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Free John McTiernan (1 Viewer)


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
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Il ne reste plus à John McTiernan qu'une poignée de jours avant d'entrer en prison. Une poignée de jours pour se battre. Encore. Et peut-être réussir à faire fléchir Dale Fischer, la juge qui l'a condamné à un an de prison, suivi de trois ans de liberté surveillée. La justice américaine ne plaisante pas avec les écoutes illégales et les parjures (voir l'excellent résumé de l'affaire par Arnaud Bordas, de Capture Mag, sur le site). En jouant, in fine, la carte du plaider coupable, McTiernan s'est mis la tête sur le billot. Ses aveux en ont fait la cible idéale. Il allait servir d'exemple, payer à la place des autres, les Demi Moore, Tom Cruise, Chris Rock, qui ont tout nié en bloc Mais le prix est élevé. John McTiernan n'a plus rien tourné depuis dix ans, en raison de ses démêlés judiciaires. Il est ruiné. Anéanti. Il lui reste un mince espoir : que la juge fasse machine arrière, au vu de l'inexactitude d'éléments déterminants du dossier à charge. L'espoir, aussi, que des voix s'élèvent pour dire que la peine est trop lourde, que dix ans de déroute constituent une punition plus que suffisante.
Ces voix, c'est nous, c'est vous et tous les autres. Une goutte d'eau dans la mer ? Peut-être pas si on fait assez de bruit sur les réseaux sociaux.

Alors faites tourner et dites NON ! à l'incarcération de John McTiernan.


John McTiernan only has a few days left before he has to start serving his sentence. A few days to fight. Again. And maybe succeed in making Judge Dale Fischer, the judge who sentenced him to a year in prison, followed by three years of supervised release, back down. American justice does not take too kindly to illegal tap-wiring and perjury (see the excellent text by Arnaud Bordas, from capture m[color=rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;text-align:left;]ag, coming soon on this site translated in english for our english readers). By pleading guilty McTiernan has put his head on the block. His confessions have made him an easy target. He was going to be used as an example, pay for the others, Demi Moore, Tom Cruise, Chris Rock who denied everything but the price is high. John McTiernan has not shot a film in ten years because of these legal troubles. He is ruined. Annihilated. But a very slim hope remains: the judge might just back down,given the inaccuracy of some of the evidence provided in the case.
The hope also that voices will rise to say that the sentence is too heavy, that ten years of being thrown off track is punishment enough![/color]

[color=rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;text-align:left;]These voices, it's us, it's you and everybody else. A drop in the ocean? maybe not if we make enough noise on the social networks.[/color]

[color=rgb(51,51,51);font-family:'lucida grande', tahoma, verdana, arial, sans-serif;font-size:11px;text-align:left;]So please share and say NO! to the imprisonment of John McTiernan.[/color]


Une vidéo pour les supporters français, à faire circuler ! Patrick Poivey, la voix française de Bruce Willis, à redoublé ce passage du film avec un message de circonstance !

A video for the french supporters. Patrick Poivey, the french voice of Bruce Willis, redubbed this morning this Die Hard excerpt to send the message home! SHARE!



Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 2009
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He pleaded guilty, he committed a crime and admitted to it, let him face justice for that crime, i like him as a director but no one is above the law.


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
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As we're relaying this french initiative, this isn't about revising the trial (he was undeniably guilty) but about showing support to a great filmmaker who has given us three of the greatest franchises of the 20th century (Predator, Die Hard, Jack Ryan) and is now so burdened by the whole ordeal, that he might never be able to shoot a movie again.

If no one is above the law then half of Hollywood needs to follow him in jail. They all used Pellicano services and were aware of his methods. This isn't justice, it's using a great filmmaker as a scapegoat while the stars get away with a jail free card.

Moe Dickstein

Senior HTF Member
Jan 6, 2001
Pittsburgh PA
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T R Wilkinson
Although if he had just taken his first sentence years ago he would have been in and out of jail and through his probation already by now!I love McT and I really want to see him make more films, which is why it's sad to me he didn't just get this all behind him years ago so he could return to his gift.The whole thing is terribly sad, but I hope that he comes out of it ready to go and that someone gives him the chance.


