When my $20 Matrix Trilogy arrives tomorrow (Thanks CC) I will be up to 10 HD-DVD's and 12 of the "Other" format :) We have Blockbuster online so we only buy what we really want and just rent the others.
Burn the .iso and leave the cd in the drive. Reboot your computer and go into the Bios and make the cd/dvd drive the first boot priority. Exit the bios and when it reboots, it will read the cd first and should give you some options one of which should be to run Memtest.
You need to download it and burn the .ISO to a cd. Knoppix is a "Live" version of Linux which means you can run it off the CD without installing anything. Change your BIOS settings to boot from cd/dvd first instead of the hard drive. Put the disc in and reboot. It will boot from the disc and...
I would set the timings as tight as they can handle and still run stable. Did you get the RAM that is in your Newegg wishlist? Newegg probably has the specs on the RAM and the manufacturers web page should as well. Edit: If you got the Patriot RAM, it is rated at 4-4-4-12. I would set it at...
Well yes, the faster it will run. But are marginal increases worth the risk of damaging components? That is where stress testing comes in along with monitoring temps. I would recommend also running Memtest and give it more than just 30 minutes just to make sure. Also, be sure to put your...
You can't really determine a solid OC number without stress testing. Use Orthos or Memtest to test the RAM and different OC's and find your highest stable speed. Just because you can boot at 950mhz doesn't mean it is stable. What do you plan to do with the computer that you want to drive the...
Personally, I wouldn't push them both at once. If you do and you get a BSOD or system lockup, it will be harder to pinpoint the problem. So OC your RAM first and see where you can take it without errors or leave it at stock and play with your cpu.
I think OCZ has been renewing that rebate so there will probably be another one that goes from the 16th to the end of the month. Newegg, Zipzoomfly, ClubIT, Mwave are all highly regarded online retailers. Just because you already bought stuff from Newegg doesn't mean you have to pay them more...
Whatever you do, please don't encourage Bose by buying their stuff. Those speakers cost about $20 to make and look at the prices they charge. I know you want something aesthetically pleasing but buy something with some quality to it as well.
I have the 600W version of that PSU and I like it so far. Had it for about a month I guess with no problems. I think it is a good choice. You could probably even save a little bit of cash and get the 600W rather than the 700W. You can get the 600W at zipzoomfly.com for $99.90 - $10MIR =...
I'm tourbound6 on slickdeals. Yes, I think the Onkyo will suit you just fine for the PS3 and Blu-Ray, especially in a bedroom setup. Some others might chime in on speakers. They are such a personal decision it is hard for someone else to make a recommendation. I have Def. Techs and love them...
You could definitely try the DOA route and see what happens. Really, at this point, you wouldn't have anything to lose (sans some ethical integrity perhaps). The mobo is toast anyway. Worse they can say is it shows damage from improper use and deny your return. At that point, you are no worse...
Ouch. Sorry to hear and see that. So it is completely toast? Won't boot to Bios or anything? I'm not sure who you could call. I don't know if you have a leg to really stand on.
You might also download and run Coretemp as well. It will measure temps just like Speedfan but its nice to have two programs monitoring in case one of them decides to be flaky as Speedfan is known to do at times.
What are you using to determine that the cpu is running cool enough? There are some programs you can download, like speedfan, that will give you the temperatures. That is the only way you can be sure that the cpu is running cool enough. More than likely if you aren't overclocking the stock...
Hmm, interesting. I haven't looked at the mounting instructions for that Zalman so I can't really give you any recommendations. Maybe I can find the instructions online.
So you couldn't get the Zalman to go on? Did you try installing it outside the case? Socket 775 can be a real pain in the ass to install heatsinks on once the mobo is in the case.