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  1. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Already discussed here. There's 44 episodes here. Pretty good, big files too.
  2. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Good morning David. I recently found three episodes of Bold Venture (1959) on YouTube. It stars Dane Clark and Joan Marshall and I really enjoyed it. It was produced by Ziv Television. Any chance of ClassicFlix bringing this 45 episode series to physical media?
  3. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Two volumes are on DVD. I know cause I bought'em in 2015 and 2019. Not great but not bad...
  4. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    It's early next year now. Any first volumes scanned yet? Can you provide any updates David? Inquiring minds want to know. :biggrin:
  5. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Suggest you all utilize the Search (This Thread) Feature up top on the right side. It's very accurate and will prevent requesting the same shows over and over. You requested those two just about 8 months ago here and others responded.
  6. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    A second semi-high quality episode of This Is Alice was uploaded yesterday by Moviecraft Inc.
  7. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    You asked this already Tim David responded.
  8. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Thanks David -- Hoping for another Science-Fiction series.
  9. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    David can you share any info about these potential 2024 releases? Comedy, Drama, Science-Fiction? Thanks!
  10. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Fascinating David. I had no idea the remaining pulse in physical media was so dire. You must cringe when you see members here, upon news of a new release, announcing they will wait for the price to come down. Thanks for this comprehensive explanation.
  11. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Much appreciate the update David! The extremely rare early 50s live show sounds like a great teaser. Question: What made you decide to offer new releases in separate volumes as opposed to all at once. Personally I'd prefer the latter. Thanks!
  12. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    David I also forgot to say how much I'm enjoying 21 Beacon Street too! Is anything else in the works in regards to unreleased Classic TV on BluRay or DVD for 2024? Thanks and Happy Holidays!
  13. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    I'd like to second that. I'm 5 episodes in and loving it. The Sea Hunt music doesn't hurt either! Quite a few people here have requested that I do a WoG Photo Commentary, so I've decided to grant them their wish. And if you believe that, I have a little bridge I can sell you too.
  14. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Oh bummer. Thanks for the prompt response David!
  15. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Hi David any updates on WOG Pre-Order and Release Date? Thanks!
  16. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    David why is 21 Beacon Street - The Complete Series DVD only and World of Giants DVD and BluRay? WoG better overall prints?
  17. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Hi David! I just cancelled my Amazon order for 21 Beacon Street - The Complete Series. I'll never be placing any orders with Amazon ever again. I won't get into the specifics about that here. What I wanted to know is if your World of Giants Pre-Order link will precede the June 27th 21 Beacon...
  18. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Awesome!! Thank you!
  19. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Thanks David. Passport To Danger as you know is all over YouTube. Greatly looking forward to the truly rare, unseen and remastered upcoming stuff. Btw, when can I pay for World of Giants?
  20. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Yes Robert I've had that for many years and it's not bad at all.
  21. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Gary I searched out the series you posted in YouTube and all but two had playlists. Only problem being many had very poor quality. But still, those who are interested can see a few samples of each. Front Page Detective Boots & Saddles The Lone Wolf Hiram Holiday Hennesey The Gray Ghost Boston...
  22. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    That's a wonderful list Gary. Quite a few times I'll see shows that I remember loving as a child, and then I watched those same shows as an adult and have thought to myself, wow ... how silly, what a letdown. Most of those letdowns are from the 1960's. Those from the 1950's seem to have a more...
  23. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    You Rang-o?
  24. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Interesting history about it here. The Pilot for Camp Runamuck (1965-1966) S01E01 Who Stole My Bathtub? (Sep.17.1965)
  25. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Thanks for the explantion David and I agree. I haven't watched these in years but from what I recall the first season looks better than the second season.
  26. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Wow! Between Naked City and now Car 54 it sounds like you are originally a New Yorker. Do you mean that Car 54, Where Are You? has been remastered in HD already? I love the series too and would buy it in a heartbeat. Hope you can make it happen, thanks!
  27. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    I never realized he added all that to all his uploads, nor why?
  28. The 1960's

    ClassicFlix RARE TELEVISION Thread

    Todd, don't you remember the superb prints from Jeff Sabu? ... and not stretched.