Rusty's climaxes may have been barking mad, but they were fun. This - okay, I'm not part of the Internet Hyperbole Steven Moffett Must Go brigade, but I'm tired of his writing. The return of Gallifrey, a HUGE turning point for the Doctor, should not have been a B-plot in a story about something...
How DARE you sir! Tomb of the Cybermen is a classic and The Aztecs is one of my favorite episodes of the entire run. I cannot allow this slander to stand!
New trailer! New trailer!
And - Dalek city? Yeah, I totally called it. Also old school Daleks with the Blue and Silver paint scheme. . . . Oh, wait a moment those old Daleks have no shoulder slats. I wonder if they’re the original Hartnell daleks? I thought for a moment that they were from...
Breaking news: Doctor Who star plans to quit!
Mind you, this comes from the Daily Mail, a "newspaper" known for making up any old bullshit that comes to mind. Also Matt himself said commented in this week's Radio Times: "We want to make it (the 50th Anniversary) as big and bold and as brilliant...
Here's the proper running order for 11:
The Eleventh Hour
The Beast Below
Victory of the Daleks
The Time of Angels
Flesh and Stone
Vampires In Venice
Amy's Choice
The Hungry Earth
Cold Blood
Vincent and the Doctor
The Lodger
The Pandorica Opens
The Big Bang
A Christmas Carol
Some news about the new season:
Speculation continues over the launch date of the new series of Doctor Who, which, despite a number of Internet expectations, has yet to be confirmed by the BBC.
The return of the series was originally anticipated in the UK for the August Bank Holiday weekend...
I know, it's shocking! Postivly shocking I tell you. At least in Four To Doomsday, they had the common sense to give the Doctor a faceplateless motorcycle helmet before sending him out into the void of space!
Except that once you hit terminal...
See, I'm the reverse. I liked it when the show had stability, where companions would hang around for 3 and 4 years. Sure I've never warmed to Amy and I cant get enough of Rory - but having them hang around for 3 years was great. And I'd like to see Matt beat Tom's long running record, but that's...
Holy crap - talk about an early Christmas present for Doctor Who fans! Someone found TWO missing episodes from the sixties: Galaxy Four part 3 and The Underwater Menace part 2:
With long lost stuff like these episodes turning up, the nearly complete Metropolis found in South America and someone...
Naw, there's way more story arc than non-story arc stories in this season. (okay, 7 arc stories versus 6 non arc, but it's still more than not!)
Story Arc stories:
Impossible Astronaut
Day of the Moon
The Rebel Flesh
The Almost People
A Good Man Goes to War
Let's Kill Hitler
The Wedding...
After thinking about it, I have to agree with you. I did enjoy the experiment of River Song, and a show about time travel finally actually playing around with time travel, and I've enjoyed the hell out of Matt - but I think I'm done with not getting any damn answers (or more accurately getting...
Wait - even better news!
BBC America have confirmed that Doctor Who will return to the channel on Saturday, August 27th at 9/8c when the series continues with Let's Kill Hitler, written by Steven Moffat and directed by Richard Senior.
The BBC will not confirm a UK date for the return until...
Fantastic news! I've always been annoyed by the constant changeover of Doctors and Companions - some stability is great. Now if only we could get word from Arthur about coming back, that would make my day!
I think the TV movie gets a lot of unfair stick. Is it great? Nope, but it's not as bad as most fans make it out to be. I can think of a half dozen much worse Classic Who stories than the TVM off the top of my head without blinking.
The biggest problem the episode has is a HUGE exposition dump...
Of course I'll point out that even your Spoiler, Sweetie is still pretty conjectureal (is that even a word? It is now!) until we hear from the parties involved - beyond their vague statements of the future, I mean.
Well, they had been setting up the crack (to one degree or another) throught the previous 5 episodes - so it probably feels less God From The Machine if you had seen everything up to that point.
Now, now - don't panic. The Head of Commissioning for BBC1 and fiction says this:
From here:
Unless of course somewhere in the 200 years he had running around, he was able to stableize himself (like how the Tardis did to the other). Admittedly it's a bit of a stretch, but I was just mostly playing devils advocate in that long post.
And can we lose Amy and just keep Rory? His supreme badass entrance was wonderful! Oh, and I loved the spin on Grand Moffs usual "Stop looking at the monsters and you give them power" theme in the Headless Monks.
What I want to know is. . . .
Was it the Silence? Was it the Anglicans? Was the destruction of the TARDIS the intent or just a side effect of something bigger? Were the Cracks in the Universe on purpose? We're still no closer to finding this out.
Good news everybody! The Grand Moff has just tweeted that the show has been picked up for another 14 episodes (a regular 13 epsisode run and a xmas special) and that Matt will still be the Doctor.
Huzzah! Bow Ties are officialy cool for one more year!
Yeah, but much like Babylon 5, finding out The Truth only makes you go "Buh?" that much more about the character. How did she get from ["Spoilers, Sweety"] to where she is now! Damnit - why does fall have to be so far away?
Yeah, I know what you mean. While it sounds like I was more forgiving of the season than you, there was still a feeling that Grand Moff was following the RTD template: modern day opener, far flung distant earth, period piece with historic cameo, two parter, the Meat of the Season, Doctor Lite...
Holy hell that was an episode. I love the way that Grand Moff Stephen can get all timey-wimey like that. The way that he manages to craft those Brain Hurts episodes is astounding! And I cant wait for the payoff later in the season. Who was that girl? I totally wasn't expecting THAT! Amy...
Well, I thoght the season opener was really interesting. The one thing that Seasons 1 - 4.5 (or 29-34 for you keeping score at home) suffered from was falling into a rut. The same Earth based light fluffy episode, the historical episode with a famous person cameo, the far flung future episode...