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  1. Mike Johnston

    And the winner of the worst smelling DVD ever is....

    I may just be going on fuzzy memory here, but to me, the "Book" doesn't really look like the BOTD in the films. It catches the general gist of it, but to me, it just doesn't look the book. I need to watch Evil Dead again though, just to see if the book is that different than in Evil Dead 2 or...
  2. Mike Johnston

    Who's Got All 45 Twilight Zone DVD's??

    If any of you are interested in TZ in bulk, I remember seeing a large boxed set at Ken Cranes. I was very tempted to buy it, but I didn't. After catching TZ on the Sci-Fi Channel I regret my decision. I can't remember if it had all of them, but it had quite a few. Speaking of TZ:TM, Was...
  3. Mike Johnston

    My GC is ticking me off!

    Did you try resetting the controller? If you press X, Y, and Start at the same time, the controller is reset and the sticks become normal.
  4. Mike Johnston

    A thought on the "next-gen" systems...

    I know I might be old fashioned, but when I play games I try to just have fun. To escape reality. I'm not looking for realism like all of the number crunchers. I'm not going to count the pine needles on a tree, the ammount of ripples on the water, or if blades of grass are controlled by a...