Afraid so - I felt that when the writers had the Clara Oswald/Danny Pink duo together that the Doctor was, to me, a side show so I was happy when focus shifted.Peter Capaldi did the best with what he was given.
If the Doctor regenerates into a woman (given all the social pressure) maybe it will be a Rose Tyler look alike :-) ? Let the speculation games begin!
I've enjoyed Peter Capaldi's turn at Dr Who (apart from the dreadful "Danny Pink" season :-)
I largely agree with both David's and Kevin's posts in that really we are observers in an adventures which may contain elements of wonder/mystery/danger etc..with the Doctor being the main protagonist and the companion(s) acting as proxies/intermediaries "helping" us to understand what maybe...
I'm not sure that I can articulate what it is that is leaving/has left me disappointed with the season so far - it's seems to have become "The Clara and Danny Pink Show" with a some weird side character called the Doctor providing some momentary diversion. Not sure of what the overall story arc...
Dr Who ? - I felt like I was watched the rejected outtakes from The Princess Bride. I like Peter Capaldi but he needs to have much material to work with than he has received in the first three episodes of diminishing returns. Does not feel like Dr Who at all for me. I am very much in the Tom...
I quite enjoyed it - a few really good moments (already mentioned above) and a lot less "running around" or "pressing this, that and the other in the TARDIS" to create an apparent air of "tension/excitement/something interesting is supposed to be happening etc..."
Looking forward to the rest...
I very much enjoyed this episode ( not been too impressed as of late ) thanks largely to the great, classy performances by John Hurt and Tom Baker - in particular, Tom, who in a mere few minutes of screen time brought back, for me, the true magic of Dr Who.