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
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Some detailed information about the case:

French version here

The excellent and well documented article from the French news magazine L'Express (equivalent of Time magazine), with a new perspective on the hidden side of John McTiernan's case is now totally translated for our english friends.

John McTiernan : Behind the case.

The Die Hard with a Vengeance and Thomas Crown Affair director, is going to be sent to prison on April 3rdfor perjury and lying to the FBI. A source close to the family relates the story of the case which ruined John McTiernan's career.

By Sandra Benedetti.

Snow is twirling down in gusts on Wyoming. In the outhouse of a ranch where cow boys were once running away from Sioux' arrows, a man with tormented wrinkles is writing the story of a bunch of flying firemen. He named it Warbirds. It is a script on which John McTiernan is working, with anxiety on his mind. Two weeks from now, on April 3rd, at exactly midnight, the director of Die Hard and The 13th Warrior will have to surrender to the authorities.

He has been sentenced to a year in prison, a $100 000 fine and 3 years probation for having lied on two occasions to the FBI and for committing perjury in front of a court of law. The conclusion of an old case which has ruined the career of this lone bear, at the polar opposite of the Hollywood noise, a kind of cinematic maverick turned outcast since 2006.

It all started in 2000 on the set of Rollerball. What should have been, in the mind of McTiernan, a modern Spartacus was turning into a nightmare. Thugs were extorting the crew, a fire of undetermined origin destroyed the set and the accountant, terrified, took off. The filmmaker and his producer, Charles Roven, both had their finger on the trigger. Roven didn't give a damn about Spartacus and wanted a simple "whiz-bang" action film, basically. McT suspected him of plotting a first class sabotage with the help of the MGM moguls.

Desperate, he hired a professional with whom he already dealt in 1998 during his divorce from Donna Dubrow : Anthony Pellicano. This tuxedo and shined shoes wearing, unsavoury character dresses like Al Capone, is the private detective that the City of Angels goes to when things go awry. A big shot, with links to the mafia. "When you are one of his friends, you are part of his family. If you're not, then you have a big problem" according to Sylvester Stallone.

Michael Jackson, Kevin Costner, Tom Cruise, Courtney Love, Stevie Wonder, agents and film star lawyers, moguls and even Hillary Clinton are among his clients. He is nicknamed "the sin eater". He his a man of many specialties. Blackmail, threats, illegal wiretaps, spying, corruption and various falsifications. And all very 'hush hush ». On the phone, John McTiernan asked Pellicano to find out what Charles Roven and MGM were plotting regarding Rollerball.

No problem, that'll be $50 000, thanks, see you soon.

The film, butchered indeed in the editing room by Roven, came out in 2002 to disastrous reviews. This very same year, the FBI raided Anthony Pellicano's place. A Los Angeles journalist had pressed charges : she had found a dead fish, a red rose and the word "Stop" on the broken windshield of her Audi. In mafia parlance, this is a death threat. She was sniffing around in the life of two of Pellicano's clients and was sure that this was where the threat came from.

The cops quickly apprehended a small time crook, Alexander Proctor, who admitted to the felony and pointed the finger at the private detective. In the den of the sin eater, agents took possession of hard drives, computers, hand grenades, hand guns, explosives, assault weapons, CDs, thousand of pages of telephone conversation transcripts and gadgets worthy of James Bond. Arrested for illegal possession of military grade weaponry, Pellicano is sentenced to 30 months in prison. Just the time it will take the FBI to go through this mountain of evidence.

On February the 13th 2006, John McTiernan was having dinner in his Wyoming based ranch. A source close to the family tells that the director had came back the day before from a location scouting in Thailand and was suffering from typhoid fever and serious jet lag. In one account, one of the judges of the appeal court indicates that the scouting took place in Canada. Anyway. The phone rang and, feverish or not, exhausted or not, McT took the call. A guy saying he is from the FBI asked him questions about Pellicano and lawyer Dennis Wasser, which the director had previously hired during his divorce from Donna Dubrow. He wanted to know if McT had knowledge of the detective's illegal wire-tapping. The answer was no.

« Journalists often called pretending to be somebody else, a close member of the family remembers. John knew by experience that it was better to answer their questions in order to be left alone. At the end of the conversation, the man asked John if it had been the only time he hired Pellicano and John answered "Yes. I have to leave you and go back to my dinner". And that's where it ended".

