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  • Hi Fritz

    I hope you're well. I really like your TNG cover and wondered if you could let me download it?

    Many thanks
    You've got some great covers! Can I have access to your Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Director's Edition 2022) files please?
    Hi Fritz. I think your work is marvellous. Could you please let me have access to the Conan The Barbarian files please.
    So many of your beautiful covers that I love to have. Not sure the best way to proceed about it without appearing too greedy :) Should I ask one at a time of present a list? At any rate, I 'd also be interested in commissioning you for some covers should you be so inclined.
    Hi- Can I please have the link for Iron Man 1 2 & 3 covers? Love your work! The UK 14mm spine Blu-ray.
    On another note- do you have a First Blood blu ray cover in that same format- comic book style?
    Hello Mr. Fritz, been following your work for some time. Love what you do. All the work is fantastic. I’ve tried to track you down on a few platforms. I’m looking for your custom artwork of Spellbound if you’d be so kind to provide me a link for download.
    Hey there fritz loving the vhs to blu ray covers work .. any chance you could send me the downloads to the lethal weapons and the superman films covers please

    Many thanks
    I would like access to print the retro Disney VHS style blu Ray cover art. What a genius idea. They look spot on. I can’t wait to look over more of your work.
    Mr. Nilsen -

    Would love to see about receiving access to your Superman films custom cover art for Blu-Ray. They are the most beautiful looking custom covers I have ever come across for these films, especially with the hard to find poster art you have with Superman III. Absolutely phenomenal!

    Thank you,
    Dear Fritz, I would like to print your covers for.. Planet of the Apes (1968) and Beneath P O T Apes (1970) Patton (1970) and Saturday Night Fever (1977) Can you send me Download Link please. I sent you a message from days ago. Thanks, Rick
    hello Fritz! My compliments for all your great custom artwork. I love the 3 phases of the real heroes blu-rays. Is it possible to have the download links? Thanks in advance! My email is [email protected]
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