As of right now, the only Tom seasons not on blu are seasons 13, 15 (which is reportedly dropping in the US in June), and 16. The quality is generally as good as can be expected for material that is upscaled from Standard Def PAL sources although some serials look notably worse than others...
Good luck to RTD trying to undo the damage that Chibnall and the Whitaker Era did to the brand. When the Colin Baker era crashed and burned, the classic series never recovered. Is it already too late?
Its highly unlikely that the 60s Doctor Who stories ever to come to blu considering the surviving copies only exist in kiniscopes of quality ranging from the actual master tape (several late episodes were screened from 35mm due to editing expenses) to smeary messes. And on top of that, the bulk...
Its a non canon remake of one of the very first Dalek story from 1963. Said serial is likely never coming to blu-ray due to the fact that the surviving copies are of subpar quality being 16mm dupes and in the case of the fourth episode a reduction from 35mm. And like all Hartnell stories it was...
Jodie Whitaker finding herself in the most unenviable position: having to follow up a debut season that was, to put it mildly, horrible. Let us hope she gets a McCoy instead of a Colin Baker.
That and throughout the 1970s and early 80s it was the ONLY way to own a Doctor Who story in your own home. You must remember Doctor Who didn't hit VHS in the UK until 1983 with the release of Revenge of the Cybermen (picked arbitrarily because the story that won a readers poll in DWM, The Tomb...
^Back in the 70s, writers like Terrence Dicks were actually having to adapt shooting scripts for the 60s stories with little to no visual reference. Hence great liberties were taken with the sources. In fact, in one case, "Doctor Who and The Dalek Invasion of Earth", so little visual reference...
Well you have to consider the fact that Doctor Who was directly marketed as an educational children's show throughout the 1960s (gradually moving to semi-educational but not really durring Troughton's reign). It wasn't until color and Pertwee came along that the show moved into more of a...
People didn't start "liking" RTD's era until after he left. I expect the same for Moffatt except on a much larger scale.
EDIT: I love how people use this casual "so-and-so didn't know what real Who was"-attack to bash the outgoing guy (I distinctly remember the same thing when RTD left, and...