FBI special agent Stanley Ornellas hung up and took notes. The gates of hell had just been opened. Merely a month later, the most powerful detective on the planet was standing again in front of a court of law. Among the hundred charges held against him : extortion, illegal wire-tapping and conspiracy to commit a crime. He faced 20 years in prison. "This trial has the potential of opening a rare window on the hidden face of hollywood", attorney Pierce O'Donnell declared. The whole of Tinseltown was shaking. The first big name to fall into the hands of justice was John McTiernan.

He will be the only one to suffer the consequence.

On March 4th, the government suggested to the director that he should hire a lawyer. When on March 16th, he was summoned to an interview with a government representative, McT brought his lawyer alongside him. The attorney mentioned agent Stanley Ornellas' phone call to McTiernan during which he denied knowledge of the illegal methods of the detective as well as having hired him after 1998. Then, he brought up transcripts of the illegal wire-tapping involving Charles Roven, and the recording, dated August 17th 2000, of a conversation between McT and the detective of the stars, which the federals said was found on one of the seized computers.

Instead of claiming, hand on his heart, that he knew nothing of Pellicano's actions as all the other celebrities would do afterwards, the filmmaker decided to plead guilty at the trial. His lawyer assured him that it was the only line of defense, based on the evidence presented. According to the New York Times, McT declared to the court: "Actually, I thought about hiring Pellicano to wiretap Charles Roven during the summer of 2000. I talked about it with him. I never got a report. After two weeks I paid him and I fired him. But I didn't mentioned it to the FBI agent on the phone." He had just set foot in hell for good. Lying to the FBI is a felony, punishable with a prison sentence of 5 years.

Since the beginning of the procedure, McT is on probation. Like every other accused in his situation. He has to give a weekly account of every single one of his activities to an agent, ask for permission if he wants to travel further than 100 miles from his home and obtain permission from a judge to leave the country as long as his case is pending.

Making a film under such conditions is impossible, since no insurance company will accept a project on which the director can be sent to prison and offered an orange jumpsuit at any given time. "Mister McTiernan is not above the law", so the accusers like to claim. The one who is not above the law is going round in circles in his ranch. Hollywood scorns him, for fear of being compromised.

In 2007, the sentence was given : 4 months in prison, 2 years of probation and a $100 000 fine. The filmmaker realised then that he had been duped by his lawyers, who had omitted to mention a few details on the consequences of a guilty plea. He fired them and hired two proud, stubborn, nasty, pugnacious lawyers. From there, sentences, trials, appeals, accusations and canceling requests would follow one another. Magistrates are full of resources, and so is the government.

Above all, there is judge Dale Susan Fischer. Cold eyed, short white fringe, toothy smile. The rumors say she is trying to make a name for herself by putting McT behind bars. When the lawyers mentioned the very serious state of depression of their client to try and soften the sentence, she answered: "He certainly won't be the only depressive in detention", as reported by the Los Angeles Times.

Free McTiernan

According to our source, Fischer is said to have refused for the jury to be informed of an error in procedure. FBI agents are supposed to introduce themselves in person, with a badge and I.D., in order to interrogate somebody. Besides, every person involved in the Pellicano case was contacted through his agent or lawyer by the Federal Bureau before being interviewed. Only McTiernan was approached on the phone.

As for the notorious transcripts of Charles Roven's illegal wiretapping, which L'Express had full access to, they only consist of brief summaries, without a single dialogue. "Simple messages on an answering machine", adds our informant. Those two pieces of information and the fact that a key witness retracted herself should annul the director's sentence, he reckons.

But that's supposing the judge accepts to take them into account. The hotshot lawyers, Todd Neal and Chuck Sevilla, won't back down, despite the tenacity of Dale Fischer. They did manage to get her permission concerning a medical follow up of McT in prison. "The medication that John has been taking for the last ten years is not recognized by the Board of Prisons. If the treatment is brutally stopped, he will suffer from very serious side effects", warns our source.

If they cannot quash the sentence, the defendants have insisted that their client is incarcerated in Yankton, South Dakota, the closest prison to the family and one of the least dangerous in the United States. In the meantime, the Bear Claw Ranch that McTiernan bought on credit 25 years ago is being sold to pay for the legal costs. The little tribe now lives in the keeper's house. There, the director reads Shakespeare to his children. From his windows, he sees the deer wandering about and the eagles flying around. Free as the wind. Free as he still is himself. Not for long.

