convert the first couple of seasons from flippers to single sided discs.
Looks like Night Gallery is going from Flipper to single sided.
Or was NG ever partially flipper?
Either way, a nice repackaging.
Depends on the company.
The CBS series All have the decent epic pak collections, usuallly split into half series chunks for the extremely long running series, or complete series for 6 seasons or less.
But that's CBS. Fox just seems to do shrink wrapping for store exclusives if they haven't...
I was going to mention the first 4 seasons sold together in Wal-Mart, but those appear to just be four seasons shrinkwrapped together.
It could also explain why shows like Reba never got a cheap complete series release, since that show is mostly flippers.
They've done it before.
Law and Order season 14 never was fixed from the original 2005 release, which contained syndicated prints in the incorrect 4x3 aspect ratio. All they did was repress the bad episodes onto single sided discs for the complete series and the single release that followed.
ALF was released by Lionsgate. Did they ever do flippers?
In fact, they've always been 4 disc sets. Here's the TSOD article from a decade ago, with box art
/too bad the sets were crap and you had to eventually buy them from Germany if you wanted...
Millennium complete is discs in thinpaks slapped into a single flimsy cardboard box.
Also, you have Ally McBeal backwards. The complete series set came first, with all 5 seasons in one big box. The single seasons came later.
Well, it's real. My copy from Fox arrived today. Pressed discs, security strip in it like you'd find in retail stores... and it's available from everywhere but Amazon.
It looks like FG 13 is just a victim of Amazon, like the X-Files complete set being available from them only for MSRP with no...
It's available right now for pre-order at Best Buy, Target, Wal-Mart, and Deep Discount with a release date of 12/8.
This is just more Amazon being stupid. The set will appear on their site for sale by Wednesday, probably a good 10 bucks more expensive than anywhere else.
Amazon has been fighting with Fox for months and pulled all their pre-releases multiple times.
I can say that FG S13 is almost certainly going to be out on Tuesday, because Fox shipped my copy yesterday that I bought in their big sale at the beginning of November, and it's due in the mailbox...
Warehouse 13 was pretty straightforward, packaging-wise. Just trays on cardboard. Nothing fancy there.
Eureka's packaging was "environmentally friendly", so it was thinner and the trays were made of different materials than the usual DVD sets.
Psych had thick cardboard stock covers with...
I yanked that foam out and stored the discs in separate cases years ago.They still fit in the original box, so the set is intact. But that floating disc effect was rather pointless.
I'm betting they're just single sided repressings of what's already out there. I mean, Universal never fixed season 14 of Law and Order, and they had two chances to do it. And that only meant using the correct, unedited, widescreen versions of the episodes instead of what they originally...
The bigger thing that should be changed for a complete series release is to release seasons 1-5 in 16x9 Widescreen instead of the 4x3 the original DVDs were released in.
But, yeah, eliminating flippers would also be a good thing. And almost certain for a complete series rerelease.
But the...
Stargate was with MGM in the beginning, then Fox took over.
Also, I believe Futurama has went to a third variation of cases, with seasons 1-4 being rereleased again with packaging matching the current seasons in both artwork style and horrible "green" packaging thaqt scratches discs all to hell.