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Advent Speakers (1 Viewer)

Jackson L

Stunt Coordinator
Nov 13, 2004
I have a question. I have Some Advent Loudspeakers from 1977 as the mains in my home theater system. They sound excellent to me and seem to be very well built. They are very heavy and sturdy. They are two way speakers with dynamic tweeters. I have seen the tweeters go for quite a bit of money by themselves on Ebay. My speakers suffured from what seems to have been a common problem on this model. The rubber rims rotted away. I have had the speakers "re-rimmed" and they sound just as good as ever. Since I didn't buy them, my parents did, and I don't know the original cost I'm curious to know where Advent ranked in the world of speakers. Were they higher end? Lower end? Mid range? They don't seem to be around anymore and while I'm happy with them I'd just like to know. :) It seems that it will be difficult to match a center speaker with them as well which is what I have been looking into lately.

Jack Briggs

Senior HTF Member
Jun 3, 1999
The original Larger Advents were worthy speaker systems in the 1970s, costing at around $200 per side (I believe). One of the best situations I ever heard them in was as double Advents (per side) being run by a Crown DC-300 amplifier. Amazing, I thought at the time -- the double Advents sounded a little better than even the Dahlquist DQ-10 speaker system (a high-end, "must-have" unit).

Jackson L

Stunt Coordinator
Nov 13, 2004
Hey your's look the same as mine except my cabinets aren't as fancy. Mine just have dark 70's Walmut veneer. The grills are the same. Yours have the same tweeters as mine for sure but the woofers are different. Probably because mine are original with only new rims. Thanks for the info! Now that I have actually looked at the back of the speakers it says "The Smaller Advent Loudspeaker... A high performance acoustic-suspension loudspeaker system designed by Henry E Kloss" They are 4OHM and have a full set of directions stapled to the back. A funny thing is that in that thread you linked too someone else with the same speakers is using the same surrounds that I have. Realistic Minimus-7! All this time I thought I had an "OK" system that would get me by until I could afford more expensive stuff. To be honest, when I hear speakers from Klipsch, Monitor, and Polk in the stores they don't sound all that different than my Advents.

EDIT: I'll add another question. I have been lookin for a center speaker that would match my Advents. I see it was mentioned in that other thread but it didn't get anywhere. My budget is $200 max. Any ideas? I have seen some nice deals on Energy, Polk, and JBL centers.

Jackson L

Stunt Coordinator
Nov 13, 2004
Huh? I'm looking for a center speaker. I don't think those would work very well. If I was going to use a big speaker like that (which I'm not) I might as well look for another one exactly like the ones I have.

Andy Goldstein

Stunt Coordinator
May 6, 2003
well, i do believe i am the one you are talking about with the minimus-7 surrounds. as for the advent center channel, i tried an actual one, but with a pair of dinky little full-range drivers it couldnt hope to keep up with a pair of doubles. so i bought another sheet of mdf and started cutting again:

no problems with the bass boxes being right up against the tv, perfect timbre matching to the doubles, and flexibility in soundstage with the tweeters being seperate and moveable. the best sound is with them stacked, and if there is a large group watching i aim them at the back corners of the room.


oh yeah: 134 bux each for vinyl-clad new large advents in 1977. i think walnut veneer was 30 bux more each. couldnt see spending the extra cash. if you assume the original purchase price is amortized by now (i sure hope so!), i have less than 100 bux into each speaker. so.... thats 300 across the front, plus 300 for all the m-7s, plus 50 for one sub, plus 25 for the other. not too bad for a system that is very musical, and will rock the house for movies too :)

Jackson L

Stunt Coordinator
Nov 13, 2004
Well what are the chances that a new center speaker from Polk, Energy, or JBL will sound good with my speakers? I really need a magnetically shielded center. How "bad" does it sound if they don't match?

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