Upon hearing of his fast approaching incarceration, French fans and journalists have created the page FREE JOHN McTIERNAN on Facebook. It has created quite a lot of turmoil since its creation a couple of weeks ago. Samuel L Jackson, Joe Carnahan, Brad Bird, Jan Kounen and a multitude of other film related names have joined the cause. Enough to give a bit of courage to John McTiernan, there, on the other side of the Atlantic.


Senior HTF Member
Sep 14, 2009
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I'm sure the others were just as guilty but they didn't admit it and got very good lawyers to represent them, if i am reading this correctly he was sentenced to a year in jail, so far he hasn't served his time, justice will be served after he serves his time in jail.

He has my total support for making future films as i think he is a very good director, he does need to serve the time though for his crime.
HDvision said:
As we're relaying this french initiative, this isn't about revising the trial (he was undeniably guilty) but about showing support to a great filmmaker who has given us three of the greatest franchises of the 20th century (Predator, Die Hard, Jack Ryan) and is now so burdened by the whole ordeal, that he might never be able to shoot a movie again.

If no one is above the law then half of Hollywood needs to follow him in jail. They all used Pellicano services and were aware of his methods. This isn't justice, it's using a great filmmaker as a scapegoat while the stars get away with a jail free card.


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
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Alec Baldwin, star of The Hunt for Red October, sent Free John McTiernan an unambiguous message about his full support to John McTiernan:

"Aside from being an extraordinarily gifted film director, John McTiernan is an admired industry colleague who has overseen films that have employed thousands of motion picture professionals.

What is happening to John is wrong. His sentence is a travesty. And I encourage everyone who reads this to e-mail your reps in Congress to ask that John be set free.

Alec Baldwin"


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
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Vladimir Kulich the Czech actor who was given one of his best parts by McT in The 13th warrior, has sent Free John McTiernan a moving message of support:

John McTiernan, director of Die Hard, Predator, Hunt For Red October and The 13th Warrior is going to prison.

When no one believed in me McT stuck with me and gave me The 13th Warrior. Now he is going to prison for not coming clean with the FBI. You break the rules and you pay. Sometimes you break a little and pay a lot.

The Hollywood Country Club has tried to break him, he hasn't worked since 2003. And yes, some will say that he was difficult to work with and I will go one further and say that sometimes he could be a real asshole. But I loved him despite of it. His gruffness only masked his deep rooted volnurability which he always managed to transcend on to the screen. I truly believe that McT is hands down the best action director (Johan Renck and Joe Carnahan excluded) today. His brilliance outshines most of the generic HD parrots posing behind big budgets in this town.

In this case the punishment far exceeds the crime.

They always burn the good ones because they fear their talent. The mundane, the transparent they revere. They are the safe, the predictable, the non threatning, the non challenging, the painfully familliar.

John McT is a breed apart. He is an endangered species.

He stands alone.

I support McT.

Happy Easter.

Vladimir Kulich


Nov 11, 2007
Paris, France
Real Name
From http://www.facebook.com/pages/Free-John-McTiernan/426739774078081

Now that John McTiernan has joined Yankton State Prison in South Dakota, his wife Gail decided to break the silence and sent us the following message :

Dearest Friends of Free John McTiernan:

It is with much sadness that I tell you, as you know, that my husband self surrendered and gave up his seven year battle to keep his freedom. It was a day of high emotion, especially on my part. I promised him that I would not stop fighting this injustice and would get him home as soon as I can. While his fight may be over for now, mine has truly just begun.

The Federal Government has now imprisoned a man, with no prior criminal record, for saying a single false word on the phone (the answer of "yep") to a stranger’s voice he could not have possibly known or verified was law enforcement. Given the years of calls from fans or journalists, sometimes parading as some form of law enforcement, the responses to the caller that evening at dinner, were a courteous gesture. Everyone presumes the FBI comes to your door, black suits, badges showing. The FBI Manual certainly says the credentials must be shown so the person knows to whom they are speaking. But that didn't happen this time. Not giving the call another thought, John was shocked when two weeks later that phone call resulted in a federal felony charge. He pled guilty upon advice of counsel and later withdrew the guilty plea when he realized he had a defense to the false statement charge. The Court denied his request to withdraw his guilty plea. The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals agreed with McTiernan. After the win, the Government quadrupled the charges and took away his chance for a fair trial. He filed a conditional guilty plea and then appealed again to the Ninth but a panel of a different political ilk sided with the Government. His request to be heard by the United States Supreme Court was denied.

