George I thought your list was fantastic, I saved them so that I can go back and check some of them out. And your one hundred percent right, I didn't specify so you list was ok. Thanks, also I would like to add the link that Walter added was perfect.
Thanks rutger_ very accurate and well written. I understand that. But I have seen very few new movies that are not DD 5.0, 5.1, DTS. that are new, not made over. It just caught me off guard in that a 2001 move was not in any of the above formatts. ;)
Sorry guys ,I should have narrowed it down......lets say 5 movies. George your overwelming me, but aleast if no one answers this post I can use your suggestions.
Andrew the thing is Im a movie buff, I like movies of all sorts. I don't really have a favorite catagory Im pretty much open minded. I thought Citizen Kane was great, but I also thought Shaw Shank Red was great. Usually you guys give good advice so Ill pick out what I dont have, and if I see...
I know you guys have movies that are great , Im just trying to upgrade my collection with movies than I can really enjoy, Lately I am very careful as to what movies I add to my collection just so I'll have great stuff. I would like some classics old or new some of your ALL TIME GREATS.
Could you guy give me some classics movies. I mean movies that you can watch and enjoy over and over.Old or new are welcome.:star: :star: :star: :star: :star:
Merry XMAS to all, a friend of mine gave me Navy Seals 2, to my suprise the movie was in Dolby surround 2.0. I was wondering this is a new movie, does anyone have it in 5.1 or DTS. Also is Blade Runner a good movie, I know this one is in DOLBY 2.0 but to my understanding it's a pretty good...
I agree with Ryan and Peter, you really don't want to be mean, but I'm saying no. I thought this to be funny before, but now I don't know, I have a friend who keeps his movies and all of his cds in a totally different room. When he want's to watch a movie he walks in the back room, gets the...
I just wanted to know do you guys let friends or relatives borrow your DVDS.... I for one will no longer, yesterday was the last straw I let a friend borrow Traffic and Heat, when I checked to see how they were handled "OH MY GOODNESS"
You would think he had my movies for ten years, it really...
Has anyone seen this movie and what do you think. I viewed it this weekend and it had some very interesting simularities. It dosent come close to our tragedy but I thought it was a very interesting movie....Hum
I just got my direct tv hooked, now I have 2 locations bedroom and basement, Im getting 99% Level with both recievers, now the ones I purchased through direct werent too impressive not even s video. So a friend of my cousins wanted to sell 1 of his RCA HD , got it hooked it, it only gets half...
Why when I connect my audio RCA cables from my sat rec directly to my tv it hums, but if connected to my av rec it sounds normal. On 2 diffrent kind of recievers upstairs and down.
Hi guys please help me find this thread I think it was Monday I was in the forum and started reading a interesting topic about why seperates sound better than regular av recievers and had to go back to work, can you guys please help me find this thread they were just talking about how good the...
Im sure this has been already discussed but at any rate, I purchased this today, Im going to watch it tonight can someone tell me what to expect.... Oh by the way Ben Hur was great I watched it this weekend and cannot say enough about this movie. Ill rate it as one of my favorites thanks again...
Does anyone have a price yet, My wife is picking this one up tomorrow, and Sundays paper.... BB,CC or Target none of the above would give me a price on this one.
Hey Guys I had to do it, IF you will I purchaced Ben Hur last night so I can watch it tonight uaually im not into the older movies , but I can't wait until I get home #1 is it a good movie and hoe is the transfer and sound thanks..