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Please help with setup issues on a Marantz SR5200 (1 Viewer)


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 1, 2002
Well, I am hoping this is just a setup issue and not what I suspect is the real culprit.

My front left channel is not putting out much volume compared to the rest of the speakers.

Just a bit of background info, this receiver was purchased from www.Ac4l.com as a factory refurb. When it came in it didn't power up at all. Sent it back, they replaced some stuff. Came back, left front has no output at all. Sent it back, got it in and worked great... until now.

I am sure it was working as of a week ago. Today I put in a CD and was noticing a overpowering right channel. Just to make sure it wasn't that CD (which I listen to often, and know deep down it wasn't the CD) I put in another CD. Same result. Switch from CD to TV, same thing. Put in a DVD, same thing. Played the setup white noise and am getting very little audible output from the left front. All the other channels are working fine.

Is there anything that I can do to check that it is infact the reciever channel failing? Is there any thing to check as far as the speaker is concerned, or wiring, ect?

I have a DMM, so I can check for voltage and what not. Please help me, oh HT gurus (stereophiles are welcome too :) )


Stunt Coordinator
Jul 1, 2002
After going through the setup menus, I have been able to get a somewhat balanced volume output... however, this is by boosting the left channel by 10dB and lowering the center and right by 2dB.

I am not an expert, but something tells me this isn't the way it should be. The speakers are on identical stands no more than 10ft from the listening position. Nothing obstructing the sound. center channel is on the TV, not 6" higher than the tops of the other speakers.

Donnie Eldridge

Supporting Actor
Jan 3, 2001
I wouldn't put up with them repairing the unit. I would demand another for all the trouble you've already had.

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