He's since filed a habeas motion as it has been discovered that the alleged wiretap of Charles Roven (co-producer on Rollerball) never occurred, that Atlas (a Roven company) was a client of Pellicano, and that Pellicano former employees have never seen the alleged summaries of wiretapped calls. In addition, the hard drive given to defense attorneys that was to prove where evidence against John came from was in such a condition that the defense expert witness concluded "recovery…and verification of any content would be impossible." The "summary of wiretapped calls evidence" against McTiernan has never to this day been delivered to our defense lawyers . The pending habeas petition could have been decided before he ever set foot near a federal prison as his sentence is questioned by the newly discovered information. The Government has stalled his case with years of delays in filings, and filed their reply to the habeas just two days ago; a month late. That month was crucial to him and would have given time for his lawyers to file a response. Now with John in custody, the delays as a tactical strategy are sure to continue.

It is not okay to treat people in this manner. Many will say that he treated Chuck Roven badly. Well, actually, no. His film, and it's crew were in peril. As director, his job was to protect the people and the project. In a moment of bad judgement, he sought whatever information he could find. He also fired the guy when he realized he was talking of nonsense. His learned nothing, and no one was harmed. It's much like arresting the naive guy for buying oregano when he thought he was buying marijuana. Do you still send him to prison?

I am grateful that the judge called today to ensure his health issues would be addressed. I am hopeful in the coming weeks she will put her blindfold back on and listen to the merits of John's case. The path is bound to be rocky and I ask for your continued support and good thoughts.

We appreciate all of the tremendous support his fans and colleagues have shown. To see so many artists offer their support has been very touching. That the true chain of events is coming out is most welcome. This last month has been a very hard one. This Facebook page has been a source of smiles throughout this month….our hardest yet. We are so touched by the wonderful words, videos, artwork, and support. It is truly a shining example of humanity in a world where caring for one another is becoming a lost art.

When I told McT that his French fans had started a fantastic support page, he smiled and asked, "The French?" and I responded "Yes, really." He grinned and said in his sexiest French accent, "But of course!" Then quietly added, "They're wonderful aren't they?" "Yes my love, but of course," was my reply.

Vive la France! I hope we are back soon!

