We both know introducing new properties is fraught with greater danger and failure than established- and as long as race or gender isn't a defining characteristic- I think it is right, exciting, and impactful to cast across demographic lines.
Why is any step toward equality on television or in film dismissed as a political stunt?
And people are (rightly) still complaining about the lack of women (and people of color) in lead roles on television (and especially in science-fiction)! We simply do not have characters in film and...
Ha - phew. I misread what you wrote. Thank goodness for that, I was afraid that the fella that spends so much time making sense to me had gone off the rails!
None of this makes any sense to me. I've been watching Doctor Who since I was old enough to crawl and nothing about the character, outside of being portrayed by a man (during a time in television when there would have been NO WAY they would let a woman have the role, let alone a person of color)...
And here's why I think that's nonsense.
In the episode (which I found just okay,) Pink is shown as a reasoned man, heroic, sympathetic. The Doctor's unfair treatment of him is not shown in a positive light. If the writer's were doing what you are suggesting, they're doing a terrible job at it...
Can't say I disagree with that. I think the Tennant approach, though different than the Baker approach (my other fave Doctor) resonates more with me.But yes, the variations keep things fresh (even when the show is revisiting familiar ground.)
Not only do I 100% agree with this, it's something I tell my Doctor Who-loving co-worker all the time.I liked Matt Smith okay, but he couldn't pull off the gravity of the role the way Tennant was able to. I have hope that Capaldi can conjure the best of himself in the role, but the writing needs...
Jeffrey - argue the points (as I did) and don't fall so quickly to insult. You offered an opinion, I commented on how I thought your opinion (interpretation of the matter) was pure twaddle. Still do.
At no point were you told you could not offer an opinion. At no point were you insulted (unless...
Pure twaddle.
The female soldier and the male soldier at the school were introduced as counterbalance in the Who-verse. Capaldi's doctor having a problem with the soldier who he apparently deemed too far gone in the darkness of fighting is something that I believe will be explored as Clara's...