Gruson, you have hit on the root issue which many of the "problems" on this set can be traced to... Contrary to widespread belief, they didn't have a whole lot of time to work on this set. Yes, it's true that Lucas and ILM have been tweaking the films (all of them... prequels included) all...
It's not a goof at all, but was a "trick" done in editing to hide the fact that they didn't have coverage. The actor playing the Tusken Raider only pumped the gaffi stick once before the shot ended. So, they had to loop it. WATCH THE DOCUMENTARY. It explains this shot specifically. Basically...
Good choice? Any comments on this model? It doesn't have the itegrated HDTV Tuner, but I won't need it as my cable provider will be supplying an HD box at no additional charge.
Good choice? Any comments on this model? It doesn't have the itegrated HDTV Tuner, but I won't need it as my cable provider will be supplying an HD box at no additional charge.
I'm thinking of going with HD cable over satellite, because the weather here in the Atlanta area can be volatile at times. My brother has HD satellite and his signal goes out due to weather more often than I would find acceptible. So I'll be going with cable, which will include local channels...
Thanks for the input, Chad! I'm now also weighing whether to get the 57" Hitachi with the built-in HDTV tuner... or the 65" Hitachi without the tuner. Any suggestions?
Any comments on this unit? Moving into a new home at the end of the month and I have measured that a 57" RPTV will work perfectly in the family room. Upon research, it appears that Hitachi might be the best way to go (especially for the money). Or am I wrong? Also, is it true that you...
Come on, Jonathan... that's beyond over-sensitive. This is a DVD site. So, we are supposed to be completely concious with the subject matter of the films/shows on the DVDs and constantly careful when discussing the discs? That seems extreme to me. Sure, the Holocaust was a horrible evil the...
I agree with Adam. I can hardly think of anything they could add that would make a double-dip worthwhile if you already own both the Theatrical and Extended Edition DVD sets for all three films (which, incidentally, will be 18 discs total).
These better not contain censored versions of the toons if/when it's finally released. Some of the Tex Avery shorts would be deemed far from "politically correct" these days. Magical Maestro immediately comes to mind.
I don't know, maybe. Depends on what exactly is on the disc. I know I could probably watch "the rock scene" a few more times, though. And I simply can't get enough of Death Valley, so yeah it would be worth a purchase for me. As for the Criterion thing, I understand that it hasn't been...
I may be only one of 7 people on here who actually saw the film GERRY theatrically (and maybe one of 2 who actually liked it ;) ). It starred Matt Damon and Casey Affleck as two friends who ignorantly venture into the desert wilderness only to get lost and make silly mistakes at every turn. It's...
These "soft scenes" you guys are spotting were among the first filmed. I believe the 2 scenes in Padme's apartment were the first ones shot with the primary cast. Indeed, there are some image anomalies in these scenes. But I would attribute that directly to the 24p digital cameras. The crew was...
There were 3 Parts to the "Beneath The Dome" series... 4 if you count the trailer that's on the AOTC DVD. They were each anywhere from 6 to 8 minutes in length. So, all together it runs under 30 minutes. But it's pretty funny stuff. Hard to argue with the $8.99 price, too. "George Lucas In...
It sickens me that this shoddy hack piece (which basically took almost all of McCallum's comments either out-of-context or mispresented tongue-in-cheek for seriousness) has turned into yet more Lucasfilm-bashing for the trigger-happy among us. But that's not surprising. What IS surprising...
Guys, relax. A lot of this stuff was taken totally out of context. I was at the EP2 Press Junket last week when he was discussing this stuff.
Mainly what he's complaining about are BOOTLEGS and how current internet and PC DVD-ROM burning technology is playing an increasing role.
The Variety...
Anyone know if the Korean version is unaltered? Without getting too detailed, Lynch reportedly had Naomi Watts' uh, stuff :b "blurred" for the Region 1 release per her request.