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  1. Jeff Cooper

    Doctor Who

    Just watched all 3 last night. I got a huge laugh out of the Star Beast when it actually showed up, someone on the writing team is obviously a huge fan of the old Disney Animated kids show Phineas and Ferb. :D There's even more striking similarities in how plot pans out in the episode...
  2. Jeff Cooper

    Doctor Who

    "When they made this particular hero they didn’t give him a gun, they gave him a screwdriver to fix things. They didn’t give him a tank or a warship or an X-Wing, they gave him a call box from which you can call for help. And they didn’t give him a superpower or a heat-ray, they gave him an...
  3. Jeff Cooper

    Doctor Who

    Ugh. I'll take the civilized discussion here 10000x over the crap that gets spewed on those 'discussion' platforms.