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Reflections: Boston Public Season 1 (1 Viewer)


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 21, 2002
I think this will be a good idea to do for shows in the past. I started to think about Boston Public. In part because I'm re-watching episodes I have of the first season.

I gotta say, the first season is extremely good. No doubt it's over the top in the goings-on of the high school in Boston, but the characters feel so believable to me that I can forgive the stuff that goes on. I think the personalities of every teacher really come through, and I think the acting was very good as well.

It's a shame, because I remember during the end of the first season I thought that FOX had a big hit on their hands. I thought BP would be around for a while and would remain at a high level. And then the second season came. Yikes, the believability of the characters went out the window. It turned into a circus which was the problem. Hook lady anyone? While some situations got out of control in the first season, I never thought they overtook the feel of the show. I stopped watching a few episodes into the third season. Did I miss anything with any certain character?

For the fourth season, I plan to give it another try. I know it'll probably be the last season for the show--seeing as how it's on Fridays. It's too bad. They had some really great performances on the show, and I think Chi McBride should have been nominated for an Emmy after the first year.

Other thoughts on the first season looking back? And, why do you think the season took such a HUGE dive in quality from season 1 to season 2 and even further into the crap hole for season 3?

Jason Seaver

Senior HTF Member
Jun 30, 1997
Well, I actually think Season 3 was a good bounce-back year. I think David Kelley may have been overworked during the second year - wasn't he still trying to be highly involved in Boston Public, Ally McBeal, and The Practice while also launching Snoops? Anyway, last year Kelley was pretty hands-off (I believe Jason Katims was the show-runner), and the cast had finally reached equilibrium (I'll say it: Jeri Ryan was an upgrade over Jessalyn Gisling).

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