Gail McTiernan


Chers amis de Free John McTiernan,

C'est avec une grande tristesse que je vous annonce, comme vous le savez, que mon mari s'est rendu de lui-même aux autorités et a abandonné son combat, long de sept ans, pour conserver sa liberté. C'était une journée très intense d’un point de vue émotionnel, surtout de mon côté. Je lui ai promis que je n'arrêterai pas de combattre cette injustice et que je le ramènerai à la maison le plus tôt possible. Si son combat est fini pour l'instant, le mien ne fait que commencer.
Le gouvernement fédéral a donc emprisonné un homme sans casier judiciaire, pour avoir dit un seul mot erroné au téléphone (« mouais » en l’occurrence) à une voix inconnue dont il était impossible de vérifier l’appartenance aux forces de l'ordre. Si l’on prend en compte tous les appels de fans et de journalistes que nous recevions depuis des années – dont certains se faisant parfois passer pour les forces de l'ordre – on comprendra que les réponses que John a donné à son interlocuteur ce soir-là, alors qu’il était en plein dîner, étaient avant tout des formules de politesse. Tout le monde pense que le FBI vient à votre porte, vêtu de noir, badges bien en évidence. Le manuel du FBI stipule que les agents doivent montrer leurs identifiants pour que la personne questionnée sache à qui elle a affaire. Mais ça ne s'est pas passé comme ça cette fois-ci. N’ayant pas donné d’importance à cet appel, John a été choqué lorsque, deux semaines plus tard, il s’est avéré que le coup de téléphone le menait à une inculpation pour crime fédéral. Il a plaidé coupable sur l’avis de son avocat, avant de se rétracter un peu plus tard, lorsqu'il a réalisé qu'il avait la possibilité de se défendre contre l'accusation de faux témoignage. La cour de justice a refusé sa rétractation. Tandis que la neuvième cours d'appel, elle, a accédé à sa requête. Après cette victoire, le gouvernement a quadruplé les chefs d'accusation, lui enlevant toute chance de procès équitable. McTiernan a alors accepté de plaider coupable de manière conditionnelle et a de nouveau fait appel devant la neuvième cour mais le jury, d'un bord politique différent, a pris cette fois-ci le parti du gouvernement. Enfin, sa requête d’être entendu par la Cour suprême des États-Unis a été refusée.
À partir de là, McTiernan a présenté une requête en Habeas pour manque de preuve puisqu'il a été découvert que la mise sur écoute de Charles Roven (co-producteur de Rollerball) n'a jamais eu lieu, qu’Atlas (une compagnie de Roven) était un client de Pellicano, et que les ex-employés de Pellicano n'ont jamais vu les retranscriptions des prétendus appels téléphoniques. En plus de cela, le disque dur donné à la défense, censé prouver l'origine des preuves contre John, était dans un tel état que l'expert de la défense en a finalement conclu que « la récupération et la vérification du contenu seraient impossibles. ». Le « résumé des écoutes illégales », la preuve utilisée contre Mr McTiernan, n’a à ce jour toujours pas été communiqué aux avocats de la défense. Le gouvernement aurait pu prendre une décision sur la requête en Habeas avant même que McTiernan ne mette les pieds en prison puisque sa sentence a été remise en question par les nouvelles informations récemment découvertes. Le gouvernement a volontairement essayé de gagner du temps sur ce dossier, prenant des années de retard. Il a finalement répondu a la requête en Habeas il y a de cela deux jours, c’est-à-dire avec un mois de retard. Ce mois-là était crucial pour John et aurait permis à ses avocats de préparer une réponse. Maintenant, avec John en prison, les retards utilisés de manière stratégique vont bien entendu continuer.
Ce n'est pas bien de traiter les gens de cette manière. Beaucoup diront que, après tout, John a bien maltraité Charles Roven. Mais ce n'est pas vrai. Son film et son équipe étaient en danger. En tant que réalisateur, son boulot était de protéger son équipe et son projet. Dans un moment d’égarement, il a essayé de trouver le plus d'informations possible. Mais il a également viré Pellicano quand il a réalisé que le mec disait n’importe quoi. John n’a rien appris du tout et personne n’a été lésé. C'est un peu comme arrêter le gars qui achète de l’origan alors qu'il croyait acheter de la majijuana. Vous l’envoyez quand même en prison ?
Je suis reconnaissante que la juge ait appelé aujourd'hui pour être certaine que ses problèmes de santé seraient pris en compte. J'ai de l'espoir que, dans quelques semaines, elle enlèvera le bandeau qu’elle a sur les yeux et entendra le bien fondé du dossier de John. Le chemin sera sans doute escarpé. Je demande simplement votre soutien et vos pensées positives !
Nous apprécions tout le soutien que ses collègues et ses fans ont montré. Voir tous ces artistes offrir leur soutien était très touchant. Que la vérité sur ce qui s'est passé finisse par sortir est également bienvenue. Le mois qui vient de s’écouler a été très difficile. Cette page facebook a été la source de nombreux sourires durant cette période qui restera parmi les plus dures de notre existence. Nous avons été très touchés par tous les merveilleux messages, les vidéos, les dessins, et tout ce soutien de manière générale. C'est vraiment un magnifique exemple d'humanité dans un monde où prendre soin les uns des autres est devenu un art en voie de disparition.
Quand j'ai dit a McT que ses fans français avaient créé cette fantastique page de soutien, il a souri et demandé : « Les Français? ». J’ai répondu : « Tout à fait. ». Tout en continuant de sourire, il a dit avec son accent français le plus suave : « Mais bien sûr ! », et il a ajouté calmement : « Ils sont merveilleux, tu ne trouves pas ? ». Ce à quoi j’ai répondu : « Mais bien sûr mon amour ! ».
Vive la France ! J'espère que nous serons bientôt de retour !

Gail McTiernan

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